The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 123: I don't want to see Ms. Lin break defense

   Chapter 123 I don't want to see Ms. Lin break the defense

   Mr. He frowned, but He Linjun was the heir he supported after all, so he couldn't refute He Linjun's face on the spot.

   "Even if Mom made a mistake, but embarrassing her in public, is this what you should do as a daughter? You don't have the slightest respect for Mom, nor do you feel any guilt for Yu Ye."

   As long as you care about family affection, it will not be handled like this.

   Many people turned their attention to He Xinyan again. It was indeed a bit naive to refute and contradict the adoptive mother in public.

  Qiaoyu Bridge is a little speechless, what do these grasshoppers know?

   Could it be that he is being targeted with malicious intent, and should he choose to swallow his voice and take care of the overall situation?

   She was out of anger and wanted to say something, but was held down by He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan looked at He Linjun and motioned for the other party to continue. She also wanted to hear what the other party had to say.

He Linjun: "I'm afraid you don't know, this little sister of mine has been surly since she was a child. To say it nicely, it is selfish and selfish, to say it ugly, it is extremely selfish and cold. In her eyes, there are no parents, family, and affection. For a half reason, she can make the world quarrel, no matter how hard it is for her family."

   He Linjun stared at He Xinyan, "In front of your grandfather today, let me ask you, do you still treat us as family, and do you still want to live well in this home?"

   This question is not easy to answer, as if everything is wrong.

  If you want to stay, you will inevitably feel that you are eager for quick success and greedy for wealth; if you don’t want to stay, you will be too cold and ruthless and ungrateful.

  He Xinyan is straightforward: "I don't want to."

   Everyone looked at her in astonishment, didn't they say they didn't want to?

  The He family is a wealthy family in Donglin City. As long as you endure it for two years, and take advantage of the east wind of the He family to find a wealthy family to marry, you can still achieve class leap and continue to stay in the wealthy circle.

   But if she left the He family, what would she have? It fell directly to the bottom, and it would be difficult to climb up again.

  Lin Yunshu screamed: "You really never regarded us as family! You white-eyed wolf!"

   Mr. He tapped the cane hard, "Lin Yunshu, shut up for me!"

  He Xinyan didn't intend to leave it like that, "I don't want to stay, because I don't want to see Ms. Lin who is almost fifty years old and still has a glass heart, and breaks the defense at any time."

   Said she didn't respect Lin Yunshu? Great, she just wants to show her attitude, Lin Yunshu doesn't deserve her respect.

  The moral kidnapping is completely useless to her. If you want to use this trick, you will be humiliating yourself.

   "Didn't I just get the first grade in the exam this time? Ms. Lin also has to put it on He Yuye's head. She doesn't allow me to tell the truth. To tell the truth is to make trouble and rob He Yuye."

   After a pause, she said slowly, "But IQ is innate, and no one can take it away. I can't let me be like when I was a child, in order to take care of my eldest brother's self-esteem, deliberately fail the exam, right?"

  The scene was quiet, everyone's eyes widened in shock, and their faces were full of excitement.

What? ! He Linjun failed the exam when he was a child?

   He is seven years older than He Xinyan. When He Xinyan was in elementary school, he was at least in junior high school.

   Does this also need to be taken care of for self-esteem?

   Didn't the He family always say that He Linjun is both excellent in character and study, is he a proper scholar?

  This person took over the He Group as soon as he graduated from college and became the youngest president. He claimed that his resume was beautiful and good-looking.

  Many people only remember that He Linjun was young and promising. He sat on the throne of the president at a young age and was a young talent praised by the circle; but few people remember how gloomy and gloomy He Linjun, who suffered from leukemia in his youth, was like an invisible man.

   After all, many of the people present are relatives and friends of the He family. Even if the He family intends to erase He Linjun's past, many people still have memories.

   After being reminded like this, they also remembered some clips, and the look in He Linjun's eyes suddenly became a little weird.

  Lin Yunshu was anxious: "Nonsense!"

   Even Mr. He frowned: "Xinyan, don't make trouble!"

   "Just kidding." He Xinyan smiled, changed her voice, and continued, "I am afraid that I will continue to stay in the He's house and take the first place in the grade every time. Ms. Lin estimates that she will break the defense every day."

"I had known that Ms. Lin was so easy to break the defense, I should have taken the initiative to cut the relationship earlier. I used to be too naive, I didn't understand earlier that Ms. Lin's retention was not sincere, but under pressure, and wanted to market to the He family and myself. One wave. But not in the future."

   When she was ten years old when she found out that she was not the blood of the He family, she took the initiative to ask to leave.

   Ke He's family did not agree, and Lin Yunshu also kidnapped her with family affection, saying that she had long been regarded as her biological daughter.

   The ten-year-old child is not even a person with full capacity for civil conduct. The guardianship is still in the He family, and she has no right to choose.

   He Linjun frowned: "What do you mean? Mom was with your mother and daughter after all. The He family has raised you for 18 years. Is this how you repay us?"

  He Xinyan is most afraid of this. She looked at him with a half-smile, "Brother, are you sure you want to talk to me about the grace of parenting?"

   He Linjun's face was ashen, he really didn't dare to talk to her about this topic!

   Anyone in the He family can talk to He Xinyan about the grace of parenting, but he can't! He still owes He Xinyan his life!

  The veins on the forehead of Mr. He jumped, "Enough! Don't say it anymore, what a word!"

  Everyone is still not satisfied with eating melons. Seeing that Mr. He has spoken, it is estimated that the two sides will settle down.

   It was just Lin Yunshu who was the first to pick things up. This time, she really lost all her face.

  He Xinyan made it clear that she would not buy the account of this adoptive mother, and she was too lazy to do the superficial effort, so she asked Lin Yunshu if she was embarrassed.

  Many people have heard about He Xinyan making a fuss about Ling Zhenxing's private banquet. In any case, this adopted daughter of the He family, she really dared!

  If the He family didn't want to humiliate themselves, they shouldn't be looking for trouble and provoke others, but they can't afford the consequences.

   Probably to ease the atmosphere, someone suggested, "How about you go up and play a tune to celebrate your grandfather's birthday, Zixiao?"

   Mr. He also focused his attention on his little grandson, pulled He Zixiao and said a few words, neither wanting to pay attention to He Linjun nor He Xinyan.

   A group of people also deliberately decorated Taiping, waiting for He Zixiao to play.

  He Zixiao stepped onto the stage, took a deep breath, and tried his best to hold down his miscellaneous thoughts. He had just played a measure when someone pressed his shoulder.

   He was a little ashamed, he seemed to play it wrong, and his performance was too bad. "Three sisters..."

   The music that just flowed from the stereo through the radio equipment is really not very good, and it is inevitable that people will doubt the level of the player.

  He Xinyan said calmly: "I just said that there is something wrong with this piano. Let me tune it."

  He Yuye felt itchy on her hand again, but she was still incredulous, "You want to tune the piano? You can't even play the piano, how do you tune it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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