The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 124: He Xinyan tunes, why fake bullets?

   Chapter 124 He Xinyan tuning, why fake bullets?

  The servant has followed He Xinyan's instructions and brought the piano tuner and tuning hammer.

   When everyone saw this posture, it didn't seem like a joke at all, and they were suddenly a little confused.

   Just now, He Yuye and He Linjun played four-handedly together, and the piano sound is obviously very smooth and pleasant, which is comparable to the professional performance level.

   Many people present, especially some noble ladies and famous ladies, have heard many concerts. It can be said with conscience that as amateurs, there is nothing to be picky about the four-handed play of He Yuye and He Linjun.

   This has also made many people have a great change in He Yuye. They feel that she is the true blood of the He family as she is now.

   So why did He Xinyan say there is something wrong with the piano?

   You must know that professional tuning lawyers are not cheap. Not only are they proficient in musical instruments, but their intonation and rhythm are also much better than ordinary people.

   It can be said that a professional piano tuner will definitely play the piano, but most of those who can play the piano can’t tune it.

   According to He Yuye, He Xinyan can't even play the piano.

  He Xinyan ignored the crowd, stepped forward to open the lid, and motioned to He Zixiao, "Just try a chord that is related to intervals."

  He Zixiao tried to play it for a while, and it was very clear. He also heard that there was something wrong with the rhythm and intonation of the piano.

   He Yuye opened her mouth slightly in astonishment, she was not a fool, of course she could hear the problem.

   But when she just played with her eldest brother, the sound was obviously smooth and bright, which was not like this at all.

   She looked at He Linjun subconsciously.

  He Linjun's face was gloomy: "If there is a problem with the piano, you can ask a high-level tuner to tune it at home. This is the piano left by Dad, and you can't afford it if it breaks!"

  He Xinyan ignored him at all, and began to tune the tune very skillfully.

After   , she sat down beside He Zixiao and tried to detect the strength and sensitivity of the keys. After confirming that there was no problem, she played a few tunes.

   She plays very casually, changing a short section of each piece at will. The span of several pieces is very large, which can detect the interval relationship very well, but without exception, they play very smoothly and beautifully.

  He Xinyan struck the last key, looked up and said, "Okay."

   You can hear it without her saying it, this is the true tone of this piano.

   And where does He Xinyan not know how to play the piano, she obviously has a deep and solid foundation, and her level can be said to be much higher than both He Yuye and He Lin!

   The key is that she can also tune and is an expert, which is even more amazing!

  Qiao Yuqiao happily grabbed Mother Qiao's hand and waved it vigorously, "Look Mom! Xinyan is really amazing!"

   Mother Qiao also sighed: "Yeah, she is not only a genius in reading, but also a genius in music, no wonder you guys admire her so much."

   So that Mrs. He is a fool, such an excellent adopted daughter, she doesn't want to win over, but always tries to use her own daughter as a control group.

   The one that was born was originally okay, but it was brought out for comparison, and it was not enough to see.

   was instantly turned into scum.

   He Linjun bit his back molars and his face became more gloomy.

  He Yuye was a little dizzy, she said in a daze: "Xinyan, since you can play the piano, why did you refuse to play with Zixiao with four hands? Don't you want to wish grandpa's birthday?"

   This question is a bit embarrassing, even Mr. He has changed his face.

  He Xinyan's eyes fell on He Yuye's reddened hand, and He Yuye subconsciously put his hand behind him.

  He Xinyan: "When you just played the piano, didn't you notice anything wrong?"

  He Yuye regretted after asking the somewhat sharp question, she shouldn't be so straightforward and aggressive, it seemed like she was taking revenge.

   "What did you say?" She took a step back, her face pale, "If you don't want to play, forget it, Zixiao, go ahead."

  He Xinyan stared into her eyes, "You already know, right?"

   He Yuye's eyes suddenly turned red, "I don't know!"

   This conversation is a bit confusing, but Qiao Yuqiao has a flash of inspiration. She finally knows what's wrong!

"The piano is obviously out of tune, but the four-handed play just now was smooth and pleasant. At first, I thought that the sound from this speaker was too loud. Now I understand, if the sound is not loud, how can it be covered? What about the original sound of the piano?"

   And the released tunes were obviously tuned by professional-level tuners, no wonder it sounds so perfect.

  Mother Qiao stopped and smiled "embarrassingly": "This child is too straight, sorry."

   Qiao Yuqiao covered her mouth, she had said enough anyway, smart people should all understand.

   "So the four-handed combo just now is a fake? What the hell!" You are a lot smarter, and someone has already revealed the truth.

   Everyone was in an uproar and looked at He Linjun and He Yuye in unison, so what the **** is going on?

   Aren't He Linjun and He Yuye both playing the piano, so why fake it?

   A singer lip-synching in a concert is very unprofessional and unprofessional. Your fake playing is even more excessive.

  Congratulations to the old man, the important thing is the heart, even if the playing is not good, no one will blame it, it's just a fun.

   So is it to fool their listeners? No need, really no need.

   Everyone doesn't care whether the He family can play the piano or not.

  He Yuye's face was pale and shaky, looking at He Linjun blankly, "Big brother..."

After doing this, others will not think that He Lin has a problem, but will only suspect that she has a problem. After all, no one knows how good her piano is; and she also eagerly hopes to have such a performance opportunity to truly integrate into the circle of celebrities .

   But she really doesn't know anything!

   He Lin stood up quickly, he raised his hand, gauze wrapped around his hand.

"Sorry, the four-handed bombing was originally a surprise that Yuye and I had been preparing for a long time, but unfortunately, my hand was injured today, but I didn't want to disappoint my grandfather, so I thought about the time when I practiced with Yuye. The recorded song is released."

   "Yuye didn't know about all of this. We were playing seriously just now, and I made my own decisions."

After   , he turned to look at Mr. He, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I didn't explain the situation to you in advance."

   He Xinyan guessed that He Linjun would stand up and take on everything, and it was no surprise for a long time.

   He Yuye is worthy of being the daughter of heaven, every time everything is related to her, but every time she can be picked out innocently.

   No matter where she is, there are people who are charging for her, and banging against the wall for her.

   "Is He Yuye really ignorant?" The crowd suddenly burst into commotion, and a joking voice sounded, "I thought she knew, that's why she played so deeply, so she didn't know."

  The man has a pair of peach eyes, and his smile is gentle and affectionate, but the words that come out of his mouth are cold and ruthless.

   "Then how bad her level is, she can't even hear the whole game."

   (end of this chapter)

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