The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 214: this gentleman, glad to serve you

   Chapter 214 This gentleman, glad to serve you

  The whole Yongxing High School was very lively on the school day.

   In the morning, the flag-raising ceremony and the review of the honor guard, the principal delivered a speech; after that, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the newly built bow and arrow hall and other activities...

  These activities are mainly visits by school leaders, directors and some important guests, accompanied by student representatives appointed by the school's publicity department.

  He Xinyan was about to leave after attending the flag-raising ceremony, but was stopped unexpectedly.

On such an important occasion as   , the main recipients were members of the school board of directors, and Xi Yue was also there. Seeing that there was no He Xinyan among the student representatives, someone came over to call her.

   The school's publicity director was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained: "It was my negligence. She is the first in the grade, and she should have been asked to accompany her."

   Negligence is not negligence. After all, no one stipulates that the first grade should be accompanied. The student representatives select students with excellent academic performance.

  He Xinyan is a thorn and dares to challenge the school. Who knows if she will deliberately cause trouble? What's more, this student is always in conflict with others, so he can't be said to be excellent in both character and study.

   Besides, there is also a French program on this visit. He Xinyan has not even taken French elective courses.

   And it's really not suitable. The representative of the sophomore student chose He Zixiao, and the third grader chose He Yuye. Both of them are from the He family.

  He Xinyan is the adopted daughter of the He family, and it would be too strange to be involved.

   But Director Yue wanted people to accompany him, so what else could he say?


  He Xinyan looked at the propaganda director who had been crowding in front of her, and was very speechless.

   She simply gave way to the side and was at the end.

   He Zixiao, who was talking with a guest, noticed that He Xinyan was lagging behind, and politely ended the conversation, watching the other party move forward with a smile, and then turned back and pulled He Xinyan.

   "Sanjie, why don't you leave?" He was a little happy and could accompany the distinguished guests to visit with Sanjie as outstanding student representatives.

  He Xinyan: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Hurry up and go forward."

  He Zixiao hesitated for a moment, "Alright then, hurry up, too. Grandpa will come to the school today to watch the ceremony. I think he will be very happy to see you among the student representatives."

   There were many guests this time, and there were four or five foreign guests, so there were six or seven student representatives.

   Even if He Xinyan deliberately slowed down to the end, she was still the most dazzling existence among the students.

   Many guests heard that she was the first in the grade, so they asked a few more questions with great interest, and only then did they know that the so-called first in the grade was not the ordinary first in the grade.

  The two monthly exams since the start of the school year are close to full marks each time.

   Even if there were voices of doubt before, now I have to completely shut down.

   With such a gap, there's no reason to be jealous, after all, reincarnation can't keep up.

The name   He Xinyan has long spread to other high schools in Donglin City, especially those of the same grade. After all, there are competitions between schools, and they compete silently in private.

A woman said with a smile on the spot: "My daughter is also the first year in their school. Every time her score fluctuates around 710, she still thinks she is doing well in the test every day. Only after I know you can I fully understand what it means to be a stranger. "

   She was a few steps behind, so she wanted to chat with He Xinyan a little more.

  He Xinyan said seriously: "Then she is really good. People who can score 700 points in the test must have talent as well as hard work."

  I once wasted my good talent and wasted many years.

  Effort has always been a compliment. He Xinyan's brain turns fast and learning is efficient, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't work hard.

   She gets up early every morning to urge herself to read in the morning, and in the evening, she will review the knowledge points of the day before going to bed.

   It's not that she doesn't step on the pit, but after stepping on the pit, she will do similar questions several times to understand the logic behind the question, and she will never step on the pit in the future.

  The current He Xinyan has spent dozens of times others' time to become omnipotent and impeccable little by little.

   She speaks so sincerely that anyone who listens to her carefully can feel it.

   In addition to the accident, I also felt that the little girl was really down-to-earth, without the slightest complacency and impetuousness. Coupled with her breathtakingly beautiful eyebrows, like the brilliance of the full moon, people are involuntarily attracted.

   A group of government leaders and directors involuntarily surrounded He Xinyan, and they asked any questions they encountered.

  He Xinyan knows everything and does not deliberately pile up rhetoric or show off anything, and the simple and unpretentious language is so beautiful.


   The propaganda director originally thought that He Yuye had been in a TV commercial after all, so it would be best for her to be the keynote speaker.

   Besides, Ling Xuan also participated in the school celebration as a well-known alumnus. As a star, he is born with celebrity effect, and it is also a good advertisement for Yongxing High School.

  Ling Xuan was invited by He Yuye to perform at the school celebration party tonight, which is even more worthy of publicity.

   He also gave He Yuye the manual in advance and asked him to memorize it.

  What happened, He Xinyan stole all the limelight as soon as he came?

   This is so irritating, this is not nonsense, this kind of grandstanding style of acting is unacceptable.

   He hurried forward and drew everyone's attention back, "This is our school's bow and arrow hall. He Yuye will explain in detail..."


  He Yuye pressed the messy thoughts in his heart and began to explain it seriously.

She has memorized all the contents of the    manual, and she has also practiced several times with people from the school's publicity department recently, and there will never be a problem.

   She didn't want to be disturbed by He Xinyan's little actions, what could the other party compare to her?

  Look at it, you are shining in a dazzling place, destined to be bright and beloved.

   He Xinyan can only be like a despicable sewer species, envious and jealous of herself, and occasionally make small moves, but it's just laughing and generous.

   After explaining a set of procedures, He Yuye smiled and waited for the guests to talk.

   When she heard someone speaking French, she looked up and saw the embarrassment on the face of the classmate who was in charge of the docking. She probably encountered difficulties, so she quickly raised her foot and walked over.

   "Sir, I'm happy to serve you, can I ask if you have any questions?"

  He Yuye speaks fluent French with pure pronunciation and is not plastic at all.

  French was learned with great effort.

   Others don't know, long before she went back to He's house, she saw that rich classmates would learn French and so on, so she took the course and learned a lot.

   After finding out that Yongxing High School has a special French class, she also signed up and did not miss a single class.

  Because it took less than half a year to have an easy conversation in French, the whole class was stunned for a while.

  He Yuye is confident that he can help the foreign guest answer his questions.

   The previous classmate looked at her in surprise, then closed her mouth and said nothing.

   (end of this chapter)

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