The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 148: What's in your pocket?

  Chapter 148 What is in your pocket?

  The housekeeper was inexplicably guilty, and the young master had a good temper. He was indeed a bit presumptuous when he treated him like an elder.

   "Master, I'll go to the hotel next door to help you arrange lunch..."

   Shirin: "No need, the sun is too big and I don't want to walk."

  Time Steward: "..."

  Then I have to say, Master, your willfulness is particularly out of place and unreasonable.

  He Xinyan: "If you don't mind the Fourth Young Master, why don't you eat here? This restaurant's dishes are still very popular among students."

   The corners of Shi Rin's mouth softened a bit: "Since you kindly invited me, that's fine, I'll eat here."

   Shi's housekeeper has been in charge of Shi Lin's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and immediately wanted to place an order for him, but he didn't know how to operate a mobile phone.

   "Is there anything you want to eat? Are there any taboos?"

   She asked a few questions one after another, but fortunately, the other party responded cooperatively, and she didn't seem to be picky at all, so she quickly ordered it.

   Shi Lin didn't have to be picky about his etiquette when he was eating. He was obviously the kind of eldest young master, and his aura was also noble and lazy, but when he put down the air and took the initiative to join in, he didn't seem abrupt at all.

   Except for the overly conspicuous appearance, it attracted a lot of attention.

  He Xinyan originally chose the position beside the screen, with Bai Yulan and the other girls in front, even this could not block the attention this table received.

   When Shirin finished eating, he put his hand on the back of the chair again, and looked around, thoughtful.

   His gaze finally rested on He Xinyan. She was still eating, and she had already discovered that although her etiquette was very good, her appetite was much larger than that of her peers.

  It was probably because of too much suffering.

  Some thoughts rolled over in my heart several times, and in the end there was only a smile.

   He looked at the ominous black mist that still hadn't dissipated around her, and thought lightly in his heart, with his own protection, he could protect her no matter what.

   In the past, he didn't care about money, fame and fortune, and he didn't care much about family relationships, and he had always been in a semi-born state.

   But since then, he has something and a weakness he wants to protect.

  He Xinyan scanned the QR code to pay after eating, and heard Shi Rin's voice in her ear, "Give me the palm of your hand."

   She reached out her hand subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

   Shi Lin clenched her fist and put something in her hand. It was an amulet with exquisite workmanship, not like the temple peripherals or cultural and creative products sold outside.

   "For me?" She was a little surprised.

   Shirin: "As a reward for inviting me to dinner, hurry up and put it away."

  The housekeeper was a little surprised, but still said auspicious words with a smile, "Miss Xinyan, please accept it quickly, I will definitely bless you in this competition and win the first place!"

   He felt that Miss Xinyan was so powerful, there could be no accident, she must be the first!


   He Yuye was worried, and followed Lu Qilin to see him go to the coach.

  The team leader of Yongxing High School is the team leader of the physics team. Originally, I heard Lu Qilin say that he was here to reflect the situation, but he still listened very solemnly.

   In the end, he felt that something was wrong, he raised his hand to interrupt Lu Qilin.

   "Is this your own idea, or is it passed down by others?"

  Lu Qilin pursed his lower lip, "It's just my personal opinion."

  The coach looked at him with a complicated expression. This student has always been prudent, not the kind of exaggerated person who doubts his classmates for no reason like what he would do.

   "Then I hope this is the end of the matter." The coach paused, "I know you have been under a lot of pressure recently, so let's focus on the next test."

   After the test today, the students had one and a half hours of free movement time, so that everyone could go out to eat and breathe. The organizing committee is already sympathetic to everyone’s hard work.

   There is a psychological gap, or the pressure is mostly understandable, but it is not a reason to maliciously speculate on classmates.

  Lu Qilin was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect such a result.

   When he came out, he saw He Yuye standing at the door, the two of them were speechless, and finally He Yuye spoke first, "I'm sorry, it's my fault..."

  Lu Qilin shook his head, "It's not your fault, maybe it's because I think too much."

   He Yuye bit his lip, "If I said, don't you think too much? He Jiao contacted me just now, she said that she saw something that Hsiao Hsiao gave to He Xinyan, and said that she would be blessed to take the first place."

  Lu Qilin's eyes gradually became serious, "Do you have any evidence?"

  The evidence is of course there. He Jiao felt that there was something tricky at the time, so she grabbed her mobile phone and took a video.

   From the video, I did see that the outstanding-looking man handed He Xinyan something, and then He Xinyan put it in his pocket.

   The old butler's phrase "getting the first place" said it with incomparable certainty.

  Lu Qilin took a deep breath and pulled He Yuye, "Go!"

   He didn't want to communicate with the coach any more about this matter. The other party's intention to defend He Xinyan couldn't be more obvious. Obviously, he would only quietly inform He Xinyan to destroy the evidence.

   It happened that the judges of the organizing committee had someone he knew. Looking for that person could not only handle the matter well, but also minimize the harm.

"He Jiao is from No. 1 Middle School. She has a video. This matter must not be handled quietly within our school." Lu Qilin analyzed the pros and cons with He Yuye as he walked, "Otherwise, once she exposes the video to the Internet, the entire Yongxing High School will be destroyed. In order to cover up the crime, we can only deal with it as soon as possible.”

   He Yuye pursed her lips. She didn't say a word. She used to be a high school student, and He Jiao was her friend.

  Compared with her calm personality, He Jiao is a big horn, and she has a hot temper.

   The other party sent a video to ask her opinion, and she said her concerns... Now the other party was afraid to go to the training room to block He Xinyan.

  It is impossible to make this matter such a big thing and a small thing.


  He Xinyan just walked into the training room when she saw a group of people walking in front of her.

   She didn't care, until the group of people got closer and closer, and she realized that it seemed to be directed at herself.

  He Jiao stopped in front of He Xinyan, raised her chin and asked straight to the point, "What did you just go out and why did you come back now?"

  He Xinyan: "Do I need to report to you?"

   was originally a relaxation time given by the organizing committee to the students. There is no problem in having a meal nearby, but suddenly rushing over to ask this sentence in a questioning tone, it seems too inexplicable.

   He Jiao wrinkled her nose, she had confirmed with He Yuye, and even someone as steady as He Yuye had doubts... Then there was definitely a problem.

   "I just wanted to ask you, what is in your pocket?"

  He Xinyan didn't quite understand what she meant, "It has nothing to do with you."

   The more she doesn't cooperate, the more He Jiao feels tricky. What was originally only 60% of the doubts turned into 90% in an instant.

   If you have a clear conscience, why should you hide it?

"Since that's the case, let me just say it straight, I saw someone looking for you before, saying that you can cooperate and win-win; later in the hotel, another man gave you another thing, and said that you will take the first place this time. Name, I suspect you are cheating."

   (end of this chapter)

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