The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 192: You can write about this

   Chapter 192 You can make a fuss about this

   If you talk about He Yuye and Ling Xuan filming the Tiffany chocolate commercial, most of the classmates really think it's nothing.

   After all, it is supported by money from the family, and it is not even a real star.

   But this time on the "King of Songs" program is different. This is her first stage in the entertainment industry, and the level is quite good.

   He Yuye's tone is the same as what she feels to others. It is sweet and soft, and it matches Ling Xuan's voice very well.

   The two of them sang "Cicada" again. This song is very widely sung, because it was sung in the youth, and it was very popular among the students.

  Ling Xuan is also the songwriter and original singer. He explained that the original version of this song was a duet between men and women, which not only attracted the audience's goodwill, but also made people curious.

   In any case, this song brought He Yuye a little fire.

   It's no wonder that the program recommended by Class 3 is He Yuye's solo performance. After all, stars are different from ordinary people and naturally have a halo.

   As long as He Yuye sings not badly, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not get a high vote and become the most popular program, with an exclusive bonus of 30,000 yuan.

  Lin Xuxu: "Xinyan, what do you think?"

  He Xinyan: "What opinion can I have, I won't make an evaluation."

   After a pause, he added slowly, "Anyway, the first place is from our class."

  Lin Xuxu couldn't help laughing out loud, in short, I believed that He Xinyan was right, "Baby you are awesome!"

  He Xinyan nodded: "Yeah, I'm really good."

   Especially after hearing Ling Xuan and He Yuye sing "Cicada", this feeling is even more obvious.

   She flipped through the hot searches on Weibo. The latest episode of "The King of Songs" aired last night, and there were several hot searches, but obviously the ones about Ling Xuan and He Yuye were bought.

   Either the fans are intoxicated, or the navy is copying and pasting similar texts, and you can see the clues after a little more reading.

   And this time, the other party is estimated to have learned to be smart, so he doesn't dare to step on Lu Sichuan again to avoid being slapped in the face.

   But in fact, those who actually watched the show were praising Lu Sichuan's "Transformation".

   The entry for "Lu Sichuan's stunning voice" was on the hot search last time, and this time the entry for "The Return of the King of Lu Sichuan" was on the hot search again.

   And the popularity has been rising, unlike the few hot searches about Ling Xuan that have been dropping.

   Until noon, the entry for "The Return of the King of Lu Sichuan" finally climbed up the hot one, followed by a bright red explosion.

   Soon, entries such as "transformation" and "looking forward to Lu Sichuan's new album" also made it to the top ten of hot searches.


   Brother Qian looked at the hot search, although this time he did PR in advance and took riot control against Lu Sichuan, but he still couldn't stop Lu Sichuan's popularity.

  Before the latest episode of the show aired last night, he deliberately launched the chorus version of the single "Cicada".

   I spent a lot of money on publicity and hot searches, but the results were mediocre.

   It seems to be selling well, but basically Ling Xuan's own fans are rushing.

  He Yuye's fans are small in size, and they are not willing to spend much money, which can basically be ignored.

   The real passerby didn't get involved, resulting in single sales peaking last night and starting to fall back today.

   Even if he pressed the marketing account to delay the release of Lu Sichuan's program, it would be useless.

  Lu Sichuan is now on the Hot One, and the sales of the single "Cicada" are also falling off a cliff.

   This can't be done. In any case, Ling Xuan's data must be done well.

   Brother Qian rolled his eyes and instantly had an idea.

  Fortunately, before talking to He Xinyan that day, he deliberately started a recording.

   He investigated the relationship between Ling Xuan and He Xinyan, guessing that this woman unilaterally loves and entangles Ling Xuan, and his own words are exciting, probably the other party will have some fierce words.

   did not expect that the other party did not express his admiration for Ling Xuan, but instead attacked "The song "Liang Chan" was originally very bad, and the adapted version is even more rubbish", probably because of love and hate, and anger into anger.

  Since Tang Zheng claimed that He Xinyan was the consultant they invited, many people saw it at the time, so they could make a fuss about it.

   But don't worry now, he can wait for Ling Xuan's new album to release before releasing the recording.


   Ever since he decided not to provoke He Xinyan, He Yuye has been concentrating on his own business.

   She joined the third class group in advance during the summer vacation, and when the school started, she gave the third class a coupon for Tiffana, earning a lot of goodwill.

   There is no discomfort in the new class, the classmates are very friendly, and she is the core and most popular presence in the entire class.

   The latest episode of "The King of Singers" was broadcast yesterday, and without her having to say, Cheng Jiaxing had already helped her promote it in the class group in advance.

   The online single released by "Cool Cicada", Cheng Jiaxing also made a point of urging students to buy it.

  Unfortunately, most of the students in the class are just talking about it, and there are still a few people who buy real money.

   Including Tiffana's coupons, those people used them, but they were only for wool, not to mention follow-up consumption, few people opened cards.

   Most of the students of Yongxing High School are from good families, which should not be the result.

   He Yuye sighed softly, after all, she was a classmate who had not known each other for a long time, so it was difficult for her to ask them.

   If we were still in the class, this would not be the case.

  Lu Qilin and Liu Jiayi have a strong appeal in the class, and Wu Fan and the others have always stood by their side, and those people will not embarrass themselves.

  Cheng Jiaxing saw He Yuye frowning slightly from a long distance, and he felt tight, and quickly put down the things in his hand and walked over.

   "Yuye, are you in a bad mood?"

  He Yuye put a smile on his face subconsciously, "No."

After a pause, she bit her lower lip and said softly, "Do the girls don't like me? Last time Xiao Tang asked me a question, but I didn't tell her clearly; and Zhao Ziting actually wants to sing, right? If it wasn't for me to join the third class, it would definitely be her program."

   The girl's face was melancholy, and I felt pity for her frowning. Cheng Jiaxing immediately felt sorry for her.

"Xiao Tang is her own brain. You have said it twice and still can't understand, so she can only blame herself; besides, you have to read books, record songs, and run a dessert shop. Time is precious, okay? How can she spend so much time with her? And Zhao Ziting, how can she compare to you? You have worked with Lingxuan, a top performer!"

  Cheng Jiaxing actually had an opinion about the girls in the class.

   He knew that He Yuye was ostracized by He Xinyan, so he chose to transfer to the third shift.

   Zhao Ziting and the others did not support He Yuye, but instead often went to work to see He Xinyan.

   Is He Xinyan more famous and better than He Yuye? He Xinyan just had a smug face.

  Cheng Jiaxing has always disliked He Xinyan's aggressive beauty, and felt that it was bad at first glance.

   Sure enough, the other party is very good at bullying people.

   (end of this chapter)

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