The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 205: Are you interested in debuting?

   Chapter 205 Are you interested in debuting?

  Lin Xuxu, as a fan of Lu Sichuan, naturally bought his new album.

  The students of Yongxing High School are also happy to pay for high-quality music, and people can be heard talking about Lu Sichuan's new songs wherever they go in the school.

   is mentioned repeatedly, of course, the songs of "New New Songs".

  Although she is glad that she has participated in hundreds of millions of projects, she is a little worried when she thinks that Lu Sichuan is so popular now.

  Since Lu Sichuan has shown his super ability to attract money, his net worth has risen, and business quotations must be very expensive, can they really invite each other without spending a penny?

   He is not Ling Xuan. Ling Xuan himself is a junior high school student in Yongxing. This is his alma mater. As a well-known alumnus, it is reasonable to perform for his alma mater's birthday.

  Lu Sichuan has no such consideration at all, he is not even from Donglin City.

  Lin Xuxu didn't quite believe that Lu Sichuan would play big names just because he was popular, but after all, his contract was with a brokerage company, and some things were not his decision.

   Today is rehearsal time again. The jury team of the school celebration party is sitting under the stage, watching the rehearsal of each program and giving suggestions for adjustment.

  Because there were two programs that declared that there would be popular stars to perform, this evening even the program rehearsal was strictly confidential, and no one was allowed to watch it.

  It was their turn for the program, Lin Xuxu cheered up and arranged for everyone to play.

   The lights came on, and when everyone was about to sing and dance, they were suddenly called to pause by the audience.

   The newly appointed vice-principal was in charge of coordinating the whole school celebration party. In order to present the best stage, the other party specially invited professionals to guide the program.

   "This is the penultimate rehearsal. The last rehearsal was on the day before the school celebration party. Is your show still half-hearted? The C position has never been rehearsed together."

  Lin Xuxu was nervous for a moment, looked at He Xinyan, "Can you dance?"

  He Xinyan has been teaching everyone to sing these days, and she really neglected to practice dancing.

  Lin Xuxu saw that she had practiced movements, but when breaking down the movements, they were separated up and down. She was a little worried that the other party would not be able to fit together.

  He Xinyan thought for a while, "You can try it first."

   She really has no dance skills, but she has memorized the movements of her hands and feet, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

  Lin Xuxu pinched a cold sweat in his palm, opened his mouth to say something, and finally gave up.

  Monitor Lu Qilin sat under the stage, the nib of the pen he was writing on the snow-white notebook stopped, and he glanced coldly at the stage.

  If He Xinyan can't submit the song today, he plans to submit the song he wrote to the organizing committee directly.

  Fu Yuhuan's choreography is very good. He wrote this song based on the arrangement of the other party. He asked a professional to read it. It fits the dance very well, and the style is positive enough.

   is a song he spent a week writing.

   He is not like He Xinyan to steal the limelight for himself and drag the whole class into the water, let alone ignore the mess of the first class's program.

   "Teacher, we already have our music, the accompaniment is here, I..."

  Lu Qilin stood up and walked towards the teacher in charge of the sound accompaniment.

  Dancing without music, it's hard to find the rhythm. He doesn't worry about others, but can He Xinyan find the rhythm?

  Don't dance in a mess by yourself, and also affect the people around you.

   "There is already an accompaniment, this time I sing and dance with the full microphone on." The teacher said with a smile.

  Lu Qilin took the U disk in his hand and looked in the direction of the stage in surprise. Has He Xinyan's song been written?

   "Don't use hers, use mine." Lu Qilin thought for a while and said, "They can't do full mic, give me a microphone, and I will sing for them on the edge of the stage."

   He did this deliberately. This is the penultimate rehearsal. If the show is not fully presented, it is likely to face the risk of being cut off.

   It was a bit hasty to do this by himself, but it was the best way he could think of.

Teacher    was completely stunned. After all, Lu Qilin was not the type to talk nonsense. He hesitated to look in the direction of the stage, and finally took over the USB flash drive.

The first second the    music sounded, He Xinyan immediately noticed it.

   Others also noticed something was wrong, but after all, everyone has a strong foundation in dance, and they can dance without music. Now that there is music, the rhythm can still match the dance moves, so I don’t think deeply.

  He Xinyan raised her hand to signal a pause: "Teacher, the music is wrong."

  Lin Xuxu, who was in the audience, received the signal, and hurriedly ran to the audio teacher, "Teacher, I marked my USB drive, yes, this is it, please."

   She glanced at the USB flash drive that she pulled out, then turned to look at Lu Qilin.

  Lu Qilin looked at her coldly and frowned: "I'm not making trouble, it's better to use the songs I wrote..."

   Everyone on the jury's seat frowned, obviously disliking such a mistake, and urged, "Okay, let's start quickly, don't delay the time of the people behind."

  Lu Qilin wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The audio teacher had already played the music accompaniment.

When the    prelude sounded, Lu Qilin's cold confrontation with Lin Xuxu was full of astonishment, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at the stage.

   For the next few minutes, he seemed to have fallen into an absurd and comical dream.

   His frowning brows stretched out, his sight and hearing were firmly captured by the people on the stage, and he couldn't notice anything else at all.

  Lin Xuxu was shocked at first, followed by a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   It's really terrible, why are the girls on the stage so bright, desperately exuding charm, youthful and positive, this is a level that can be debuted by all girl groups.

  Lin Xuxu, as the director of the show, followed up every rehearsal, knowing that He Xinyan asked everyone to sing their own lyrics separately before.

   This is the first time that it has been completely put together, and the shock it brings is beyond her imagination.

  Each piece of lyrics is very suitable for everyone, promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and exerting the greatest effect.

   This level is really not just about being able to write songs.

   She had 110,000 thoughts in her mind, and finally pressed them all down, appreciating He Xinyan's dance moves attentively.

   The problem that I was worried about before does not exist at all. He Xinyan dances cleanly and neatly, and has a strong sense of rhythm. It can be seen that he imitated Fu Yuhuan, but has his own characteristics.

   She is a well-deserved C position, as if born for the stage, her talent is amazing.

   At the end of the performance, when the ending action was made, the jury couldn't help but burst into a burst of warm applause.

   The professional who was very picky before picked up the microphone excitedly, "C position, are you interested in debuting? God, you should be born to eat the entertainment industry!"

   The vice-principal coughed twice, signaling the other party to restrain himself.

"Really, your looks, singing voice, and dancing are definitely top-level in the industry. I am confident that I can make you popular! It's such a pity that you can't enter the entertainment industry under these conditions!" The woman was excited Eyes light up.

   (end of this chapter)

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