The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 149: You might as well ask for the blessing of the Bodhisattva

   Chapter 149 You might as well ask the Bodhisattva for blessing

  He Jiao's words were loud and loud, and there was an uproar at the scene.

  The word cheating is too sensitive. Last year, the collective cheating incident in a middle school was so big that it even affected many competition systems.

   Changed the original advance proposition into a temporary proposition during the summer camp, so as to eliminate the possibility of omission and over-examination.

   But there are still bugs in this way. After all, the proposition group has to issue the questions one day in advance. It is not impossible if someone wants to have a crooked mind.

   The students who participated in the competition came from all over the country, and some people looked at He Xinyan with a bit of contempt and hostility.

  Cheating should be spurned anyway, not to mention that the other party is robbing each of them the opportunity.

   Seeing that He Xinyan didn't speak, He Jiao urged impatiently, "Why are you guilty? Hand over things quickly."

  Bai Yulan hurried over, "You're too inexplicable, can you just search your body with just a word of suspicion? Are you a policeman?"

   She is really speechless, and these days, she is not without voices of doubt.

  Some people can't do it themselves, so they are sure that others can't do it, and they question others.

   In fact, to put it bluntly, it is jealous and distorted, and does not want to see others well.

  He Jiao: "I'm not a policeman, and I don't know how to search. It's up to you whether you hand it over or not, but if you don't want to prove your innocence, then it's not suitable to stay."

   She raised her chin, with a look of course, "You can just retire yourself, we are willing to keep you decent."

  The competition has come to this point, and many people have withdrawn from the competition. If they choose to withdraw from the competition, although it will be a bit humiliating, they will barely wear a fig leaf.

   is better than making a fuss and being punished directly.

  He Xinyan: "Before you question others, don't you turn your head? People grow a head, not for weighing scales."

   She doesn't quite understand, why are people always rushing to catch cheating and catch her on the head?

   He Jiao sneered, "You really want to quibble! But quibbling is useless. You Yongxing himself all suspect that you are cheating, which shows how bad your reputation is. Maybe you are a repeat offender."

   As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic voice suddenly came from the door, "What are you doing?"

   Everyone looked over and saw a leader of the organizer appearing at the door.

   The other party frowned and glanced at He Xinyan, "Student He Xinyan come out with me."

   He was asked by Lu Qilin to come over to deal with the matter first. As long as He Xinyan went out with him, he could immediately let the other party leave, which would not only expel the illegal cheaters, but also minimize the impact.

  He Xinyan didn't move, her expression was flat, "Teacher, if you have something to say, just talk here."

   Now that things are happening, she also wants to know what is going on.

   Someone else framed her behind her back, but she felt that she should find the answer, because since the leader appeared, seven or eight classmates have come in one after another.

   He Yuye and Lu Qilin entered at this time, as if everything was just a coincidence.

   But she never believed in such things as coincidences. If she thought about it further, He Jiao was a No. 1 High School, and He Yuye was a No. 1 High School before.

  He Xinyan turned to look at the leader: "The competition requires the organizers to act as referees, so you shouldn't have private contact with the students. It's better to make it clear here, so as not to be gossip, what do you think."

  Lu Qilin lowered his eyes, his expression was a little indifferent. He did not hesitate to expose his relationship and took the initiative to help He Xinyan conceal it, but it seemed that the other party did not appreciate it.

   The leader frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

  But Lu Qilin is the young master of the Lu family after all, and he is not the kind of person who talks nonsense. There must be evidence for the other party to say so.

   "In that case, someone reported you for cheating, can you explain what you're holding in your pocket?"

   After pondering, the leader said in a businesslike tone.

   He Jiao sneered, "You see, I was kind, but you didn't appreciate it."

  If he honestly retired, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed in front of everyone.

  He Xinyan thought for a while, "My last question, wouldn't the person who reported it be He Yuye?"

  She is dying and wants to pull a back, to stink other people's reputation?

   He Yuye's eyes were instantly covered with tears, she bit her lower lip and just wanted to stand out, "Yes..."

   "It's me!" Lu Qilin stood up simply, he would not deny what he had done. "Don't blame everything on Yu Ye."

   "I hope you don't regret it." He Xinyan gave Lu Qilin a meaningful look.

  Lu Qilin's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

   He really began to doubt He Xinyan just after listening to one-sided words, but he was only suspicious. At first, he just wanted to remind the coach to pay attention to the rumors. The original intention was to protect the reputation of Yongxing High School.

  It was so troublesome until now, but it became that he was sure that He Xinyan was cheating.

   However, there should be no problem with what Yu Ye said, she has never been the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense.

  Lu Qilin calmed down, "You better worry about yourself first and hand over your things."

  He Xinyan didn't hesitate, she took something out of her pocket and put it in her palm.

   At that moment, everyone held their breath...

   Wait, what is this? amulet? !

  He Xinyan's voice was unhurried: "This is an amulet specially given to me by the elders in my family. I hope it can bless me with a good result in winning the first place in this competition."

   She still felt that it was not enough, so she turned out the whole pocket and showed it to everyone. Except for the amulet, the only thing left was the key card.

   Even the mobile phone was handed over to the security guard at the door after returning.

   After a pause, she chuckled lightly, "If this counts as cheating, then I will admit it. After all, my family asked for it from the Bodhisattva. Maybe my first priority now is the blessing of the Bodhisattva."

The girl in front of    spoke softly and softly, with a good tone and clear articulation, and many people couldn't help laughing.

  This is **** outrageous, how does the amulet count as cheating?

   And the big beauty even directly admitted to cheating, saying that the first test is the blessing of the Bodhisattva.

   Everyone present, all those who were a little ashamed, felt a 10,000-point crit inexplicably.

   "No, no, no, how could your achievements be blessed by the Bodhisattva, and the Bodhisattva can't help the mud to the wall, right?"

   "That's right, I'm that scumbag. My grandma believed in Buddhism and prayed to the Bodhisattva every day, but she didn't see me getting the first place in the exam."

   "I'm really convinced, why do other people have to question all kinds of people who are first in the test! Is it really difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

   "I'm convinced anyway. Last time I wrote a question, but I couldn't figure it out after four or five hours of thinking. I almost wanted to spend the night in the training room. I asked He Xinyan to make it for me in ten minutes."

   "It's really far from the big spectrum. If you don't have the ability, you blame others for being too good. If you are so jealous, you might as well ask the Bodhisattva to bless you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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