The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 211: what did you do to me……

   Chapter 211 What did you do to me...

   The colder the other party is, the more he has a hook in his heart that he can't let go no matter what.

   He has been surrounded by stars since he was a child, and he grew up smoothly without encountering any unpleasant things.

  He Yuye is one of them. She is obviously just a common girl working in a friend's club for a summer job, but she can make friends with everyone and has a good relationship with everyone.

   She seems to have herself in her eyes, but she doesn't seem to have herself. Her eyes are neither humble nor arrogant, and her back is always straight.

   He Xinyan is the second one, she is even more extreme than He Yuye.

   ignored his marriage proposal and called the school security office directly, saying that he was harassing him.

   Do you want to call the police next time?

   The more Jin Bai thought about it, the more angry he became. He realized that his conditions were placed in Donglin City, and he was the top level of the Diamond Wang Lao No. 5 Middle School. How many women were crying and rushing to marry.

   How could there be a woman who is indifferent to her affection? This is absolutely impossible.

   He saw He Yuye's path clearly. The woman's ambition was not small. She not only wanted to be the canary of the rich, but also wanted to control more.

   But he couldn't see He Xinyan's path, it was as if he was rushing to offend himself to death.

   As now, he blocked He Xinyan and gave it to the other person to go down the steps. She didn't show any signs of softening on her face, but instead took a few steps back calmly.

   "Since you already know, why don't you get out of the way?" He Xinyan didn't want to entangle with the drunkard, "If you're not familiar with you, don't Cue, or I'll call the police."

   Jin Bai laughed angrily.

   He had a dinner tonight, not a formal business banquet, but he drank a lot of wine, but he was completely sober.

   "I'm not familiar with me, but I'm very familiar with Gao Tianjue's **** brother, and he is often bumped into his luxury car." Jin Bo loosened his tie and smiled a bit nasty.

   "No, not only do you often ride in Gao Tianjue's luxury cars, you also often ride in luxury cars of various men. Are you familiar with those men too?"

   He carefully observed the expression on He Xinyan's face.

  He Xinyan lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then raised her eyes and asked calmly, "Is it fun? You and He Yuye, you and He Yuye, use me as tools for each other, right?"

   Jin Bai was stunned for a moment, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  He Xinyan asked the system in her mind: "You should know?"

   System: [...I don't know what the host is talking about...]

   If its voice is not lacking in confidence, it may be more believable.

  He Xinyan just doesn't want to talk, these two are really boring, can you not bring her on the stage and pay the appearance fee?

  The reason is that after some misunderstanding and prejudice between the two people, the kind He Yuye was moved by Jin Bo's affection for He Xinyan, and felt that Jin Bo was the best choice for He Xinyan.

  Although her relationship with He Xinyan almost broke, she still hoped that He Xinyan would be happy, so she volunteered to help Jin Bai.

   is also to clarify that she really has no other intentions for Jin Bai, as long as he is happy.

   In order to be a good matchmaker, she even suggested that Jin Bo use herself as a stepping stone and approach He Xinyan in the name of dealing with herself...

  This proposal coincides with Jin Bai's idea, which has greatly changed He Yuye.

   The two have been in frequent contact recently, not only through WeChat, but even met several times in private, and gradually formed a deep friendship.

   At this time, He Yuye discovered that He Xinyan had a hidden side, and luxury cars often came to pick him up.

  The enthusiastic classmates sent the secretly photographed photos to He Yuye, and various guesses were passed on in a small area.

  He Yuye struggled for a long time, but still couldn't bear to hide it, told Jin Bai about it, and relieved him not to have any grudge against He Xinyan because of it.

  A luxury car pick-up doesn't mean much, if you like someone, you must firmly believe in the other person.

  He Xinyan: "You really don't know what I'm talking about? Do I need to remind you that your behavior with He Yuye has been suspected of breaking the law?"

After speaking for a while, she smiled and said, "One sexual harassment, one stalking and secret photography, I have to say, you two are really a good match. Since you want to use me as a tool to maintain and warm up your relationship, then I will fulfill you, now Order the two of you to be locked together."

  Jin Bai was taken aback by the smile. He was about to retort that he absolutely didn't like He Yuye, but then he thought, maybe the other party is... jealous?

   "Are you really willing to push me to He Yuye?" Jin Bai smiled and took two steps forward with ambiguous eyes.

   "Actually, I already knew that He Yuye liked me, but she didn't dare to reveal the slightest because I didn't say anything to her. If I went to her, she would definitely accept me happily."

  He Xinyan gave Jin Bai a strange look, "Really?"

   She probably understood why Jin Bo was so determined to He Yuye later, this man clearly thought he was a caged bird, and thought He Yuye was a canary.

   It's no wonder that He Yuye would gladly accept him. In her last life, she was surrounded by countless high-quality men, and she never saw anyone with her.

Jin Bai got a little closer, "Are you willing to let He Yuye get me? The He family has always treated you harshly, but they blamed you on the moral high ground for raising you. He Yuye is a high-level white lotus flower. On the surface, he treats you well, but in fact You only get trouble and gossip every time..."

  He Xinyan glanced at the direction of the corridor, "Don't come here."

  Jin Bai didn't care, stretched out his hand to support the wall, and blocked He Xinyan between the wall and his arms.

  Women are always duplicitous. Probably only by being stronger can they pry open her mouth and her heart.

   "Isn't it good to be with me? I like you so much, I am willing to give you anything..."

  He Xinyan sighed softly and put her hand on the other's neck.

   Jin Bai's eyes turned a little deeper, which was a sign of compromise, and it was full of hints. On the one hand, he was proud, but on the other hand, he was vaguely disappointed.

   But that didn't prevent him from consciously leaning in, ready to kiss her.

  The next second, a slight cracking sound of the bones sounded, Jin Bo felt a little sore in his chin, and then he found that he couldn't exert any strength.

   "What have you done to me..." Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, a large amount of saliva was secreted from his mouth and flowed out of the corners of his mouth.


  He Yuye didn't want to worry about it at first, but Jin Bai would just do what he wanted.

   She didn't think Jin Bo could really stand He Xinyan's bad temper, and the two were not the same at all.

   Not to mention that He Xinyan loves vanity and likes to deal with the rich second generation.

  He Yuye can understand He Xinyan's mood. He has left the He family, has no parents, family, and background, and doesn't want to leave the wealthy circle. The best way is to marry into a wealthy family.

   She can't condemn this kind of practice. If people are slutty, they will be slandered. She doesn't believe that He Xinyan can really get everything by climbing high branches.

  But He Xinyan actually did something to Jin Bai, which was too much. No matter how arrogant he was, he couldn't ride on a man's head.

   (end of this chapter)

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