The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 203: Friends, I have a bold guess

   Chapter 203 Friends, I have a bold guess

   How could it be okay? The big fan of Ling Xuan over there took a screenshot for the first time and hung him up.

  Ling Xuan's fans are not vegetarians, and the fighting power is far from that of the fans of Fu Ran, the little idol, who slaughtered the square in minutes.

   The entry "Fu Ranxuan Lingxuan fans, your brother is blind and does not know the goods" quickly became a hot search.

   This time, it was the handle that the fans grabbed directly! There are pictures and evidence, netizens can't be yin and yang and say that their group of fans are rhythmically ignorant, right?

  【The paste coffee is also coming to touch the porcelain to get the heat, is this going the black and red route? 】

  【The new album can't be sold out, it's urgent, it's your fault that you can't sell it, garbage! 】

  【I’m really going to cry with anger, a scumbag who is nothing can jump on my brother’s head and say that our fans have the ability to be paranoid and come out for a walk. 】

  【It's too popular to be envied by others, everyone wants to step on it. 】

   [Although Fu Chou is ugly, there is one thing that should be right. He knows that LSC sold the newcomer's song Qiang to Ling Xuan. 】

  【I think so too, the side confirms the authenticity of this matter. But a million, what do you think, do you really think others are fools? 】

   [People are not stupid, they are smart, they feel that with the identity of the senior, you have to buy it if you don't buy it, and then the senior easily earns 990,000 with tears and blood. 】

  Passers-by also felt that Fu Ran was ignoring the popularity after knowing the whole story, and his words against Ling Xuan's fans were too eloquent.

  The newcomer's song sells one million, which is really too exaggerated. Even if Lu Sichuan's own song is sold, it may not be able to sell for one million.

   Now the music world is in a downturn, and if you don’t make money from albums, no one will spend a lot of energy on making original songs.

   Even the top music producers, whose prices are kept very low, write things that cater to the market but are the same.

  Ling Xuan's team can be regarded as conscientious, willing to spend a lot of money to make music, and the quality of each new album is decent.

  Fu Ran Although the owner was indeed very strong in the field of music production, but his strength is average, and he is completely incomparable with Ling Xuan.

   When He Xinyan saw this hot search, she was surprised and took it for granted.

   She switched to WeChat, gave Fu Fu Ai singing a few thumbs up gestures, and praised the warrior.

   Even if Fu Ran is on the cusp of the storm, his mentality is so good that he still has the time to brush WeChat.

  Fu Fu Ai sang: [Brother, I really feel that Ling Xuan is blind and does not know the goods. 】

  Fu Fu Ai sang: [Small scene, there were more people in the dark that night when I was in the group, just because some people said that I looked a bit like Ling Xuan. 】

  Fu Fu Ai sings: [Black and red are also red. If netizens buy my albums and listen to my songs, they will know that what I said is not fake. 】

Fu Fu Ai sings: [Brother, you will take me with you when you become famous in the future~~ As long as you are willing to help me write songs, hehe, those two songs of yours are really written into my heart, express what I want to express Everything is written. 】

  He Xinyan: […]

   I don't know whether to say this is a big heart or a fool.

   Don't think about your new album being criticized by a team, and it can't be sold at all?

   If you spend two million to make your own songs, it is really lonely to spend two million.

   After thinking about it, she still contacted the music blogger with 8 million fans and asked him to promote Fu Ran's new album.

   This music blogger is in awe of her, on the one hand, of course, because he is a big boss, and someone with strength is of course worthy of admiration, on the other hand, because the big boss has a background.

  This music blogger works for Shenghe Group and is an executive himself. Because he loves music, he started this Weibo and occasionally writes music reviews.

   Not only does he have a high position, but his family is also very rich. He will not give a platform to a star singer for just bad money, so the music reviews he has always written are very pertinent.

  Fans also like his humorous and magnanimous style, without so much mess.

   Basically he said good songs, it was really good.

   When he received the news from He Xinyan, he was still a little beaten in his heart, worried that his reputation would be ruined in one fell swoop.

   But this is the person the Fourth Young Master asked for help, how dare he refuse, he has no courage.

   I bought Fu Ran's new album and became a man who was attacked by the magic sound. Suddenly, I was stunned. What's going on? When did Fu Ran achieve this level?

   actually sang very well, this is a qualified work.

   Listening to it again, he suddenly showed a stunning look, oh my god, is this still Fu Ran who was mocked by the crowd for singing? It's just like hanging up.

   After listening to the entire album, he found that two of the songs are particularly outstanding, very catchy, and they are completely king-level.

   The arrangement of other songs is also very good. Although it is much inferior, it is also worth listening to.

   The level of this new album, he wants to give four and a half stars, and there is still a half-star room for fear of burning pride.

  The man was so excited that he decided to go to Weibo and start writing music reviews and recommendations!


  Fu Ran's agent thought he was dazzled for a moment when he saw the hot search.

   His family, Fu Xiaoran, actually praised him?

   The first person to praise Fu Ran was Qingqing Zijin, a music blogger with 8 million followers, who wrote three music reviews in a row to praise Fu Ran.

   This person is said to have a background in the imperial capital and will not be easily bought by others. To be praised by him is something that is worthy of praise in the fan circle.

   That's fine. Next, several veteran singers retweeted Qingqing Zijin's music reviews for the platform.

  At the beginning, Ling Xuan's fans kept jumping around, saying that Fu Ran was scheming and hard-working in the background, spending money to buy people's hearts, laughing at Fu Ran spending a lot of money to buy 800 marketing, the new album was destined to hit the streets and so on.

   But as more and more netizens listened to Fu Ran's songs, the situation changed completely.

   "Fu Ran's new album", "Fu Ran's good sound", "Fu Ran's singing skills burst" and other entries slowly climbed the hot search.

  The sales of Fu Ran's new album also rose visibly to the naked eye. At eleven o'clock in the evening, that is, three hours after Ling Xuan's new album was officially launched, it successfully surpassed the sales of Ling Xuan's new album.

   It doesn't mean how bad Ling Xuan's new album is. After all, it was arranged and edited by someone who paid a lot of money to do it. However, Ling Xuan has released 5 albums in a row with the same routine, and there is nothing new.

   Even his singing skills have not improved, and he is still standing still; the MV is still tied to He Yuye. It is not because the picture is not beautiful, but after watching the stage of "Cicada", the same routine makes people aesthetically tired.

   In contrast, Fu Ran's progress is amazing.

  Ling Xuan's album can't pick out particularly outstanding songs, but Fu Ran's two songs are very good to listen to and quickly hit the music charts.

   Careful netizens noticed that the lyrics and songs of these two songs were both written by a person named "Xinxin Songwriting". This name is very unfamiliar, and he is completely a newcomer.

   [Friends, I have a bold guess, this "Xinxin Songwriting" will not be the newcomer who sold millions of songs in Fu Ran's mouth, right? Then he said that Ling Xuan was blind and didn't know the goods, and there was nothing wrong with it! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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