The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 217: Blow up, I'm a new songwriter

   Chapter 217 Self-destruction, I am a new songwriter

  He Xinyan looked at Lu Sichuan, "I didn't expect you to run in directly and startle me."

  People: "..."

  No no no, Yan Shen was not surprised by you, but by the two of us!

   Everyone turned their attention to He Xinyan for a while, and Lu Sichuan for a while, not knowing who to envy.

  Lu Sichuan smiled, "It's very convenient for me to come in alone. Didn't you give me the pass code? The security office will let me go after scanning it, which is very convenient."

   Fu Yuhuan, who had just communicated with Lu Sichuan about makeup, blushed, and Little Pepper became a little lady.

   "Well, how did you know about us?"

Lu Sichuan turned his head to look at her, "I've seen your dancing video, which Xinyan sent to me. Your choreography is really good. My professional dance teacher said it's very spiritual. I practiced it in private. For a long time, I look forward to reuniting with you soon."

  He Xinyan: "This is no problem. The sofa here can be removed. Let's reunite here later, and then go to the stage to step on the stage in advance."

   She took this into consideration when she borrowed the principal's conference room.

  Lin Xuxu raised his hand: "I have a question, how did you and He Xinyan meet?"

  Everyone put their eyes on it, and they were also very curious!

  Lu Sichuan smiled and looked into her eyes: "You are so smart, you must have guessed it, right?"

  Lin shrugged slowly, she did guess it, not only she guessed it, but Qiao Yuqiao, Fu Yuhuan and other girls also guessed it.

  The only people outside the situation are Xu Jingyang and a few boys. He doesn't understand what charades these two are playing. He is just curious and scratching his lungs!

  He Xinyan took the initiative to say: "Actually it's nothing, I just wrote two songs, he just bought them. I'm Xinxin writing songs."

  Xu Jingyang almost doubted his ears, what kind of thing, Xin Xin writing songs?

   Who is that?

   Xu Shao, who ate the melon but didn't eat it all, completely forgot the name, and after a moment of daze, he found the name from the playlist on his mobile phone.

   He was so shocked that all the melons fell out, he said who this immortal newcomer was, and it turned out to be He Xinyan!

  Lu Sichuan: "So why is it called Xinxin to write songs?" He was a little curious, after all, He Xinyan didn't use this pseudonym when he first submitted the manuscript.

  He Xinyan: "Someone asked Fu Fu Ai to sing. When he asked me to sign it, I said Xinxin would write a song."

   "Why not call Xinxinai to write songs?" Someone wondered.

  He Xinyan said calmly, "Because I don't like writing songs very much."

  The first opportunity to write "Cicada" was just because Lin Yunxian gave her such a homework that she had to complete.

   Later, this song was taken away by Ling Xuan inexplicably, and the other party didn't even give him an explanation.

  Lin Yunxian also kept stopping her, saying that she didn't want them to quarrel, and that young friendship was so precious that she couldn't be mercenary.

   Later, when she told the truth, she was attacked by Ling Xuan's fans online, and some people forced her to write songs in front of everyone to prove herself...

   After that, she didn't like writing songs very much. After all, the memory is too painful, and the flower of inspiration will wither.

  The scene was quiet, and Lin Xuxu, Qiao Yuqiao and Lu Sichuan all looked at her in surprise.

  Xu Jingyang was stunned for a moment, his face full of disbelief, "Damn, you can write so well if you don't like to write songs, so what if you like to write songs?"

  Master, he was a little flustered and wanted to shut himself up.

   Originally, he felt that the gap between the two was a bit big, but now it's alright, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

   I don't know if he is going to learn to sing and dance now, or that it's too late to learn to act. In case He Xinyan wants to play in the entertainment industry, she doesn't have the talent she can match.

  He Xinyan turned her head to the makeup artist who had been stiff for a long time and said, "Sister, I will trouble you with his makeup. Also, please help keep what we said just now confidential."

   Makeup artist: "Okay, okay."

  Trembling hands, excited hearts! She actually had the opportunity to put makeup on Lu Sichuan, and she would envy everyone to death!

   But she is really convinced, who would have thought that a big star would be so casual? He went straight to the big dressing room.

I really had **** luck. Everyone ran out to see Ling Xuan. She was a step slower. She was stopped by a student and asked if she could start wearing makeup. It is the program group that Lu Sichuan is in.

   What made her even more excited was that she accidentally ate a huge melon.

   Are all high school students so good now? Sometimes the gap between people is so big that it seems to span species.


  Xu Jingyang walked aside and sent Yu Han a WeChat message: [Brother, why did Lu Sichuan reject you? 】

  Yuhan: [He has a very important schedule, and Tang Zheng is with him. Sorry for not being able to help you. 】

  Xu Jingyang thought about it for a while, raised Erlang's legs, turned on his voice and replied, "Oh, it's okay, you didn't need your help in the first place. After all, cousin, you are not omnipotent."

   But Yan Shen can always do what he says, and can do anything.

   On the other side, Yu Han, who had just walked into Yongxing High School through the gate, frowned.

  Why did he feel that his cousin's tone was so weird?

   But I should be able to see that He Xinyan today.

   That day, after his meal, he went one step behind his cousin to pick up the things that had fallen. As a result, when he was about to enter the elevator, he saw two young people.

   One of them had a prolapsed jaw, drooling at the corners of his mouth, and his arms also fell off naturally.

   He Xinyan's name was mentioned between the two of them. He couldn't help but find someone to understand the situation. Only then did he realize that these were actually the handwriting of that He Xinyan.

  Yu Han sighed softly, he didn't want to speculate on a little girl with malice, but the other party was so violent, he couldn't help worrying about his cousin's safety.

   So when he met the young master of the Lu family, he couldn't help but ask, "He Xinyan from your class, does she still have serious violent tendencies?"

   After a pause, he added, "That is, besides what you said, does she still beat people often? Like a little sister?"

  In this case, the influence is very bad.

   Lu Qilin's face was slightly stiff, and before he could speak, there was a sneer next to him.

   Shi's housekeeper said angrily: "Our Miss Xinyan is a good girl who abides by the law, please don't talk nonsense!"

  Two big men speak ill of other people's little girls behind their backs, what's the matter?

  Fortunately, he and the young master were here, and he was really **** off. It turned out that there were still male classmates chattering behind their backs.

   He knew the young master of the Lu family, and he had also heard of this gentle and elegant young master of the Yu family.

   These two are obviously from a good family background, well-educated, well-known for their upbringing and etiquette, so is it just a show?

   When the housekeeper had a low status, it was difficult to reprimand the two, so he had to look at his young master for help.

   Shi Lin's expression was slightly cold: "The upbringing of the Yu family and the Lu family is really uncomplimentable."

   (end of this chapter)

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