The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 227: He probably likes you

   Chapter 227 He is likely to like you

   Shirin was sitting in the huge conference room, and there was a noisy auditorium just across the wall.

   He Xinyan arranged him here ten minutes ago, saying that she still has something to do, and then she disappeared.

   Shen Jinzhou yawned lazily, "Fourth Young Master, Miss Xinyan said that if she can't wait to go first, she may still be busy."

   After all, there will be a video conference tomorrow morning, so you need to get up early.

   Shi Rin put one hand on the conference table, revealing the snow-white wrist bones and the blood-red lobular rosewood gall bracelet, with a calm and gentle expression.

   "At least wait to say goodbye to her in person... and it's not safe for her to go back alone at such a late hour."

   Shen Jinzhou nodded, he just mentioned it casually, and he had long expected the answer.

   But He Xinyan was really bold, and actually left the four young people here alone.

   Probably after giving away those shares, the two sides established a cooperative relationship, and her attitude towards Shi Rin became more casual.

   is no longer as respectful as before, but this may be right for the four young masters, after all, it is indeed quite maddening to keep a distance.

  Shi Rin listened to the movement outside and chuckled, "But she did leave me out for a long time."

   He knew that He Xinyan was dealing with the stars and the classmates.

  A lot of people are taking pictures together. After taking a big group photo, I hope to have a separate small group photo.

   Obviously we can meet every day, and I don’t know why there are so many things to say and so many photos to take.

  Shi the housekeeper said with a smile, "It's not too long, it's only ten minutes."

   Shirin corrected: "It's not ten minutes, it's a whole night."

   How long does it take to perform on stage, but He Xinyan has been staying in the backstage to accompany the male stars, and she didn't even have time to run to the audience and sit for a while.

  ... The key is to still smile so kindly to that Lu Sichuan.

   Shi's housekeeper: "...Miss Xinyan is busy, Master, please take more care."

   A few minutes passed before He Xinyan hurriedly appeared at the door of the conference room.

   "Fourth Young Master, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, let's go now, I'll take you out."

  Shi Lin looked up at He Xinyan and said calmly, "It's not too long, you don't have to run too fast because you're in a hurry."

  Shen Jinzhou: "..."

   He was able to see what a double standard is.

  I never imagined that you are such a four young master!

  He Xinyan is actually very guilty. After all, she invited others to the school celebration party, but she has not had time to receive it.

   "Fourth Young Master, don't you feel noisy and boring? I'm sorry."

   She knows that Shi Rin likes quietness and doesn't like noise. Even if she enjoys music, she will only go to the city concert hall to listen to concerts, or go to the theater to watch plays.

  He Xinyan did not expect that the other party did not leave the stage halfway, but insisted on watching the whole process.

   "No, it's a very novel experience." Shi Rin commented that it was sincere. Sitting in a noisy crowd, for the first time, he felt that it was okay and not too noisy.

   Probably because I had expectations in my heart, thinking about seeing her radiant on the stage, it seems that everything can be endured.

   After a pause, he continued, "And you and your classmates also presented me with a super high-level stage."

   He heard it. The staff of the TV station also communicated with the school, saying that they wanted to invite them to the Spring Festival Gala in the listing. It doesn't matter if there is no Lu Sichuan. This was originally the work of the students themselves.

   shows how good they are.

  Qiaoyu Bridge came over and said hello, "Xinyan, my dad is driving, just waiting for you."

   They walked to the door, and Father Qiao had already driven the car over.

  Shi Rin stopped, "Okay, get in the car, and rest early in the evening."

  He Xinyan originally planned to send him off, but he didn't expect him to send him over instead. After thinking about it, he said, "Then I'll go first, you can rest early, goodbye."

   Looking at the back of the man leaving, Mother Qiao hesitated for a while, "Xinyan, is that the young boss from the Imperial Capital family? You seem to have a good relationship."

  As a woman and an elder, she sees it more delicately, and has a vague guess in her heart.

   If it was before, she might not have said it, or would have been happy to see it happen.

   But after going through the terrible marriage of Qiao Yuqiao and the Ling family, and the madness of the Gao family's daughter-in-law today, she had to be more careful.

   "Your character has always been stable, but if you're really still a child, you may not understand. A man of his age and aristocratic family would not come to any school celebration party if he hadn't made plans."

  He Xinyan was stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously, "Impossible, I don't have anything he can conspire with..."

  Mother Qiao: "Then let me tell you, he probably likes you."

  He Xinyan: "..."

  She widened her eyes in shock, and her expression was a little confused.

Mother Qiao sighed, reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry about this kind of thing, others like us, it can only show that we are really good. The person who should be worried should be the other party. Yes, we have a clear conscience and we will do as we should."

  He Xinyan couldn't recover for a long time.

   She has always known that she is beautiful and excellent. It may be normal for her peers to like her, but Shi Rin?

  He Xinyan never believed in unprovoked liking. Ling Xuan approached her because of Lin Yunxian; Jin Bo said that she wanted to marry her because of revenge on He Yuye.

   Even if He Chenxiao confessed inexplicably, it was mostly because he wanted to stop her from seducing Shi Rin.

   Why do people who are like the cool breeze and bright moon like themselves? !

  He Xinyan couldn't figure it out, she even wanted to drink water to suppress her shock.


   The next day was the weekend, but He Xinyan didn't worry about it for long, and was dragged by Qiaoyu Bridge to eat melons the next day.

   It turned out that Yongxing High School's school celebration party was a complete explosion on the school forum, and the Internet was also a little popular.

   The reason is that someone broke the news online, saying that Dingliu Lingxuan was invited by his alma mater to participate in the 70th anniversary celebration party of his alma mater.

  This itinerary can only be said to be average, and it doesn't seem to be helpful to his career, but it is a good opportunity to clean up his image for Ling Xuan, whose image has been damaged recently.

  Many marketing accounts were also forwarded, and fans poured in to praise it, and it became a hot search that night.

   It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that there were gradually voices of doubt.

  Because many marketing accounts praised Ling Xuan for not forgetting his roots and always cherishing gratitude, he also stepped on other people in tea.

  Many people are unhappy, why is your family "it's hard to have such a pure heart in this world of impetuous desires", and other people's family is "become complacent", "playing big names" and "profit-seeking"?

   This wave of marketing is really good for passers-by, but many people speak rationally, but they just ridicule that the marketing copy contains a lot of tea.

   At this moment, the hot search was suddenly removed.

   Netizens don't have much opinion. If you remove them, you will remove them. These days, celebrities are marketing themselves every day. The entertainment list is updated and iterated quickly, and there are always new hot spots for everyone to entertain.

   But Ling Xuan's fans were completely blown away!

   (end of this chapter)

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