Chapter 151 Don't you feel guilty?

  He Yuye was dazed and at a loss, how could Lu Qilin retire? His results were so good that he was always in the top five.

   But since Lu Qilin has withdrawn from the competition, she can no longer offer to withdraw from the competition, otherwise she will be playing Yongxing High School in the face.

   The good method he came up with just met Waterloo, and he had to bite the bullet and continue to stay.

   "Don't think too much, restrain your mind, and play well!" The coach said looking at He Yuye.

   He was also surprised that Lu Qilin had withdrawn from the competition. The other party only told him after finishing everything, so that he had no chance to stop it.

   This is too irritating. After all, Lu Qilin is a good seedling. Even if he can't win the gold medal, he can still win the silver medal.

  Lu Qilin's retirement was definitely a loss for Yongxing High School.

  The coach knew the whole story and He Yuye's role in it, so he felt a little bit at a loss for this girl.

   But as a team coach, he should treat students equally, even if he has an opinion, he can't express it, he can only hold back and comfort He Yuye a few words.

   finally added: "I saw your results, it should be no problem to work hard to get a bronze medal."

   The expression on He Yuye's face froze for a moment.

  Coach: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

   He Yuye said softly, "No, then, teacher, I'll go back first."

   When she was out the door, she looked back, feeling a little unwilling in her heart.

  Before this, he was the dark horse with the highest voice and was valued by teachers of various subjects.

   Even the leading coach of No. 1 Middle School came to say hello, joking that she used to be the pride of No. 1 High School, but now she has become the strongest opponent of No. 1 High School.

   So she only deserves a bronze medal? She had never been so neglected in her past life, let alone a cold bench, why did she suddenly become like this.

   The reason is that He Xinyan's poisoning made her unstable and dropped too many rankings.

   It is hard for He Yuye not to wonder if He Xinyan had sow discord in front of the coach, otherwise why would Lu Qilin go out and the coach would indifferently defend the other side.

   Even when Lu Qilin withdrew from the competition, the coach didn't look regretful.

   But the more she treated her differently, the more unconvinced she was. She had to work hard to get a gold medal back no matter what, not for anything else, just to express her anger.

   Anyway, the top three are all gold medals, and the first and second and third are equally important.


  He Xinyan was not surprised at all when she knew Lu Qilin's decision to retire.

   Lu Qilin's withdrawal from the competition makes it absolutely impossible for He Yuye to retire, and the school will never allow such a situation to occur.

  Bai Yulan's interpersonal relationship is broad, and he also knows a few people from No. 1 Middle School, and soon hears new rumors.

   She was very angry: "How come you forced Lu Qilin to retire, so as to take the opportunity to get rid of Lu Qilin, a strong opponent, does it cost nothing to spread rumors?"

   There are too many points, and she really doesn't know which point to complain about.

   But she understood the logic of the group of people and comforted He Xinyan, "You don't care about these rumors, the clearer is clear, don't affect the state."

  He Xinyan didn't have any psychological burden, and even one day when she was eating at the restaurant, she was blocked by a girl and asked her with red eyes, "Aren't you guilty?"

   But the girl was obviously of average psychological quality, so she ran away crying after questioning her.

  He Xinyan: "Don't worry, I will always be number one."

  Bai Yulan: "Okay, I believe in you!"


  He Yuye began to pick up the spirit of 120,000 points and go all out. He studied in the training room until late at night every day, and even slept directly in the training room several times.

   In contrast, He Xinyan looks laid back and goes back to the dormitory before nine o'clock every day.

  Her hard work was seen by many people, some admired her, and some poured cold water on her.

  He Yuye doesn't care about other people's evaluations. She regards He Xinyan as her own sharpening stone. She used to be able to bloom a flower in such a difficult environment, so what is He Xinyan?

  The hard work really paid off. In the last few exams, her grades have risen little by little, and her overall ranking has reached the 5th place.

   is only one step away from the gold seat.

   It was the last exam of the summer camp in a blink of an eye.

   This morning, the theory was tested, and the experiment was tested in the afternoon. Everyone was full of energy.

   The weight of the final exam is 30%. Although after so many rounds of exams, the ranking has gradually stabilized, but it is not uncommon for those who passed the last exam to make a comeback.

   He Yuye breathed a sigh of relief when he got the two experimental questions. She had seen these questions before, and she had been trying to do experiments in the past few days.

   She has an innate advantage over others, which means that she has turned around against the wind this time.

   This time we won!

  He Yuye's experiments were very stable, and he was also very smooth in writing the experimental report, and he even handed in the papers more than ten minutes in advance.

   Before leaving, she glanced at He Xinyan's direction, who was still observing the results of the experiment.


   After the exam, Bai Yulan was the first to ask He Xinyan, "What are your answers to the two experimental questions this time?"

  He Xinyan said the answer, Bai Yulan's heart skipped a beat, "Damn it, I'm totally different from you!"

   She also said her answer, the deviation is indeed too big.

  He Xinyan shrugged, "Then you are indeed wrong."

  Many people came to He Xinyan for the answer, and many people went crazy after they came to different conclusions.

   "It's over, it's over, I'm finished! I don't think I can get many points in my experiment!"

   "But, is He Xinyan's answer necessarily correct?" Someone suddenly interjected.

  The scene was quiet for a moment, and everyone turned their attention to the boy who was talking.

  The boy was not embarrassed at all, but instead said to He Yuye who was beside him, "Yuye, are you right?"

   They had just checked the answer with He Yuye, and they were surprised and surprised to learn that He Yuye had done this experiment.

  Effort will be rewarded. This is true. If He Yuye hadn't spent sleepless nights in the training room and laboratory, how could he have just encountered the experimental questions he had done?

   He Yuye ruffled her hair, her expression firm and calm, "My answer is not the same as He Xinyan's, but I don't think I'm wrong."

   She said her answer without hesitation, and someone immediately responded, "My answer is the same as yours!"

   This is the boy who is currently ranked second. His strength has always been very strong, and he is also a popular candidate for the first place in previous years.

  He Yuye was a little surprised, but still said with a smile: "Really, then I have more confidence, after all, I actually did a similar experiment when I was writing the questions before."

   The two simply walked together and chatted, and the more they chatted, the clearer their thoughts became.

   "There are too many traps in these two questions, and many people tend to ignore some key points, but in any case, the final value is absolutely impossible to be lower than 1."

   After He Yuye finished speaking, she looked up at He Xinyan. She remembered that the answer to the last question was 0.93.

   Among the people who just reported the answer, only He Xinyan's answer was lower than 1.

   The other side has a high probability of overturning.

   (end of this chapter)

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