The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 122: you're not qualified to talk to me

   Chapter 122 You are not qualified to talk to me

   The call that Mother Qiao answered was called by a leader of Yongxing High School.

  Qiao Yuqiao was framed for stealing the test papers at school that day. The children didn't tell the family at the time. After they found out yesterday, they specially found a relationship to understand the situation.

   The leader didn't help much, and the matter was resolved. Just today, when I saw the statistics of the test results, I made a phone call to announce the good news.

   "You mean we Qiaoqiao ranked 10th in the grade this time?" Mother Qiao's voice couldn't hide her excitement.

   As a parent, who doesn’t want their children to have good grades? Although Qiaoqiao has never worried his family about this aspect, it is the first time that he has done so well in the test.

  Mother Qiao even made a pre-set, guessing that the child's grades would drop sharply.

   After all, a lot of things have happened recently. Even during the final exam days, Qiaoyu Bridge stayed with He Xinyan in the hotel, which would inevitably be affected.

   In the end, the other party gave her a big surprise, how could Mother Qiao be unhappy!

  Mother Qiao calmed down for a while, then thought about it and asked, "By the way, have you seen He Xinyan's results?"

   She was a little curious and asked a question casually. After asking, she wanted to add another sentence, if she didn't see it, forget it.

   After all, he should have left school after listening to the other party's tone. If He Xinyan didn't do well in the test, he really wouldn't remember it.

Who knew that the other side picked up the call: "He Xinyan? The first grade in the grade, with a score of 748, which is amazing! This student originally got a perfect score of 750 in the test, but the result was reported to the principal and said that it was too humbling, after all, it is the city's unified examination. This made other schools think, and they deducted 2 points from the test."

   Mother Qiao asked in a daze: "...Does your school have two grade 1s with a score of 748 in this final exam?"

"How is that possible!" The driver was driving over there, so scared that the steering wheel almost slipped, "Do you know how difficult it is to score 748? I dare say that this score is unique in the city! A principal has already laughed so hard that he can't see his teeth. The two principals can't be mad with joy."

   Mother Qiao suddenly knew what she knew, but she still wanted to confirm it one last time.

   "Then do you know He Yuye's grades?"

   "He Yuye? I'm a little impressed by this name. It should be ranked higher, but I don't remember the exact ranking."

  Mother Qiao hung up the phone and walked back calmly.

   On the stage, Lin Yunshu stared at He Xinyan, still using the topic to play.

   Even if the old man blamed him today, she still has something to say, why should he condone an outsider to put pressure on his granddaughter?

"You've been out living with someone for a while, and now it's getting more and more outrageous! Last time there was a private banquet for President Ling, why do you still want to have a birthday party for your grandfather?" Lin Yunshu said, her eyes suddenly reddened , "I know you're complaining about me, but it's necessary for you to target Yu Ye like this, do you want to grab everything from her?"

   "Wait a minute, isn't it you who wants to make trouble?" He Xinyan was determined not to take the blame.

   He Yuye was not at all surprised that He Xinyan would beat him up, but no matter how much the other party messed around, it couldn't change the fact.

   "Xinyan, you made a bet with someone before that the person who passed the first grade test can make a request to the other party. Probably you recognize the strong person very much and feel that the first grader is qualified to talk to you."

   "I am the first in the grade now, can I ask you to apologize to your mother?"

   She stood in front of people, her back was straight, her expression was stubborn and strong, and at the same time, she had a sense of innocence that I felt pity for, and it was easy to harvest the goodwill of others.

   Now many people think that He Xinyan is going too far.

  He Xinyan: "No, according to your logic just now, you are not qualified to talk to me."

   He Yuye opened her eyes slightly, wondering why she was so confident.

  Mother Qiao couldn't stand it anymore, so she pushed aside the crowd and walked in, "I just confirmed with Yongxing High School that the person who scored 748 was He Xinyan, the only one, there is no second one."

   For a moment, He Yuye felt that his mind was blank.

   She vaguely felt that something was wrong, as if things were going out of control.

   Lin Yunshu next to her was angry, but she took out her mobile phone and made a call, "Impossible, Yongxing High School personally informed me. Madam Qiao, did you make a mistake?"

  He Yuye pressed the uneasiness in her heart, she still did not believe that this score was obtained by He Xinyan.

   She is confident in herself, and what she is best at in her life is reading, how could she lose to He Xinyan.

  Lin Yunshu had already made a call, and she asked bluntly, "Director Zhang, is it He Yuye who scored 748 in the second year of high school?"

The    side was taken aback: "Mrs. He, you were in a hurry to hang up the phone before. I guess you didn't hear clearly. What I said was He Xinyan! Didn't the He family say to take care of He Xinyan yesterday?"

   He didn't help at that time. He was the first to notify the He family of the good news with the idea of ​​selling a good deal to the He family.

   "He Yuye is also your daughter, right? You are really lucky. He Yuye did very well in the test. He ranked sixth in the grade. Let me see the score, 705 points..."

  Lin Yunshu was stunned for a moment.

   In order to confront Mother Qiao, she specially opened an external voice. Now that's it, everyone can hear the words on the phone.

  Lin Yunshu's face quickly turned red, looking at He Xinyan furious, "You did it on purpose!"

  Mother Qiao smiled and said, "A score of 705 is also very impressive. My Qiaoqiao only scored 698 in the exam, which is far from your Jade Leaf."

  Others also opened their mouths to comfort.

   "Yun Shu, don't take it to heart, Yu Ye's achievements have already surpassed many others."

   "My child has never been on the top 100 list, I don't even bother to care about him."

  He Yuye's heart was empty, and there was a strong sense of unreality.

   She didn't feel comforted at all. She was very dissatisfied with this result. She had never fallen out of the top three in her age, and the psychological gap was not that big.

   It turned out that the first place in the grade was He Xinyan... In any case, she could not accept it calmly.

   And will He Xinyan rob her of gifts from grandpa? This South Sea pearl and gemstone necklace is really beautiful. She likes it so much when she sees it, and she doesn't want to give it to He Xinyan at all.

  He Xinyan already owns so much and stole everything that originally belonged to him, why is he always so greedy and insufficient?

  He Yuye glanced at Mr. He subconsciously, and clenched the sandalwood box in his hand.

   Mr. He's face was sinking like water, and his original love for He Yuye also faded.

   If you can’t get the first place, what’s the use? After all, it is a shame, and it is difficult to be graceful.

   "Xinyan, sit next to Grandpa." Mr. He said, "You got the first place in the exam, Grandpa is very happy, but you should have told me earlier."

   He Linjun snorted coldly, "Say earlier, why does she like Mom and Yuye's jokes?"

  The scheming is so heavy, he has been hiding it from everyone, just like the last English competition, just to step on the jade leaves.

  He Linjun was wrapped in icy anger, he would never allow He Xinyan to continue to make trouble in the Hejia.

   (end of this chapter)

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