Chapter 150 Lu Qilin retired

   Just as everyone was talking, Bai Yulan wisely went to find the coach of the school.

   When such a big thing happened, you can't just handle it so lightly and gently expose it.

  Bai Yulan came over and said, "Can't some people slander their classmates, can't they change their moves? Last time I got a fake test paper and said that He Xinyan was cheating. Now it's even more outrageous. Even the amulet has become evidence of cheating."

  What happened, what happened last time?

   Everyone instantly smelled the breath of gossip.

   Following Bai Yulan's line of sight, he saw the pale He Yuye and the ashen Lu Qilin.

   So did these two frame He Xinyan last time? Slandering one's own classmates is indeed despicable enough.

  The coach of Yongxing High School is the team leader of the physics team. The last time he caught cheating in the final exam was that he and Wen Wan insisted on seeking justice for He Xinyan, and naturally they knew some inside stories.

  Although the matter was finally found on Ling Zhenxing, because Ling Zhenxing could not be confronted, he could only stop there, but everyone involved in the investigation of the incident knew that.

The person behind    who actually implemented the action is most likely He Xinyan's adopted brother, He Linjun.

  Since He Yuye is He Linjun's most beloved sister, most of this matter has nothing to do with He Yuye.

   "Since it has been proved that He Xinyan is innocent, classmate He Jiao, I hope you can give He Xinyan and Yongxing High School an explanation!"

  He Jiao's face turned pale, and she whispered, "I took the video and asked the people in your school, and they said they thought He Xinyan was cheating..."

   She took out the video from her mobile phone, and everyone knew that He Xinyan got an amulet, so she felt completely different.

  He Jiao felt guilty the more she looked at it, as if she really made a mistake and was misled.

  Coach: "Outrageous, this is the so-called evidence in your mouth? Is it really unreasonable to convict someone with just two sentences? Be a person, please have the minimum morality and bottom line!"

   This sentence is a bit too harsh, but He Jiao didn't do anything, but Lu Qilin's face was even more gray.

   The trouble is now, and everyone's time has been wasted.

   After all, everyone's time is very precious, and every day is racing against time to spend in the training room. It's not that the United States has time to accompany others to fool around.

   Having said that, He Xinyan has really suffered a disaster, and she is going to be done like this.

   Speaking of which, He Jiao is not in a competitive relationship with her at all. The other party's ranking has always been out of the dozen or so, and where the face is questioning the first place.

   The leader invited by Lu Qilin was also a little embarrassed and difficult to ride a tiger.

   He is about to have an opinion on the young master of the Lu family. If you want to mess with your classmates, don't use such a clumsy way. It's really inexplicable.

   In the end, He Xinyan was fine, but He Jiao and Lu Qilin were called away.

   Someone has to pay for this incident, let everyone know that spreading rumors has a price.

   There are 100 students in the entire summer camp. If everyone relies on a little bit of tricks to slander their opponents, wouldn’t it be all messed up?

   This nature is not necessarily worse than the sensational cheating incident last year, and it must be stopped and prevented before it happens.

  He Xinyan didn't pay attention to this matter, and only heard Bai Yulan talk about it at night, He Jiao and Lu Qilin each took a punishment.

   Instead, He Yuye was completely invisible in the whole thing.

  He Xinyan couldn't help but sigh, and said to the system, "I didn't believe that He Yuye was the heroine of destiny before, but now I believe it."

   [Haha, maybe. ] The system silently wiped away sweat in its heart.

   It also tried to prove to the host that He Yuye was not involved in this matter, but it didn't even believe it.

Bai Yulan secretly brought inside information, "Lu Qilin took care of everything by himself, and although He Jiao accused He Yuye, but after all, there was no evidence, He Yuye firmly refused to admit that she had misled He Jiao, anyway, that's it. Take her out."

   Another female classmate said, "I heard that He Yuye was still crying. She cried very pitifully, so it's alright."

   After several people finished speaking, they couldn't help shrugging their shoulders.

  Not everyone has the ability to cry when they say they cry, and cry so much that I can't bear to cry.

   When He Xinyan came out of the training room at night, she saw He Yuye who was guarding the door.

   "He Xinyan, I'm sorry about what happened today. I was also misled by others, so I unknowingly played the role of a microphone in the middle." He Yuye looked guilty.

   She really didn't expect that He Jiao's guess was completely baseless.

   He Jiao was the only one who overheard He Xinyan's conversation with the two men. She thought that the other party had guessed it from the tone of voice, but she didn't expect it to be.

   He Jiao actually said that it was because of her words that she believed that He Xinyan was a habitual offender, but she clearly didn't mean that, and everything was based on listening to He Jiao's words.

   A boy came out to smooth things out, "Yu Ye didn't do it on purpose, we also had discussions in private."

   "That's right, they all say that the argument doesn't matter, Yuye didn't do anything, she was used by others."

   "After all, He Jiao is too strong. She used to like to bully others to do things, and she wants to force you to retire without any evidence."

   "Maybe she just wants to cause discord between you Yongxing High School!"

  He Xinyan's eyes slowly passed over the boys who spoke, and fell on the last boy, "Really? Then you say this now, don't you forget that you are in the first middle school?"

   The boy's expression changed subtly, and he didn't dare to speak.

   As a student of No. 1 Middle School, he really shouldn't speak for He Yuye to slander He Jiao, but isn't this because... He likes He Yuye and hates He Jiao!

   Bai Yulan and several other girls squeezed over.

   "You guys are so strange, what does it mean to ignore rumors, isn't she the one who spread rumors everywhere?"

   "If Lu Qilin didn't believe her, would he go to the leader of the organizing committee?"

   "If I say He Jiao is really unlucky, she was deliberately misled by He Yuye."

   "Both He Jiao and Lu Qilin are punished, but He Yuye has nothing to do. Who deserves sympathy? Of course, I'm not saying that He Jiao and Lu Qilin deserve sympathy."

   These remarks represent the voices of more people. Everyone looked at He Yuye and felt that this girl was so inexplicable.

  What the **** is she talking about, is it reasonable to gossip behind her back?

  He Xinyan looked at He Yuye: "I don't accept your apology. If you are sincere, why don't you retire?"

  He Yuye pursed her lips, her voice a little dry: "...if this is what you want."

   She thought about it, since He Xinyan said such things, she should just retire.

   Anyway, she has avoided He Xinyan once, and it is not a big deal to avoid it again.

   But thinking so, after making the decision, she was still very aggrieved and sad, and wanted to find Lu Qilin early the next morning.

   "What did you say, Lu Qilin retired?"

   (end of this chapter)

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