The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 191: He didn't think it was He Xinyan

   Chapter 191 He doesn't think it's He Xinyan

   An hour later, He Chenxiao slumped on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, unable to live without love.

   Facts have proved that males have a strong sense of territory, even the fourth brother who is gentle and generous to family and friends.

  He Chenxiao sobbed softly, it is really terrifying to provoke a man in the courtship period, he will never dare again!

   This lesson is really unforgettable and heart-wrenching.

   He hurts too much, the fourth brother really didn't hold back at all, he was completely crushed by force.

   The family doctor came over and checked his injuries, "It's all skin trauma and soft tissue contusion. It's okay, man, how can you not experience some beatings."

  He Chenxiao is still crying, and the more she weeps, the more sad she is. The image of He Shao, the suave and suave old man, is gone.

  Shen Jinzhou was also worried that this person was being beaten stupidly, so he hurried over and said, "He Shao, are you alright? Get up if you're all right, Fourth Shao is holding back his strength."

  He Chenxiao patted Shen Jinzhou's hand away and continued to cry, crying to the core of his lungs.

   Of course he knew that the fourth brother had been beaten, otherwise he would be sent to the hospital directly.

   But Rao is like this, he has never succeeded in counterattack, not even once.

   The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, not only from the body, but also from the soul.

   The family doctor and Shen Jinzhou looked at each other, what the **** was going on.

  He Chenxiao covered his face and cried and said, "What do you know, my house is completely collapsed! Do you understand the collapse of the house! I'm so sad!"

   In fact, it's not just for this reason, it's not particularly surprising that the fourth brother likes He Xinyan.

   He was surprised that he should have let go, but he was always so unwilling.

   Mingming thought of confessing to He Xinyan first to prevent himself from collapsing the house, but it turned out that before he knew it, that was the most real reflection of his own feelings.

  Thinking about this, he really regretted that his bowels were blue.


  A new day, when He Xinyan walked into the classroom, the whole class was stunned.

   The boy in the back row touched the corner of his mouth, "He Xinyan, how could you go out dressed like this?"

  He Xinyan smiled and snapped her fingers: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

   "No no no, you misunderstood!" The boy felt the threat of death and quickly explained, "It's just too beautiful."

   He lowered his head and stared at He Xinyan's long legs under He Xinyan's skirt a few times.

The boy smiled and said, "The school uniform you used to wear was too conservative! Don't you know that girls in the whole school will shorten their school skirts to one centimeter below the knee? Only you dare not change the original version, and just go straight to one centimeter below the knee, and that's how you look. It hasn't been overwhelmed, you can see the superiority of your figure. Now it seems that you are really a waste of time!"

  He Xinyan: "..."

   She really didn't realize that this newly transferred man looked serious and gentle, and he used to talk a lot.

  Fu Yuhuan came over and said, "Goddess, are you dressed like this for our class's program? You are the C position, no, you can make your solo debut!"

  Xu Jingyang sighed lightly, he admired it, but at the same time he also wanted to cover He Xinyan's legs with a curtain.

  The restlessness of the students in this class is fine, this is fine, and it has also attracted wild bees and butterflies from other classes.

   He got up and walked over, looking at everyone who was peeping through the windows with warning eyes, "Don't look at all, don't you have your own classroom?"

  The girls don't matter, are you serious about the boys in the mix?

   He sneered in his heart, Young Master, the people I am protecting also dare to covet, don't leave after school if you have the ability!

   "Xu Shao, don't be so stingy." The girl in the next class smiled.

   "I heard that your class is planning to let He Xinyan dance in the girls' group dance at the school celebration art show. Is this true?" This is a relatively well-informed message.

   The onlookers couldn't hide their excitement.

   "Really or not? Damn this idea! I PICK your class's number one show! The most popular award will never run away!"

   "Yan Shen's long legs are so suitable for a girl group dance, my God, I can't wait to see it!"

   "I envy my classmates, I can see Yan Shen every day."

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

   Really convinced, this group of people is even more excited and looking forward to it than their own class.

  He raised his head at the same table, stared at He Xinyan for a long time, "Xu Shao, do you think there is a possibility that Yan Shen can also play the violin?"

  Xu Jingyang thought for a while: "Probably not."

   At the same table: "Strange, but it really feels like it, Xu Shao, come and see the violinist next to Lu Sichuan when he sings."

  Xu Jingyang leaned over and looked at it. There was a certain program clip on the screen. The performance was very exciting and shocking. The violinist played at a high level.

  Xu Jingyang has accompanied his mother to concerts since he was a child. It can be said responsibly that this is a professional performance!

   "It's a bit like." He paused the picture and watched it for a long time to show it to the violinist, but unfortunately there was only one distant view, and the stage was too dark to see his face.

   In the later editing, there are one or two shots that are close-ups of the hands, but they are too fast to see clearly.

The tablemate shrugged: "Let's just say it's like, this is the "Singer King" program, and during the live broadcast last week, I said that the figure of the violinist is very familiar, and I know where the violinist is familiar as soon as he wears a skirt. "

Xu Jingyang doesn't chase after stars, but just objectively commented: "This song is quite good. The ensemble of piano and violin is very story-telling, and it has a feeling that the stronger is getting stronger. The singer's vocal range is also very wide, and he can actually control such a difficult song. "

   "Disgusting, Xu Shao, your aesthetics are exactly the same as mine~~" The same table clenched his fist and gave him a light beating.

  Xu Jingyang gasped, "Go away! I'll beat you up if you don't believe me again? Do you think I don't even know Lu Sichuan?"

  Master, although he doesn't chase stars, he still has a basic level of music appreciation, and he also knows Lu Sichuan as a singer.

   This program was on the hot search after it aired last night, and he also clicked on the entry out of curiosity and ate melon for a while.

   Seeing the return of the king of Lu Sichuan, he wanted to look for the "King of Songs" program to watch, but he saw He Yuye at the beginning... He closed the video playback app expressionlessly at the scene.

  Oh, Master, he will not contribute any heat and traffic to that woman.

   As for the violinist, he didn't think it was He Xinyan.

   The body shape is quite similar, but He Xinyan probably can't play the violin, or even if he can play it, he can't play it so well.

  He Xinyan only had a simple suitcase when he moved out of the He family, without any musical instruments, and did not join the school's music club.

   And a musical instrument is something that requires constant practice to maintain the level.

   "Are you also chasing "The King of Singers"?" Someone outside the window looked curiously at the phone screen with their necks hooked, and suddenly remembered something.

   "By the way, did you know that He Yuye is on the "Singer King" program! And she sang the song "Cicada" with Senior Ling Xuan, which is really amazing!"


  Lin turned his head slowly and said to He Xinyan expressionlessly, "I understand what Lu Qilin said before."

   (end of this chapter)

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