The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 216: Hello everyone, this is He Xinyan's friend Lu Sichuan

   Chapter 216 Hello everyone, I'm He Xinyan's friend Lu Sichuan

   Who hasn't issued a lawyer's letter these days? Their studio likes to send others a lawyer's letter, but very few actually file a lawsuit.

   Who to scare when they are big? Of course, ignore it directly.

   Not only that, Brother Qian also asked the studio to send a lawyer's letter, claiming to hold He Xinyan responsible for the unauthorized cover.

   He didn't even mention this to Ling Xuan. Recently, the sales of the new album have suffered from Waterloo. Ling Xuan is not in a good mood and doesn't really want to hear He Xinyan's name.

   Now He Xinyan's complaint has been sent here... Brother Qian realized that something was a big deal.

"She doesn't have any evidence, or she can't file a case." Brother Qian frowned, and reconfirmed it out of caution, "You wrote this song with Lin Yunxian, and with He Xinyan. Totally irrelevant, right?"

  Ling Xuan's voice was a little cold: "I am very sure that this song was made by me and Lin Yunxian, and has nothing to do with He Xinyan."

   He didn't expect that He Xinyan would dare to say that this song was created by her alone.

   Is she out of her mind? It's getting more and more crazy, and he can't stand it anymore.

  Brother Qian: "Then maybe she made all these messes because she was published online earlier than you, in an attempt to attract publicity and attract attention and traffic."

   There are a lot of people who are popular and right and wrong. In order to gain popularity and traffic, what is the bottom line for those people.

  Ling Xuan: "I will give you my original manuscript and some evidence recorded in the computer."

   When things got to this point, he didn't need to care about his old feelings.

   Brother Qian calmed down and said with a smile, "That's great, I can fight back against those rumors this time. Okay, you can prepare for the stage tonight, and leave the matter here to me."


   When He Xinyan found Lu Sichuan, the other party was sitting in the large dressing room of the school, communicating with the makeup artist about the makeup effect.

   He wears a mask, covering most of his face, and he also wears flat-rimmed glasses. He dresses casually. Even if those deep eyes are handsome, they only attract a simple glance.

  Lin Xuxu hesitated for a while, then hesitantly said, "Handsome guy, are you a TV station staff member? But your eyes are really good-looking, a bit like Lu Sichuan."

  The makeup artist held back for a long time, and then said in a hurry, "I also think his eyes look like Lu Sichuan, but are you actually a TV station staff member? I don't think I have seen you."

  Lu Sichuan smiled gently: "No, I'm also here to wait for makeup."

   The makeup artist's exploratory gaze suddenly retracted, maybe she was thinking too much.

   How could a big star come and wait with the students to wait for a few makeup assistants to do their makeup. Just kidding, they have a professional team.

   Another star who came today brought four bodyguards, an assistant, a makeup artist, and a stylist. They were very big, and the school even arranged a whole floor for him alone.

   Their chief makeup artist also took the initiative to invite Ying to serve others, and handed over the task of putting makeup on students to their assistants.

   "Then you know a lot." The makeup artist said with a smile, "Aesthetic is also online, which has helped me a lot."

He Xinyan stood for a while, thought about it, and walked forward, first nodded silently to Lu Sichuan, and then said to the kind makeup artist, "Sister, can you come out with us? We want to unify our makeup, find a In a quiet place, you can see the effect while melting.”

  The makeup artist hesitated for a moment: "Where to go? But I'm afraid it's not in line with the rules. I have to talk to our leader, or you can agree with the person in charge of makeup."

   This is totally fine! The student union of this school celebration party is the logistics, and the person who does the makeup is just Bai Yulan.

  Lin slowly shouted Bai Yulan, and the other party quickly ran over.

   "Okay, go ahead and trouble you." Bai Yulan finished speaking to the makeup artist, then smiled and looked at He Xinyan, "Idol, I'll be waiting to see your performance."

  The makeup artist was busy packing up the makeup box and followed He Xinyan out.

  Fu Yuhuan and others also immediately crowded up, Lin Xuxu shrugged, too lazy to fight for a position.

   A low and melodious male voice came from above his head, "Is she always so popular in school?"

  Lin Xuxu: "Of course, that's He Xinyan, can you be unpopular? By the way, who are you?"

   She turned her head to look at the man with her at the back of the crowd, and glanced at the eyebrows behind the other's glasses.

   The other party was sitting and didn't notice it just now, but now I can see that this man is really tall, thin and tall...

  The expression on Lin Xuxu's face stiffened slightly, right?

   guessed that she had already seen the clue, the man looked down at her, the deep eyes behind the flat-frame glasses curled up with a smile, he raised his slender white fingers, pressed his lips to make a secret gesture.

  Lin Xuxu's heart jumped wildly in an instant, God really!

  No, she had to slow down, the impact was too great, she quickly turned her head back and looked straight ahead, not daring to look at the people around her.

   There were people coming and going along the way, and many people rushed up to say hello to He Xinyan.

   There are also parents of students.

   Many people would also say hello to Lin Xuxu by the way, and occasionally there were surprised and curious eyes on the man next to him, but they quickly turned around.

  Lin Xuxu also heard those people talking about Ling Xuan, saying that the real person is very handsome and kind, and he is really willing to perform at the school celebration.

   There are still people worried that He Xinyan will lose the bet, after all, Lu Sichuan has not even seen a shadow.

  Lin Xuxu walked over without looking sideways, thinking that you fake fans are too embarrassed to play other people's songs in the headphones.


  He Xinyan has been bringing people to the principal's conference room.

   Seeing her take out the key to open the door, everyone couldn't stand up. Didn't you even borrow the principal's meeting room?

  He Xinyan explained: "It's relatively quiet here, and no one disturbs it."

   Ordinary students and teachers basically do not come here, after all, the principal is naturally deterrent.

   A group of people walked in, feeling up and down.

  Qiaoyuqiao and Xu Jingyang brought in a few boys with desserts and drinks, and they didn't see it at all.

   "Brother, let's let." Seeing the tall man standing at the door, Xu Jingyang couldn't help reminding him.

   The little four eyes at the same table silently glanced at the tall man, took a deep breath, took two steps back and crashed into Xu Jingyang's arms, "Xu Shao, hurry up and pinch me!"

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

  Young Master, he just wants to pinch people now, and doesn't want to pinch people!

  Xiao Si raised his fingers with trembling eyes: "Lu Sichuan, the living Lu Sichuan!"

  Lu Sichuan took off his glasses and mask, and greeted everyone with a smile on his face, "Hello everyone, I'm Lu Sichuan, He Xinyan's friend, nice to meet you all."

  He Xinyan quickly closed the door of the conference room before the group of people screamed.

   screams followed one after another.

   Fortunately, everyone was very restrained, and after shouting twice to vent their emotions, they quickly calmed down.

  Xu Jingyang looked up at the man in front of him. Well, he admitted that the other party was really handsome, and he had the warm atmosphere of the years.

   is many times better than that man named Ling Xuan.

   (end of this chapter)

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