The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 213: I'm afraid they will blackmail you

   Chapter 213 I'm afraid they will blackmail you

  Shen Jinzhou shrugged, some people are true, he complained about the unpopularity of the domineering president a second ago, and the live tyrant will appear in front of him the next second.

   The key is that the other party is daring and wants to harass Miss Xinyan?

   It's really not wrong to be unloaded, and he should say that the other party should be beaten.

   Although Shen Jinzhou is a lawyer, he has never been a dogmatic person. When some idiots do not reason with you, of course there is no need to obey the rules.

   He admired He Xinyan at first, because when she followed the rules, she had a strong deterrent power and was not bound by the rules.

   But Shi Rin has been very dogmatic in the past two decades, and has carved gentleness and upbringing into his bones.

   Even though he looks a little alienated and indifferent, he actually has a very honest side in his personality.

   On the contrary, he recently fell through his glasses one after another, first by smashing the car window for He Xinyan, and then by unloading his arm.

   It was as if the gods had stepped down from the altar, and suddenly there was emotion and anger, and they would lose control like ordinary people.

   "What are you doing here, why don't you go down quickly?" Shen Jinzhou paused, "If it's too late, the very powerful doctor will leave, and you will have to suffer more."

   A group of men who couldn't close their mouths and drooled at each other looked at each other and decided to go downstairs.

  This man even dared to take off Jin Bai's arm, and Jin Yue didn't even dare to let go of a fart. The background was definitely not small, and they certainly didn't dare to offend him.

   Shen Jinzhou kindly helped this group of people press the elevator, and watched the elevator go down with a smile, thinking, let's go.

   That doctor is of course very powerful, so he was called by the Fourth Young Master to clean up the situation.

   That group of people will indeed recover quickly, without leaving any sequelae, avoiding the possibility of misrepresenting Miss Xinyan.

   But at the same time, during the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor, it was inevitable that there was no seriousness in his hands. If some people are specially cared for, suffer a lot, and suffer from pain again and again, it is also necessary for diagnosis.

   Everyone in the elevator: "…"

  Oh my God, this lawyer Shen smiled so kindly, but why is it so frustrating?


  He Xinyan finished removing the chins of six or seven men, and there was no psychological burden at all.

   She was actually a little surprised when she saw Shirin.

   What's even more surprising is that Shi Rin actually removed Jin Bai's arm and arranged for a doctor to wait for treatment below.

   "Actually, I have the measure to unload those people's chins. They will go to the hospital to pick them up and they will be fine."

  Shi Lin smiled and said, "Well, you are really cute and kind. But I'm afraid they will blackmail you. After all, some people have no moral values ​​at all and are still legal."

  He Xinyan: "'re right."

   She also didn't want to have anything to do with that group of people.


  Ms. Yang stopped her son who came back with a dark face, carefully looked at the expression on the other's face, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

  It doesn't matter if you are stained with alcohol, the important thing is that the front of your clothes is still full of water stains.

  My son, who usually pays great attention to appearance, is a little embarrassed today.

   Jin Yue sent Jin Bai to his house, he didn't dare to talk much at all, he wanted to leave after saying goodbye.

   "Come back!" Jin Bai said with a sullen face, "Come with me, I still have something to explain."

   Jin Yue: "…"

   He turned his attention to Ms. Yang, who nodded with a smile, Jin Yue had no choice but to walk in.

   As soon as he stepped into the study door, a book smashed over.

  Jin Bai: "Tell me, when did you get to know He Xinyan so well? Why did she let you go?"

   Jin Yue: "…"

   He guessed that He Xinyan was not out of kindness when he let him go! Several people in the same group were unlucky, but he was unscathed and properly became a target!

   This is not the case, Jin Bai immediately began to settle accounts.

   "I really don't know her very well!" Jin Yue felt too wronged, "Look at her appearance, will she be someone who is willing to pretend to be me?"

   This is the problem that Jin Bo doesn't understand. Jin Yue used to be very mean-spirited and looked down on He Xinyan in all kinds of ways.

   Today, Jin Yue actually doesn't hate He Xinyan, and he still takes the initiative to beg for mercy? What a hell!

  Jin Bai's cell phone suddenly rang, he picked it up and took a look, only to realize that He Yuye had sent him several WeChat messages before, and his concern was beyond words.

   Thinking of He Yuye's recent goodwill towards him, he felt very useful in his heart.

  The other party didn't say anything, and he was very considerate, gentle and generous, but the sadness that occasionally showed could not deceive people, she liked herself.

  Tonight, I was seen by many people with a mouth full of saliva... Jin Bo was so ashamed and angry, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

  If He Yuye was there, he would definitely not answer her call and accept her concern.

  But He Yuye avoided him without seeing anything, which was to save his face in front of her.

  Jin Bai stepped aside and answered the phone.


   When Jin Yue exited, he saw Ms. Yang who was standing outside the door. He was shocked and then calmed down quickly.

   "Great Aunt."

  Ms. Yang frowned slightly, "Can you tell me what this photo means?"

   Jin Yue glanced at the photo, and suddenly he was as big as a bucket, "There is a misunderstanding in this matter!"

  The angle of the photo shoot is full of atmosphere. The girl stands against the wall, showing her beautiful eyebrows and eyes halfway, while the man supports the wall with one hand, bows his head, and only shows the back of his head.

   The two seemed to be kissing each other.

   Jin Yue followed Ms. Yang to the terrace and sat down, thinking about how to speak.

   The two protagonists in the photo are He Xinyan and Jin Bai, and the corridor is also the corridor of the sky restaurant where we ate today. Against the magnificent background, there is full of sexual tension and a sense of beauty, as if shooting an idol drama.

   But if you know He Xinyan's identity as a high school student, and she does not meet the consumption level of the sky restaurant, you will not feel the beauty of the picture.

   Jin Yue didn't believe that He Xinyan would kiss Jin Bai, otherwise he would not be unloaded.

  Ms. Yang: "Tell me what I misunderstood? Isn't this my son sexually harassing high school students? He wasn't beaten today, right?"

   Jin Yue's eyes widened in astonishment, what's the matter with you, auntie, shouldn't you blame the bad woman for seducing your son?

  Ms. Yang poured the tea and handed it to him. She smiled and said, "That little girl doesn't look down on my son at all. He just wants to study. If Jin Bai messes up again, he will probably suffer."

   Jin Yue pressed down the messy thoughts in his heart, in front of this aunt, he never dared to hide it.

   "I suffered a lot... First my jaw was removed, and then my arm was removed by someone who had done justice. Finally, when I went to the doctor to reset it, I screamed in pain."

   He told the whole thing, after all, He Xinyan Meng's group, six or seven men are no match. He was afraid that Ms. Yang would find trouble with He Xinyan, but she would be killed instead.

  Ms. Yang was surprised, but she felt it was right.

   This is like what that tough little girl would do.

   "Deserved!" After she finished her evaluation, she asked again, "What is Jin Bai doing in the study?"

   Jin Yue replied casually, "Miss He's family is an eyewitness, and she was the one who tipped off the news. She was probably worried about Jin Bo, so she called to take care of her."

  Ms. Yang's face sank suddenly.

   (end of this chapter)

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