The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 209: She doesn't look like Azhenke at all.

   Chapter 209 She is nothing like A Zhenke

  He Xinyan had long noticed the inquiring eyes of strangers.

   The young man is tall, handsome and handsome, and his clothes are neat and tidy. It can be seen that he is well educated and should not be considered a bad person.

   But she didn't have time to deal with strangers, and she didn't plan to stop to explore his intentions, so she quickened her pace and walked towards the car on the side of the road.

   After closing the car door to cut off the view from the outside, He Xinyan looked at the housekeeper Shi and Shen Jinzhou who acted as the driver, a little stunned.

   "Where's the Fourth Young Master?" After asking her, she felt that it was inappropriate. She must have her own business to be busy with.

   Even Shen Jinzhou, as a well-known lawyer in Donglin City, must be as busy as a top when he wants to take a case or file a lawsuit.

   Recently, in order to deal with the public opinion on the Internet, he has been connecting with himself every day and being on call 24 hours a day. He must have sacrificed a lot of his own time and work.

   Shi's housekeeper: "Master has already gone to the Junting Hotel to wait. Okay, let's go quickly."

  He Xinyan's treat today is to thank everyone for their help during this time, and it is understandable that Shi Rin rushes over directly.

  Before the car merged into the traffic, He Xinyan finally looked back at the young man standing on the side of the road, who was frowning at this side.

  He Xinyan calmly retracted her gaze, and the car gradually drove away, leaving the youth and the street scene behind.


  Yuhan withdrew his gaze, he was slightly short-sighted, and he regretted not seeing the girl's face clearly.

   But there is one thing he has confirmed, and some rumors may not be groundless.

   This girl is on a Bentley. Although the shape is low-key, the price is not cheap.

  Although luxury cars often come and go at the entrance of Yongxing High School to pick up and drop off students from school, it is the parents of other students who come to pick up their children, which is completely different from the nature of the other party.

  He Xinyan is just the adopted daughter of the He family, and has cut off relations with the He family. It is rumored that the relationship with the He family is very tense. How could the He family send a car to pick him up.

  It is also a different luxury car every time.

   "Cousin, what are you thinking about, you are always distracted?" In the sky restaurant on the top floor of the Junting Hotel, Xu Jingyang poured the secret sauce on the roast duck.

  Yuhan came back to his senses and was a little speechless when he saw his behavior, "How can you make Chinese food look like Western food."

   Xu Jingyang: "Oh, it tastes better this way."

  Yuhan had a mediocre appetite, not like his cousin's. The young man saw that the staple food was red rice, and immediately the wind was swirling.

   "Eat slower." Yu Han said, put down his chopsticks and dialed a video to go out.

   In the past few days, because of taking care of Aunt Luo, he is used to asking Aunt Luo if he has eaten at three meals a day.

   The video was quickly connected over there, but it was a relatively dimly lit environment.

   "Ah Zhen, haven't you arrived yet?" He glanced at the time, it had been three hours since both sides said goodbye from the airport, so they should have arrived early.

  Gu Zhen: "Here, my mother is already asleep."

Yu Han: "Oh, then you have to remember to eat, don't go hungry. By the way, the brand of ice cream you liked last time was the one from Yan Xuqiao. I saw that there was also an ice cream store nearby. , when the time comes to Donglin City, I will invite you and Aunt Luo to eat enough."

   Probably couldn't see the other party's suffering too much, and he couldn't wait to make his friend and Aunt Luo feel sweeter.

If    desserts can make Azhen and Aunt Luo feel happy for a moment, then he will buy them even if he goes bankrupt.

   But Ah Zhen didn't like to eat desserts. When he returned to the imperial capital, he asked his assistant to travel all over the imperial capital and buy all over the streets. There was no dessert that could make Ah Zhen eat a second bite.

  Gu Zhen couldn't help laughing, his increasingly gloomy mood rarely loosened for a moment, "Okay."

   The two said a few more words before hanging up.

  Xu Jingyang has finished cooking and is bored, "Cousin, has cousin Zhen's mother come back from abroad?"

  Yuhan: "Yes, I will take you to meet Aunt Luo, she will definitely like you, and you will definitely like her."

   Both he and A Zhen have a dull temperament. Although the cousin has a rambunctious personality, he actually has a sweet mouth and is very good at pleasing female elders.

   Xu Jingyang: "Cousin Zhen's mother must be a very beautiful woman."

  Yuhan: "Nonsense, how can you judge the elders like this? Also, you haven't seen Aunt Luo, so you know?"

  Xu Jingyang: "Isn't this obvious? Cousin Zhen's looks are amazing. If he goes to the entertainment industry, there is no such thing as Ling Xuan."

"You're right, that Ling Xuan... Forget it." Yu Han didn't want to say more. Ling Xuan's latest film and television drama project, the Yu Family, also plans to invest. You are polite, but in fact do not give an inch.

  Yuhan doesn't know much about entertainment projects, so he doesn't appreciate this kind of behavior very well, but he doesn't personally approve of the other party's high salary.

   However, the Yu family only got involved in entertainment projects, and the investment accounted for a relatively small proportion. Everything still depends on the leading platform.

   After all, according to the platform, Ling Xuan will soon have a two-step S-level TV series to be launched. When the popularity rises, their project will make a steady profit.

  Yuhan said with a smile: "But you are wrong, Aunt Luo is indeed a beauty with Danfeng eyes, but she is nothing like A Zhenke."


   On the other side, He Xinyan ate quickly.

   She has an extraordinary obsession with discs. She must eat all the food, and never allow it to be wasted.

  Everyone put down their chopsticks, only Shi Rin still took a bite from time to time with chopsticks and accompanied her.

   This move was inconspicuous, and it seemed natural for him to do it, but those who knew him knew that he was taking care of He Xinyan.

   Shen Jinzhou sighed silently, not good to comment on Shi Rin's behavior.

   After He Chenxiao made a reckless confession last time, he was packaged by Shi Lin and thrown back to the imperial capital. He still harassed himself on WeChat every day, asking every day when the fourth brother would forgive him.

   To be honest, He Chenxiao also contributed to the guidance of online public opinion this time.

   After all, Shenghe Group has been involved in entertainment projects for a long time. He Chenxiao often eats and drinks with some celebrities. He is very familiar with the public relations and marketing methods in the circle, and has a lot of resources in this area.

   The 8 million-fan music blogger account named Qingqing Zijin was provided by He Chenxiao.

   But although the other party helped, I'm afraid he still doesn't deserve to have a name.

   Shi Lin was really angry this time, not only because of the hostility between rivals, but also because of He Chenxiao's offense to He Xinyan.

When he threw He Chenxiao back to the imperial capital, Shi Lin coldly left a sentence, "If you like her, then build up your strength, protect her, and go after her when she goes to college and wants to fall in love, but I Tell you, until then, I will be your rival in love, and you and I will each rely on our abilities."

  He Chenxiao is his fourth brother's poisonous fan. He can't climb the wall in his life, how can he dare to be tough with his fourth brother?

   He definitely didn't have the guts, but he also vaguely understood what Shirin was really angry about.

   Shi Lin blamed him for using He Xinyan as a tool, and the so-called confession was mixed with selfishness; even more blamed him for not respecting He Xinyan's wishes and messing around casually.

   (end of this chapter)

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