The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 212: You're too loud, you're annoying me

   Chapter 212 You're too loud, you're irritating me

   He Yuye turned around and knocked on the door of a private room, and quickly repeated the matter.

   The drunk second-generation rich people couldn't get angry at once, and Jin Yue ran out first.

   He Yuye didn't stay to see the situation. She had made another appointment today, but she just made a special appointment to eat with Jin Bai.

   Lest He Xinyan think that she is provoking her again... She is not so free to deal with each other.

   When He Yuye left with his bag in hand, he glanced in the direction of the corridor worriedly.

   I hope nothing happens to Jin Bai... But it is not bad for Jin Bai to see He Xinyan's personality thoroughly after this incident.

   She bit her lip lightly, not feeling that she was doing something wrong, or that she was gloomy.

  If it wasn't for He Xinyan acting pitiful in front of Jin Bo and speaking ill of herself, would Jin Bo be so prejudiced against himself?

   Originally, she and Jin Bai could have become good friends earlier... but now it seems that it is not too late.


   Jin Yue rushed over first, and was stunned to see Jin Bai's chin prolapsed weakly and saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

   He took a careful look at He Xinyan, thought about it, and kept his mouth shut.

   But the group of accomplices behind him are not so good-natured.

   Among them, Jin Bai has the highest status. The other party is the only heir of the Jin family. Who dares to offend the entire Donglin City?

  Others are from ordinary families, or they are rich sons who can only take dividends and have no real power. A group of people are the kind that can only revolve around Jin Bai.

   Seeing that Jin Bai was being bullied by a beautiful woman, he hurriedly competed for performance.

   "What the **** did you do to Brother Bo? Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

   "I don't know how to lift up! It's the first time I've seen a woman like you, don't be ashamed!"

   "Why don't we call the police, this is intentional injury!"

   "Control her and let her take care of Brother Bo 24 hours a day. If Brother Bo is unwilling, it's not too late to call the police."

   At this time, of course, you can't let people run away easily. If it wasn't for this woman's amazing face, they would be ready to hit people without saying a word.

  He Xinyan: "It's okay to call the police. Report it. He harassed me first, and I reminded him not to approach me. As soon as I was afraid, I removed his chin. This is a stress response."

   "Isn't it okay to get close?" Someone looked incredulous, "Besides, maybe it's you who seduced Brother Bo."

   Jin Bai doesn't have any woman he wants, so how could he harass others? This woman must be shameless and refuse.

  Some people substituted it for a while, and they were really angry for Jin Bo.

   They just don't like women who do this. Wouldn't they want to ride on a man's head in the future?

   must not condone the arrogance of the other party.

   Some of them were persuaded, and with the smell of alcohol, they really rushed forward and grabbed He Xinyan's arm in an attempt to control her.

  He Xinyan grabbed the man's wrist, thought for a moment, and took off the man's chin.

   This next group of big men are all angry and will not let her go no matter what.

  It's the opposite of the sky, why would such a woman keep not fighting? Even if Jin Bai blamed her, they would clean up her for him and teach each other to learn the rules.

   Several warriors who tried to make He Xinyan learn the rules were all unloaded by He Xinyan, and got the same expression of Jin Bai.

  He Xinyan was a little **** the few who wanted to hit people, and felt a little sorry in her heart, and she didn't want to be violent.

   She turned her attention to Jin Yue, who was the last survivor.

   Jin Yue shrank in the corner of the wall in fear, feeling like a delicate flower.

   He really didn't expect that this girl He Xinyan not only has a smart mouth and a clear mind, but she also has super powerful skills.

   As expected of the woman who single-handedly smashed Ling Zhenxing's private banquet! He was so stupid in the past. He repeatedly plucked the tiger's hair, and he was really lucky to be alive!

   "You, don't come here, I didn't speak ill of you." Jin Yue said quickly.

   From the very beginning, he supported Jin Bai and wanted to get out of here and go to the hospital quickly, joking about this trivial matter, calling an ambulance and wasting medical resources.

   He is different from a few idiots in it. Those few are really stupid. They are completely ignorant rich second-generation.

   This is not because Jin Bo is also a matchmaker because of He Yuye, and he is willing to cooperate with these people.

  He Xinyan: "Okay, then let's go."

   Jin Yue was a little surprised, did you let yourself go? He looked at the six or seven people whose jaws were weak and prolapsed, their mouths could not be closed, and they were desperately secreting saliva.

   There are people standing in the corridor. The five-star hotel sky restaurant is decorated in a high-end and magnificent manner. The corridor is tall and spacious.

  The man stood there, because of his height, the corridor was visually much lower.

  Jin Bai tried to say a few words, but the dislocated jaw didn't hurt much, but it was sore and weak, and drooling when he spoke.

   He was in a bad mood, but he didn't want to provoke others. When he saw the man, he subconsciously stepped aside.

   "He Xinyan, you wait..." The words were not clear, but he looked at He Xinyan with unwilling eyes.

   She really **** him off completely! No matter what this time, it can't be easy!

   He Xinyan stood there and didn't move, but the man standing next to him suddenly moved.

  The man has picturesque features, and he has a cold and dusty temperament all over his body, looking polite and alienated.

   He said sorry, then grabbed Jin Bai's hand, and with a click, he took off his arm.

  Jin Bai gasped vaguely, not expecting to encounter such a disaster.

   "Are you **** sick..." When he asked with an angry temperament, his mouth was muffled, and the saliva instantly flowed to his chin.

   "You're too loud, you're annoying me." The man said seriously.

   Shi Rin paused, his eyes fell on Jin Bo's drooling face, his cleanliness flared up, and he quickly stepped back a few steps and stood still.

   "...It's ugly to my eyes too." He added the second half of the sentence politely.

   Shi's housekeeper ran over and handed him a handkerchief, and Shi Rin wiped his fingers: "I've already called a professional doctor to come over. I'm just downstairs, and I'll put it on quickly, there won't be any sequelae."

   After saying that, those eyes that were as cold as spring water under the ice looked over lightly, "Remember not to be salty in the future."

  Jin Bai: "..."

  Why the **** does this man say he is so rude, he hasn't had time to do anything yet!

   Besides, can you call yourself a salty pig's hand? He is handsome and rich, how can he be compared with those wretched men!

  The extremely angry Jin Bai thought about the theory, opened his mouth and found that his saliva was drooling again, and he was even more angry!

   Jin Yue didn't dare to say a word. Unfortunately, he knew this man. When he accompanied Jin Bai to visit He Shao of Shenghe Group, he had seen He Shao respectful to this man.

   is just a one-sided relationship, because the other party's face is too good, so he has a deep memory.

   Jin Yue decisively pulled Jin Bai, who had not yet figured out the situation, turned around and entered the elevator, pressing the 1st floor.

   (end of this chapter)

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