The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 204: It's like a silent mockery of him

   Chapter 204 is like a silent mockery of him

  The two songs in Fu Ran's new album are of a very high standard. It can be seen that they are tailor-made works for Fu Ran, but they are not rigid, but rather impressive.

   fully demonstrated the merits of Fu Ran's voice, while retaining his personal characteristics.

   This newcomer is so powerful that he is simply a pearl in the ocean. Whoever picks it up deserves luck. If he dreams, he will wake up laughing.

  If Lu Sichuan recommended Lingxuan Studio to this new songwriting work, then this price seems quite reasonable?

   It's really not a loss. According to Fu Ran's current popularity, even if it doesn't make money, it's definitely not a loss, and it even beat the top Lingxuan!

   The limited group that Fu Ran belonged to disbanded in the summer, but they had a good relationship with each other. Former teammates sent him congratulatory letters one after another, and by the way, they were envious of their real names.

  Fu Ran is a man, but he has a big heart. More than once, he has envy Ling Xuan's albums for selling well, and he is so envious that he almost cried.

   The sales of this new album surpassed Ling Xuan in one fell swoop, and his face hurt from laughing.

   "Okay, the corners of your mouth are almost split behind your ears." The agent kept staring at the data. Today is the fourth day. Ling Xuan's data has experienced a wave of counterattacks from fans, and then fell again.

  Fu Ran really occupied the right time and place this time, and half of the music world spontaneously came to stand for him, causing a sensation on the entire Internet.

   "You are so lucky." The agent was in a complicated mood, never expected that Fu Ran would become popular because of his singing.

   Isn't this the weakness of the opponent who has been attacked by black fans?

  Fu Ran lowered his hair and texted: "Brother, what are you thinking, I'm lucky? It's better to say that I have good eyesight!"

   If he hadn't rushed to find He Xinyan to buy songs, and raised the price to one million songs in one go, would he be able to have today's brilliance and achievements?

   Broker: "..."

   I almost forgot, there is another advantage of my own artist, that is, it is important to have self-knowledge, and always know how many pounds and two taels you have.


  In Lingxuan's studio, Brother Qian lost his temper, and the whole space was filled with low air pressure.

  Today is the fourth day of Fu Ran's new album, and the third day of Ling Xuan's new album. The sales of Fu Ran's new album have been crushing Ling Xuan.

   This is a shame! Fu Ran is only a few lines, and Ling Xuan is the top of the line. He also participated in two S-level TV dramas of Shenghe Entertainment this year.

  Brother Qian: "Mobilize the big fans, Lu Sichuan's new album will be released soon, you can't be so passive."

  Ling Xuan's fans are very good at fighting. Brother Qian is very good at purifying fans and solid fans. Basically, this group of fans who like Ling Xuan are very loyal.

   For the sake of my brother, of course I have to rush!

  The big fans acted quickly, and the tasks were arranged one by one, cleaning the square and clearing the entries to boost sales.

"Since my brother's debut, I have never encountered such a humiliating moment. I hope that every Ling Xiaohua is as proud as my brother and never bows his head! Don't tell me that you are expensive or have no money, and passers-by can be an 18th line. Spend money, why can't we? In order to protect the best brother, rush!"

   Not only that, the group also broadcasts data in real time, stimulating the hearts of young fans all the time.

  Ling Xuan's new album sales reached a peak at eight o'clock that night when Lu Sichuan's new album was released.

   But this peak only lasted for an hour, and Ling Xuan's fans were completely defeated before they had time to revel.

   After Lu Sichuan's new album was launched, the company did not buy hot searches, but the album sales have been skyrocketing this night.

   The next day, Lu Sichuan's new album was on several hot searches.

   If the last time Fu Ran released a new album, half of the music world came to the platform, then Lu Sichuan's new album came to the platform of the entire music world.

  Singer circles all rely on strength. There is no doubt about Lu Sichuan's strength. The standard of this new album is even higher than that of his heyday.

   This man's strength is so terrifying, many people listened to the song all night and completely lost any thought of nitpicking in their hearts.

   How the **** is this picky, what a slap in the face, what a broken voice, this is the level of the peak period.

   I can't say enough praiseworthy words. Everyone also found that there are two very special songs in Lu Sichuan's new album.

   Those who have eaten the melons of Fu Ran and Ling Xuan are no strangers to this name.

  A guess that was skeptical before, is now almost 100% certain.

   "Xinxin Songwriting" is definitely the newcomer, you can't go wrong!

   These two songs can be consecrated to the extent that they are completely free. Compared with the two songs written for Fu Ran, they have more freedom and dare to use high notes.

   Only Lu Sichuan's wide and gorgeous vocal range can perfectly control these two songs, the treble even soared to C5 for a time, and the timbre is still very transparent and beautiful, which is breathtaking.

   Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The industry's evaluation of Lu Sichuan has risen by another level.

   He is a well-deserved top performer in the music scene.

  【I don’t know what you are bragging about, isn’t it amazing to be able to sing high notes? Please sing is not a show of skills, but to give emotion to infuse the soul! 】

   [Standing on other people's marketing 666 Oh, I don't believe any passers-by, seniors can really buy data. 】

   [What kind of passers-by are the two upstairs pretending to be, anyway, cancel the fan membership before speaking! 】

  【Lu Sichuan's fans are just getting old, not dead! 】

  【It's not necessary upstairs, I'm still young, but I really like listening to Lu Sichuan's songs to relax. My favorite singer is back, and my happiness is back~~]

   [LX fans, why don't we talk about your brother's blindness? 】

  【Yes, don’t be jealous, I didn’t like it at first, I didn’t expect the situation today, right? 】

   In the comments, Ling Xuan's fans also wanted to pretend to be passers-by to smear Lu Sichuan, but they were soon pressed and rubbed by real passers-by and fans.

   Not only did I want to pick things up, but I also hyped up the word blind and ignorant, and it soon became a hot search.

   After the passers-by ate the melon, they just wanted to laugh together, but they didn't sympathize with Ling Xuan very much.

  According to the initial revelations of Ling Xuan fans, not only do you dislike the songs, but they also want people to re-arrange the songs.

  Xinxin Songwriting These four songs show four styles and are not limited to a single mode.

   It can even be tailored for Fu Ran, and can write beautiful and touching songs without high pitch.

  Ling Xuan doesn't like this. If the album's songs are comparable, it's fine. The problem is that people will become scumbags in seconds, then people have to be doubted about the level of appreciation and ability in music.

   Being ridiculed by the group is not wrong.

  Lu Sichuan's new album was released within 48 hours, and the sales exceeded 5 million copies, and the sales exceeded 150 million yuan.

  Because the newcomer "Xinxin Songwriting" has attracted much attention, it actually led to a wave of sales of Fu Ran's new album, with total sales exceeding 100 million.

   In contrast, the total sales of Ling Xuan's new album is only 30 million, which is not even one-third of the sales of his last digital album.

   Brother Qian has a very good marketing hype, fans are very willing to spend money, and Ling Xuan is still top-notch. This statistic is like a silent mockery of him.

   (end of this chapter)

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