The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 190: You are so capable, why don't I call you brother?

   Chapter 190 You are so capable, why don't I call you brother?

  Lin Xuxu and Qiaoyuqiao don't know why, but if they know they shouldn't ask, don't ask.

  It doesn't matter who pays the money, Yan Xuqiao's business was extremely hot throughout the summer vacation, and the three founders had already become rich little women.

   It just so happened that Lin Xuxu also wanted to dress up He Xinyan. Although her clothes were good, she looked good in everything she wore, but she couldn't bear the two outfits she came and went every day!

  Really, with such a beautiful face and such beautiful long legs, you must dress up well, otherwise you will be ruined.

  He Xinyan: "But we all wear school uniforms to school."

   If you buy too many clothes, you won't have the chance to wear them, it's not necessary at all!

  Lin Xuxu held her down with a smile: "Do you think you can only wear it on weekends? Did you forget to read the motivation manual? Except for the flag raising ceremony on Monday, the top ten in the grade have the right to dress freely every day."

   This is true. He Yuye once wore a skirt for a few days because of this so-called free dress code.

   But on the fourth day, she changed back to her school uniform and said she couldn't be special. At that time, many people praised her for being modest and low-key.

  He Xinyan retracted her thoughts, Qiao Yuqiao had already brought a few skirts and urged, "Xinyan, try it, you must look good in this little skirt!"

  Her aesthetics are online. The style of the skirt she chooses is simple and elegant, but the material and cutting are very good.

  Lin Xuxu: "I understand why the fan circle blows my sister's legs, not legs, but the spring water on the banks of the Seine."

   is so apt, these rainbow farts are her purest voice!

  Qiao Yuqiao said with a smile, "I love this waist too! The proportions of your body are also amazing. If you debut, you will definitely become popular!"

   Even the housekeeper Shi said, "Miss Xinyan is really the best I've ever seen, regardless of her temperament, looks, mind and personality."

   He smiled and beckoned to pay the bill. He felt that the money was well worth it!

   Don't say that the young master gave him the card, he wants to buy it out of his own pocket and give it to Miss Xinyan!

   Anyway, he has no family, and there are not many places to spend money. The salary given by the young master is very high, and he has no chance to spend at all.

  He Xinyan decisively refused to go shopping after buying a dress. It was so strange that it was inexplicably reduced to three people to accompany her to buy clothes.

   She thought it was better to go home and rest.


   When He Chenxiao walked into the study with his head down, he felt a little nervous.

   Shi Rin raised her eyes to look at him, raised her hand expressionlessly and knocked on the desk, where there was still a bunch of Wanhua mirrors.

   "A little more awake now? Explain."

  He Chenxiao didn't dare to stay awake, the fourth brother almost had him put on a plane and sent back to the imperial capital!

   "Fourth brother, I was wrong!" He Chenxiao admitted for a second.

   Shirin said calmly, "What's wrong?"

  He Chenxiao thought for a while, and then said, "The fault is that I know He Xinyan is still a high school student, so I went to confess. This will not affect her well."

  Shi Rin said blankly: "Oh, so you know it, so how dare you? Isn't what happened to Jin Bai yesterday enough?"

  He Chenxiao thought to himself, can that idiot Jin Bo compare to me? But he also knew that his behavior was indeed inappropriate.

"When you first came to Donglin City, you also heard that her reputation is not good. In fact? Is she as bad as the rumors say?" Shi Lin is rarely so angry, but this time it really touched his rebellion. Scaled.

"Looking at her situation, you should understand the truth that everyone is talking about money and destroying bones. She didn't provoke any of you, regardless of Jin Bo or you, you all took the initiative to move forward. She knew she didn't want to fall in love early. , and act like that in the street, have you ever thought about what kind of rumors she will face?"

  He Chenxiao felt even more guilty, "Fourth brother, I'm sorry, I really know I'm wrong."

   He used to have great prejudice against He Xinyan because of hearsay.

   Having such a reputation at the age of seventeen or eighteen shows how immoral and shameless I am.

   Later, I found out that this is not the case at all! The rumors wanted to step her into the mud, but she herself was so bright that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

   Those who listen to those rumors are the real chicken intestines.

   He chose this time to confess that it was really a bad move. If anyone saw it, they would probably say that He Xinyan was really clever. She was only 18 years old, and she was able to get a few rich second-generation people around her.

  He Chenxiao was a little disappointed: "I don't think so..."

   Shirin: "So you really like her?"

  He Chenxiao: "Yes, fourth brother, I am serious! As long as she is willing to be with me, I am willing to marry her when she is of legal age! Fourth brother, you must help me!"

   So I'm really not a fool! It is with enough determination. If the fourth brother finds out, he will definitely plan for him!

   From childhood to adulthood, although the fourth brother did not say anything, how often did he not help him achieve his wish?

  Shi Lin said in a cold voice, "You are dreaming."

  He Chenxiao: "Huh?"

   Shen Jinzhou, who was afraid of harming Chiyu, stepped out of the room and closed the door.

  Some people are probably stupid and don't know it, but they dare to repeatedly jump on the bottom line of others, let alone four young people, he can't help but want to punch the other party.

  In the study, Shi Rin pressed his eyebrows before slowly opening his mouth.

   "Are you still a child, so naive? In order to prevent He Xinyan from being with me, you deliberately ran to confess?"

  He Chenxiao's mind went blank, God, how did the fourth brother know!

   He instantly thought of Shen Jinzhou, **** it, that **** betrayed himself!

  Shi Lin sneered and said, "You are very capable. I don't dare to disturb the person I like, but you are so good that you are even in the line of proposal. You are so capable, why don't I call you brother?"

  He Chenxiao was so scared that his legs softened, "No no no fourth brother, you are my brother, my forever brother..."

  Shi Lin walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly: "Do you think it's great that you are willing to marry her? Do you think I don't want to marry her, I don't even dare to think about it, how dare you?"

  He Chenxiao was terrified to watch: "Fourth brother, I am a toad and want to eat swan meat..."

   Shi Rin nodded slightly: "That's a good sentence, but your self-awareness is still a little off. Let's go, go to the exercise room on the first floor."

  He Chenxiao's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

   "Fourth brother, what are you doing in the exercise room?"

   Shi Rin took off the small leaf rosewood gall bracelet on his wrist and smiled, "Martial arts Sanda or Taekwondo, you choose one."

  He Chenxiao's eyes turned dark.

   seems to give him a choice, but in fact one is a dead end, and the other is life is better than death.

   He has followed Shi Lin since he was a child, and he also learned what the other party learned. He asked himself that he was not very good in culture class, and he still had a bit of an advantage in sports.

   The result is still no better than the fourth brother, who is beaten badly every time.

   Later, he found out that it was not that he was bad, but that the fourth brother was too powerful and defying the sky. No matter what he learned, the other party could come back with a gold medal, which was terrifying.

   He remembered that the champion of Wushu Sanda was at the national level, and Taekwondo was at the provincial level.

   (end of this chapter)

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