The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 225: The students do not know the goods

   Chapter 225 The classmates don't know the goods

   The two girls looked at each other quickly, and then asked, "Do you have Lu Sichuan's signature?"

   He Yuye was stunned.

   The two girls shrugged, "It doesn't matter if we don't have it, we'll just go find him and ask for it ourselves, thank you!"

After    finished speaking, he went straight past the group of people and walked directly inside, without even looking at Ling Xuan during the process.

   He Yuye didn't know them very well. After all, they were freshmen in high school, and they were still new faces, but they knew He Yuye.

  The two originally had a good impression of Ling Xuan. After all, they were seniors of Yongxing High School and were looking forward to Ling Xuan's performance.

   They joined the student union and just took on the logistics of this school celebration party. Naturally, they knew what the staff of Lingxuan's team looked like.

   can not simply be said to be disappointed, it is simply three views shattered to the ground.

   The other party despised them, and they were not interested in going up to support other people's stinky feet.

   is of course how far away it is, and it is best not to have any relationship.


  Ling Xuan suddenly pushed aside the bodyguards in front of him, and followed the two girls a few steps inside.

   Then he saw Lu Sichuan, Tang Zheng, and Fu Ran.

   These people should not be here.

   But not only did they appear, but they were also talking around He Xinyan, laughing and smiling, and the atmosphere was very good.

   Occasionally someone came to ask for an autograph, and they never refused.

   There is no need for people to maintain order at the scene. Those who want to sign are voluntarily queuing up, and they leave voluntarily when they get their signatures.

  Ling Xuan's pupils clenched, and he couldn't help but stop the person beside him and ask, "Did Lu Sichuan and He Xinyan perform a show just now?"

   "Yeah, didn't you see it?" The girl replied without raising her head, "Everyone in the audience was so excited just now, Yan Shen is too good, Lu Sichuan's live stage is really amazing..."

  Ling Xuan's face was still so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out before he took the stage.

   He Yuye was also frequently distracted and out of state.

   It was not until the host announced that He Yuye woke up suddenly. Now is not the time to be distracted, she must show the best effect on this stage.

   must not be compared by anyone, after all, I have spent a lot of sweat to practice.

   The melody of the song "Cool Cicada" is very beautiful and classic. Coupled with the original singer of Ling Xuan, many people are looking forward to it.

   No matter how amazing others sing, many people are preconceived. They naturally have a white moonlight filter on Ling Xuan's original singing. They feel that there is no need to step on the original singing.

  More people don't even surf the Internet very much. They didn't pay attention to the gossip not long ago. They only saw Ling Xuan's "Cicada" on the program list, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

   However, when the song was halfway through, many people frowned and felt that the level of the stage had dropped a bit seriously.

  Ling Xuan and He Yuye can't say that they have a good heart, they have no tacit understanding.

   Both of them seem to be eager to express themselves. They don't have the slightest sense of CP on the "King of Singers" program group, and their singing voices can't be integrated into each other.

   And this adaptation is really ordinary, the arrangement is very beautiful, but it feels like a drool song, without the high-level sense of the original.

   With Lu Sichuan and He Xinyan's stage pearls in front, this stage is really disappointing.

   Until the end of the show, everyone applauded and it was finally over.


   After He Zixiao finished recording the video, Lin Yunshu urged, "Hurry up and show it to me."

   She came to the school celebration party today purely to cheer on her precious daughter, but she was not interested in watching any party.

  After the party started, she went out to socialize and showed off her precious daughter in front of the parents.

   It wasn't until He Yuye's show started that she sat down to watch it.

During the    period, He Zixiao was also instructed to record a video, so she would like to post it on the Moments.

  Lin Yunshu said while flipping through the video, "Dad, are you tired? If you are tired, I will ask the driver to take you back first."

   She doesn't really want to leave yet. Today, her jade leaves are so good, and they have earned her face. Of course, she will stay and continue to show off and enjoy the highlights.

   And Yongxing High School also set up a live voting session. Her jade leaves are so excellent and Ling Xuan is so popular, she will definitely win the most popular award!

   Accidentally swiped his finger to the next video, and after seeing who was in it, Lin Yunshu's face darkened, really bad luck!

   She quickly deleted the video and didn't want to watch it at a glance.

   "Mom, why are you like this!" He Zixiao was anxious.

  Lin Yunshu didn't care: "What are you doing with her video, don't you think it's not shameful enough? Wait a minute, did you vote for Yu Ye in your vote?"

  He Zixiao silently took back the phone: "... voted."

   In fact, what is the impact of whether you vote or not? The competition on this stage is ultimately about strength.

   The class group he belongs to has almost been maxed out. The fairy stage of Lu Sichuan and He Xinyan is repeatedly mentioned, while the names of Ling Xuan and He Yuye rarely appear.

   The results were completely predictable, but the He family still seemed to have unrealistic dreams.

  He Zixiao put his mobile phone in his pocket, and Lin Yunshu deleted the video thoroughly, but he knew that there must be someone in the class group sharing the video.

   If it doesn't work, the school will burn a CD and give it to the cast and crew, and he can always get the third sister's video.


   Mr. He did not go back, but stayed, and probably wanted to wait and see the result.

   In fact, not many people left, and many students and parents stayed until the end.

  School statistics are also very fast, and soon the voting situation is displayed on the big screen.

  The program of Class 1 of Senior Year 3 received a very high number of votes, dropped a lot from the second place, and the fault won the first place.

   And the program of Ling Xuan and He Yuye, the third class of senior three, only won the fourth place, and the number of votes was even a fraction of the first place.

  Backstage, He Yuye looked at the voting results, his breath stagnant.

   She took two steps back, her mind was messed up, she didn't understand what went wrong and how it could be like this.

   Could it be that when they didn't come down, all the previous shows went to canvass for votes? Or do those shows have a head start?

   Obviously he can sing not bad, and he has played his best strength, even better than when he was on "The King of Songs".

   The monitor of the third class, Cheng Jiaxing, comforted her: "Yuye, don't blame you, you are the best in my eyes."

  The irritable Zhou Hao wanted to curse, "Who else do you want to blame, just keep your mouth shut for me if you can't speak!"

Brother Qian has already bought the manuscript, and I want to promote Ling Xuan's obligation to participate in the school celebration party of his alma mater. The starting point is that Ling Xuan and He Yuye reproduce the fairy stage of "Cicada", gain super popularity, and conquer the younger brothers and sisters of his alma mater. Take the most popular award.

   Okay, there is no most popular award, and there is no hard money on the face.

   This boy is also talking slander, which is really bad.

  Cheng Jiaxing was a little panicked, "I'm not blaming Senior Ling Xuan, I just think that the schoolmates don't know the goods and their appreciation level can't keep up."

   (end of this chapter)

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