The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 210: Yan Xuqiao's Share Donation Letter

   Chapter 210 Yan Xuqiao's Share Gift Book

   It stands to reason that a family like Shirin can act recklessly.

   He was born in the splendid pile, and he was born with the wind and the rain.

  Although the times are different now, some business marriages are decided early on and let the two children try to get along.

   If they really love each other in the future, then it’s not too late to break off the marriage. Anyway, the businesses that have been cooperating in the name of marriage all these years have already made profits.

   He Xinyan's good friend Qiao Yuqiao was a very early engagement, and this was not just a special case.

  Shirin has a thousand and ten thousand ways to achieve his wish, but he chose to hide all his love in front of the other party without mentioning a word.

   "What's wrong?" Seeing He Xinyan's subtle movements, Shi Rin immediately turned his head.

  He Xinyan: "It's okay, I choked."

   Shi Rin handed over a glass of water, the water temperature was just right, He Xinyan said thank you in a hoarse voice, lowered her head and took a few sips of water.

   Shen Jinzhou took this scene into his eyes and silently sipped out the candy.

   Having said that, it is really not popular for domineering presidents to force love, and love that is equal and mutual respect is worth pursuing.

  Anything that goes against a woman's will should be taken lightly in the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law", and if more serious, it will be taken into account in the "Criminal Law".

Attorney Shen sometimes wants to spread the law to some ordinary, greasy but confident rich second generation. Don't think that if your parents are rich, you will feel that you are the king of the sea, and there is no disadvantage to lingering in the flowers. Be careful, I will give you a pair of silver handcuffs to let you Half a lifetime of tears in prison.


  After eating, He Xinyan wiped her fingers and began to take out the documents in her schoolbag. This was her real purpose of entertaining guests today.

   She thought about this for a long time, but it only took less than two seconds to make a real decision.

   "This is the share gift certificate of Yan Xuqiao International Co., Ltd. I want to give you 10% of the 60% of the shares I hold personally."

  Because of the entry of Luo Yuan and Xia Yanbin, and the recruitment of personnel in place, the task of opening branches in 8 administrative districts of Donglin City has been completed.

   And each branch has achieved profitability, turnover is higher than expected, very popular.

  He Xinyan: "Now the daily turnover of 10 branches can reach up to 500,000. The next step is to expand to other big cities, expand online sales channels, and build food production lines such as chocolate and ice cream."

"This is a patent for that special fermentation enzyme. I named it Y fermentation enzyme, which is Yan Xuqiao's biggest trump card. I am confident that in the next five years, the brand of Yan Xuqiao will become world-renowned and successfully listed. ."

   Shi Rin looked at the documents in his hand, his eyes were like a deep pool, bottomless.

   His Adam's apple rolled, and he subconsciously touched the small-leaf rosewood gall bracelet on his wrist, and finally he couldn't help but cast his eyes on He Xinyan.

   "Why do you do this, you don't have to do it."

   He never imagined that she was so generous, so generous that his heart trembled slightly.

   Shi Rin has received countless gifts since he was a child, but there has never been a gift that shocked him like this.

Of course, he could see the huge development potential of Yan Xuqiao. If he was asked to do it, he would not have to do it step by step. He could directly use fermentation enzymes as a selling point, open offline stores all over the country at the same time, and then spend huge sums of money on advertising. , In the case of excellent product quality and core selling points, we are not afraid that the market will not pay.

  He Xinyan did not want to let other capital enter the market, and chose a faster and more convenient road to maintain absolute control over Yan Xuqiao.

   But she gave 10% of the shares to herself so easily. Although these shares may only be worth a few million now, there is a high probability that it will become hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions in the future.

  He Xinyan looked directly at Shi Rin's eyes with frankness and frankness.

   "You have helped me a lot, and you have also given me very precious gifts. I am just reciprocating."

He Xinyan really intends to occupy the absolute control of Yan Xuqiao. On the one hand, she is very generous. The two founders, Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao, will not talk about it. Even Luo Yuan and Xia Yanbin, she has promised to take care of herself. Take 5% of the shares for employee equity incentives.

   But on the other hand, she is very stingy and doesn't want to introduce other capital to **** Yan Xuqiao's right to speak with herself.

   But she was willing to give the shares to Shi Rin for free.

  He Xinyan: "There may be another reason. After all, you are very capable. With your cooperation, Yan Xuqiao will surely develop more smoothly."

   She is unwilling to cooperate with other capitals, and feels that people's hearts are unpredictable; but when it comes to Shi Rin's words, she believes it unconditionally.

   Probably because Shi Rin always has some kind of holy temperament...

  Shi Lin's eyes are as black as ink, the calm is only on the surface, and the turbulence is all in the heart.

   "Okay, then I'll accept it, thank you for your generosity." The voice was slightly lower, but it was very pleasant, and the corners of the lips gradually rose.

   "But have you forgotten something?" He looked over with a smile, "Even if we are not friends, we are partners. You invited Uncle Shi to the Yongxing school celebration party, why didn't you invite me?"

   This morning, I learned that Steward Shi received an invitation from He Xinyan, and Shi Lin's mental journey could write a play alone.

   On the one hand, it should be like this. After all, it is you who joined it yourself, and others may not be very familiar with you;

   On the other hand, he couldn't help but want to ask He Xinyan why he didn't invite himself.

   Of course, he knew intellectually that it was best to maintain such a bland relationship, but, before the time, he shouldn't disturb the other party frequently and cause trouble to the other party.

   So today he specially didn't go to congratulate Xinyan, and wanted to maintain social distance.

   Not too close, but not too far. You can know her news through the housekeeper at any time, or you can step aside and become an invisible person.

   But all the restraint and restraint fell apart in this second and completely collapsed.

   After seeing the ghost, how could he still think that he has the willpower to avoid her forever?

   It doesn't matter even if he intervenes in her life, he likes is presumptuous, and love is restraint. He will watch her grow and participate in important moments in her life, but he will not express his love in his mouth.

  He Xinyan was a little surprised, but still said, "Then are you free to come over that day?"

  The biggest partner wants to act as her family to attend the school celebration party, which is completely reasonable!

When   , the corners of Rin's lips raised a shallow arc, and the tears at the corners of his eyes seemed to flow, and they were extremely magnificent under the light, "Of course I'm free."


   said that it was He Xinyan's treat, but in the end it was the order that Shi Rin insisted on paying.

  He Xinyan got up and went to the bathroom. When she came out, she saw the person waiting for her with a smile on her chest.

   The other party's eyes were blurred, and he obviously didn't drink much. He Xinyan was too lazy to pay attention to the drunk, so he passed the other party and was about to leave.

   Jin Bai's heart tightened, and he quickly opened his hand to stop her, "Are you really so indifferent to me that you have nothing to say?"

   Jin Bai was annoyed when his face was denied at the school gate last time, but he has never been so humiliated.

   (end of this chapter)

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