The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 125: am I familiar with you?

   Chapter 125 Am I familiar with you?

   He Linjun's explanation barely covered the behavior of the two.

   But the man's words forced He Yuye's fig leaf to be ripped off, exposing her to the public with nowhere to hide.

  He Yuye's face was instantly pale, and her pure almond eyes were instantly covered with a thin layer of tears, but she stubbornly refused to fall.

   "Mr. Jin, you don't know anything, you can't judge me like this."

   Jin Bai casually shook the red wine glass in his hand, "Then you heard it? Since you heard it, why pretend to be innocent."

   To admit that you have heard it is to deliberately conceal and deceive, and to not admit it is to be of poor quality.

   The former is a problem with character, and the latter is a problem with ability.

Under everyone's attention, He Yuye's face slowly turned red, she bit her lower lip with a fragile expression, "Mr. Jin, you seem to have a problem with me, I want to ask if I offended you? Is there any misunderstanding?"

   said and glanced at He Xinyan, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

  Jin Bai has been targeting her from the very beginning, no matter how hard she tries to show her favor, it will be useless. She wondered if He Xinyan said something in front of Jin Bo.

  He Xinyan: "..."

   So this account was charged to her again, right?

   She is not interested in the love-hate relationship between the two, nor does she want them to bring her out every time.

   "You two can go to the small garden outside the door to chat slowly if you have something to say. Can you go down now? Zixiao also wants to sing a song for grandpa to celebrate his birthday, thank you."

   The guests looked at He Xinyan with complicated expressions.

  Most of everyone's impressions of this adopted daughter of the He family come from various gossip.

   When I saw myself, I was surprised. Beauty is a scarce resource, and such top-level beauty is a scarce resource among scarce resources.

   Lin Yunshu was torn apart at the back, and He Xinyan dealt with it calmly, which was even more incredible. Not only did the academic performance go against the sky, but even the piano attainments were very good.

   The most rare thing is that kind of heart. After tearing up Lin Yunshu, He Linjun, and He Yuye like this, he can continue to congratulate Mr. He on his birthday.

   This style of behavior makes many people feel inferior.

   No wonder Mr. He loves him so much, and they would definitely be partial to He Xinyan.

  To tell the truth, from the perspective of He Xinyan's reaction and processing ability today, he doesn't know how much smarter than He Linjun, the heir, who doesn't like smart children as elders.

  He Xinyan sat back to her seat with a calm expression, motioning to Qiaoyu Bridge, "Eat more."

   Mr. He glanced at He Xinyan calmly, then turned to look at Lin Yunshu and He Yuye, and couldn't help frowning.

   "Today is a day of great joy, what's the matter with the crying like?"

   Jin Bai, who was welcomed to the main seat and sat down, also said, "It's really unfortunate."

   He Yuye couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up with tears in his eyes: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, because my affairs affected today's banquet, I'll go back to my room."

  Lin Yunshu: "Why do you blame Yuye, she..."

   "Shut up! Sit down for me!" Mr. He held back his anger all night and was on the verge of breaking out, "What a shameful thing, do you still know what the occasion is now?"

  The old man rarely reprimanded the younger generation so harshly. Lin Yunshu has been his daughter-in-law for decades, and this is the first time that he has been scolded in front of outsiders, and his face suddenly became uneasy.

   It's just that He Yuye can leave the table, but she can't leave the table, otherwise it's not just a disappointment, she's simply ignorant.

   can only sit here in spite of embarrassment and embarrassment.

   When she thought of being humiliated in public just now and being stepped on by He Xinyan, she hated so much that her silver teeth were almost crushed, and she had no intention of socializing and socializing at all.

   Mr. He saw all this, his expression gloomy.

  Jin Bai: "Don't be angry, old man. Although you have an ineffective granddaughter, you also have a very good granddaughter."

   Mr. He regained his senses, his expression restrained a little, "I made you laugh."

  Today's banquet was ugly, and the He family would inevitably become the laughing stock of others. Fortunately, Jin Bai came to the banquet and saved a little face.

  This is the heir of the Jin family, the No. 1 wealthy family in Donglin City. I heard that he came back from abroad to congratulate the old man on his birthday. It is inevitable to make people guess whether the He family and the Jin family are going to cooperate.

   Thinking a little further, if the Jin family and the He family plan to marry... it's not impossible.

   Of course it was impossible before. After all, Jin Bai is the fifth diamond king in Donglin City. There are so many wealthy and wealthy families that everyone is flocking to. How many people want to marry the Jin family, but not the He family.

   This is not the He Family's stunning and talented He Xinyan... One can't help but re-evaluate the He Family's strength.


   System: [Host, you just scared me to death! I thought the old man was going to lose his temper and drive you out! 】

   After all, family ugliness cannot be made public, and the wealthy are good at covering their mouths.

  He Xinyan ate the meal calmly without raising her head: "You think too much, and I didn't do anything wrong."

   The first person to make trouble is Lin Yunshu, and the person behind is He Linjun, what's up with her?

   She clearly knew that she was not easy to provoke, and she would definitely not swallow her anger. Lin Yunshu still came to provoke her, what is it that she did not bring shame on herself?

  He Xinyan rejects moral kidnapping and is absolutely not responsible for tonight's farce.

   The unfriendly person is Lin Yunshu. She is just protecting herself. If Mr. He blames her like this, do you have the nerve to pretend that your grandson and grandson are in love?

   "He Yuye and Jin Bai wanted to make trouble again later. I maintained the normal progress of the banquet. Should you reward me?"

   Now that he said this, He Xinyan couldn't help feeling that she was really working hard.

   If it wasn't for the face of Mr. He, she would just walk away just like in the Ling family, regardless of whether the banquet could be held smoothly or not.


   System: [Points +10, the host has maintained the normal holding of the birthday banquet, and hopes to make persistent efforts. 】

  Why is there always the illusion that it has been shorn of wool!


   When someone sat down beside him, He Xinyan didn't lift his head.

   But Mother Qiao took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Jin."

   This person has a high status, and even if she doesn't have any intention of clinging, she can't be left out in the cold.

  Jin Bai: "Mrs. Qiao, hello. This is Miss Qiao. She is as generous and decent as the rumors, and she is not pretentious at all."

  Qiaoyu Bridge: "..."

   This is a bit of an exaggeration, she just eats a meal and doesn't do anything.

   The guests around him restrained and politely cast their gazes over, eager to see who the eldest young master of the Jin family was aimed at.

   The case will be solved in the next second, he is here for He Xinyan!

  Jin Bai: "Xinyan, I was on a business trip abroad before, and I haven't heard from you for a long time. I'm sorry I didn't know so many things happened to you."

   He paused, then continued, "By the way, do you like the surprise I gave you?"

  He Xinyan couldn't bear it any longer: "Am I familiar with you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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