The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 215: She actually sued you and the company

   Chapter 215 She actually sued you and the company

  The man looked at He Yuye with interest, and said something with a smile.

   The expression on He Yuye's face froze slightly, she didn't quite understand, "Can you say it again?"

   The interest on the man's face suddenly changed, but he repeated it, and then shrugged.

   The smile on He Yuye's face could hardly be hung up. She seemed to understand what the man said, but she didn't seem to understand. The whole person was in a state of confusion.

   "Forget it if you don't, I was just joking." The man smiled and switched back to English. Now He Yuye understood, but he felt it was better not to understand.

   "I heard before that your school implements bilingual teaching, and the French class is very popular. I just wanted to try to communicate in French with this classmate. It doesn't matter if you don't, I can ask again in English."

  The man shrugged, a little disappointed, "I just spoke Canadian French, obviously you are learning French French, so it's normal that you don't understand."

  French French and Canadian French are the two major branches of French in the world, and there is a big difference between them - something French teachers once mentioned in class.

  He Yuye then remembered that the classmate who was in charge of communicating with this foreign guest was also in the French class...

   It was impossible for the other party not to hear that the foreigner was not speaking a normal French language, but he did not remind her.

   She felt a little resentment in her heart, frowning and thinking about how to deal with this situation.

   At this moment, a voice interjected, pure Faying with a beautiful rhythm, articulation is clear and smooth.

  The man looked up in surprise, let out a pleasant laugh from his throat, quickly replied again, and even walked over to talk to the other party.

  He Yuye raised his head and looked at He Xinyan absentmindedly, feeling a little empty in his heart.

  Why does He Xinyan speak Canadian French? How is this possible, she has never even taken the French class at school!

   Could it be that Lin Yunshu lied to her again, what has never been learned by He Xinyan, is it possible that He Xinyan can still know it?

  He Yuye's eyes turned red, and he quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down, not wanting to lose his temper on such an important occasion.


   He Xinyan and the man quickly ended the conversation.

  The visit is not over yet, they have to go to the next venue, so they can't waste too much time.

  Xi Yue gave He Xinyan an admiring look. She can speak a little Canadian French, but she is definitely not as fluent as He Xinyan. This girl is really a treasure, and she is constantly pleasantly surprised.

   She glanced at the director of publicity and said meaningfully: "We are a school after all, there is no need to worship the star effect too much, right? I think all our students are excellent."

   Director of Propaganda: "...You are right."

   Before, he thought that He Xinyan would not know what to do, but as a result, He Yuye, who was entrusted with the important task, lost face by being clever, but He Xinyan saved the school's face.

   But this is just a little episode, it's nothing, he thought that Ling Xuan would make an appearance, and couldn't help but look forward to the evening party.


  He Yuye is also looking forward to the evening. She has practiced with Ling Xuan many times to ensure that the quality of the stage this time is definitely the level that can be broadcast on TV.

  Ling Xuan came here this time and brought his royal makeup artist and stylist, and also borrowed the G's haute couture dress for her.

   "You are too exaggerated. I feel like I can walk the red carpet wearing this dress." He Yuye said with a smile.

  Ling Xuan didn't speak, instead Zhou Hao, his assistant, said with a smile, "We Xuanbao must do our best no matter what we do."

   He glanced at the students who were queuing up in the corridor downstairs and waiting for makeup, while practicing jumping twice, with a bit of contempt on his face.

   "Your program level doesn't seem to be very good. I thought that if you hired a TV station and a professional team, you would not look like a grass-roots team. It seems that I think too much."

   He Yuye pursed his lower lip and did not refute him.

   The other party is right, how can the quality and standard of high school evening parties be so high?

   She knows that her classmates work hard, but some things don't take hard work.

  Ling Xuan frowned, "Zhou Hao!"

   Zhou Hao: "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I just wanted to say, Yu Ye, you will definitely become the most watched person in your school tonight!"

   He Yuye pursed his lower lip, "I didn't think about it that much, I just wanted to satisfy the wishes of my classmates to see Brother Ling Xuan."

   Zhou Hao disagreed: "You can't think that way, you and Xuan Bao are both the protagonists today! You need to be in the spotlight and the stars are shining! Not just any cat or dog can touch porcelain."

   He didn't want to say it at first, but when he thought of a fan of Ling Xuan breaking the news, he was very angry!

   It was too much for the other party to squeeze He Yuye, and he even forcibly touched Ci Lingxuan, threatening to invite Lu Sichuan over.

   Who didn't know that Ling Xuan's limelight was stolen by Lu Sichuan about the new album not long ago. It was like deliberately humiliating Ling Xuan.

   Originally, Brother Qian did not agree to accept this invitation. Ling Xuan's business offer was high, and acting for free was simply doing charity.

  But after receiving the news from fans, you have to go. No matter what, you have to fight and let everyone see who is worthy of being fans.

  Brother Qian has already bought a hot search on Weibo, and this wave can give Ling Xuan a good marketing of "favorite fans", "humility", "always grateful" and other positive characters.

   So as not to be always held by the sunspots about the high salary and the sky-high food and beverage expenses.

  ...Maybe it can also drive a wave of album sales.

   "Stop talking about others." Ling Xuan looked indifferent, "We can just focus on being ourselves."

   His cell phone rang, Ling Xuan was putting on makeup and it was inconvenient to connect, Zhou Hao saw that Brother Qian was calling, and he hurriedly picked it up.

   A minute later, Zhou Hao walked back with a shocked and angry expression on his face. This time, he didn't even have the nickname of Cat and Dog.

   "Is this He Xinyan sick? Damn this bitch, she actually sued you and the company!"


  He Xinyan said thank you calmly when she received Shen Jinzhou's call.

The copy of the    indictment has been delivered to Lingxuan's studio. Only then did they realize that she was genuine, and finally they were willing to contact Shen Jinzhou.

   Actually, Shen Jinzhou had sent a lawyer's letter long before that, but no one paid any attention.

   He Xinyan guessed that Ling Xuan himself may not have seen it, his agent Qian brother is very good, he thinks that the things that are not important, let the people below directly deal with them.

   The other party finally wanted to have a good talk now, but He Xinyan didn't want to talk to that side, so Shen Jinzhou refused all of them.

   She put away her phone and walked upstairs quickly.

   A big star arrived early, and to avoid confusion, she had to find someone quickly.


   Brother Qian was in a hurry, he really didn't expect that the other party would actually dare to sue them.

In fact, the assistant told him about the    lawyer's letter. He listened to it and thought it was very absurd, and immediately concluded that the other party wanted to touch porcelain.

   The song "Liang Chan" was indeed written by the two of them together. At the beginning, only Ling Xuan's name was written, and the other creator had no opinion on it.

   On the contrary, He Xinyan, who was nothing at all, dared to go up, made it clear that he knew the truth, and wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail them.

   (end of this chapter)

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