The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 107: You shouldn't use your family connections to steal exam papers

  Chapter 107 You shouldn't take advantage of family connections to steal exam papers

   The schoolbag in his arms suddenly turned into a hot potato. He knew there was a problem, but he couldn't prove his innocence.

   Qiao Yuqiao didn't realize his situation until he stood in the grade director's office.

   Since the other party is so sure, then there must be deadly evidence in her bag. She guesses that it is likely to be the test paper for the final exam.

  The leak of the test paper is a very serious matter. As long as something is found in her schoolbag, no matter if she recognizes it or not, it will not escape the relationship.

  He Xinyan said that before, she just guessed that there was a problem in the schoolbag and wanted to take the responsibility.

  Qiaoyuqiao carefully recalled the corner where she was at that time, and regrettably found that there was no surveillance there, and it was impossible to prove that her schoolbag had been manipulated.

   "You can do a body search, but you can open your schoolbag and let us check it?" When he got to the office, the male teacher couldn't wait to say.

  Qiao Yuqiao clung to her schoolbag and took a step back. She had already guessed who set up the game to frame her, so how could she have left him alone.

   If you want to die, everyone will die together, and no one should think about it better.

  Qiaoyu Bridge: "Teacher, can you let Ling Chen come over too? He got the things."

  The male teacher blurted out: "Didn't He Xinyan give you the test paper?"

   At least that's what the report they received, He Xinyan was the real mastermind.

  He Xinyan was not surprised at all, and even had a feeling that it should have been so long ago. She was just a little puzzled, she had warned in advance, how could the test paper be leaked.

   "Who knows so detailed, even the exam papers I gave them." He Xinyan looked surprised, "By the way, teacher, what exam papers are you talking about? It won't be our final exam papers, right?"

  The male teacher was a little impatient: "Don't pretend to be stupid, Qiao Yuqiao has already admitted it, why do you still want to clear your relationship?"

He Xinyan: "I'm just a little strange, why did you decide it was me. At least you need to show evidence to identify me, right? Empty words are a prank at a young age, and a slander at a larger scale. legally responsible."

After a pause, she continued, "Besides, what did Qiao Yuqiao admit? She just asked Ling Chen to come over, isn't that okay? Speaking of which, I still think Ling Chen got the test paper and put it in Qiao Yuqiao's schoolbag. , to frame Qiao Yuqiao and me, after all, he has always wanted to trouble the two of us, so obviously this is more likely."

   Male teacher: "You are talking nonsense! Ling Chen is the student council president, why did he frame you?"

  He Xinyan: "Will the student council president not violate the school rules? Then why was he punished by the principal to write a self-criticism before?"

Male teacher:"……"

   He was really convinced, how could this girl be so eloquent.

   When is this, there are so many leaders, cheating in the final exam is a big event, doesn't she even know what she's afraid of?

He suppressed his anger and said, "I hope you understand the seriousness of this matter. You can't get away with just a few quibbles. On the contrary, the more you mess around and don't admit your wrongdoing, the more serious this matter will be. We Yongxing High School doesn't accept students with corrupt morals, do you understand?"

   Qiaoyuqiao's heart sank suddenly.

   Indeed, from the school level, students are not afraid of making mistakes occasionally, and the school is not completely sympathetic and intolerant; but if a student is determined to be unrepentant, then the school does not need to show sympathy.

  He Xinyan: "I understand, it's okay to be lenient and resist strictness when you confess, but we are still at a loss as to how to confess?"

   She smiled and said, "Why don't you tell me, where did I get the test papers for this unified examination? The school should know that I'm just an unwelcome adopted daughter of the He family, right?"

   He Linjun stood at the door, not surprised by He Xinyan's performance.

   Originally, he didn't have to come in person, but in order to hammer He Xinyan to death, he still rushed over.

  From getting the information in Ling Zhenxing's hands to getting people to stuff the information into Qiaoyuqiao's schoolbag, he arranged it himself, how could he miss the harvest of the fruits of victory.

  The mice in the stinky ditch should go back to the stinky ditch. This is only the first step. He wants He Xinyan to have no books to read.

   After all, a person who dares to steal the National Examination Paper, but no school dares to accept it.

   He Linjun pushed open the door and entered: "He Xinyan, shut up, why don't you hurry up and apologize to the teachers?"

   He calmly greeted the grade director and several teachers, and even though he was courteous, he maintained his arrogance in a high position.

   "Hello, teachers, I'm He Xinyan's brother. He Xinyan got into trouble today, and it's because I have no way to discipline me. I apologize on her behalf."

  He Xinyan: "Brother, you are quite busy today, you actually have time to go to school."

   He Linjun frowned: "You have caused such a big disaster, can I do it if I don't come?"

   The corners of He Xinyan's lips raised slightly, of course, she even guessed that He Linjun's handwriting was also involved in this incident. After all, he was also the president of the group, so was he so busy?

   "Brother, although it is the off-season for the company's business, as the president, don't you have to work hard to find new profit growth points? You, the president, can't just pay dividends or make money."

   This year, the profit of He's Group has obviously declined, but He Linjun still issued an announcement saying that he would pay dividends, showing a stance of remarkable achievements and hard work.

Although the announcement has boosted the market's confidence in He's Group, and the stock has risen steadily, it is a fact that the company does not make money. Shareholders are happy to share dividends, but the sacrifices are the welfare of employees and the opportunity to develop new products. .

   He Linjun also obviously knew that he was fishing out of the water by doing this, and his face suddenly darkened.

"You don't need to worry about the company's affairs. Now tell me what's going on with yourself." He Linjun looked at He Xinyan with gloomy eyes, "You shouldn't take advantage of your family relationship to steal test papers, and bring bad classmates with you without admitting your mistakes. ."

   "You apologize to the teachers, then pack up your things and follow me."

   Qiao Yuqiao buzzed his head and asked subconsciously, "What do you mean?"

   He Linjun: "If you do something wrong, you will pay the price. Xinyan is not suitable for continuing her studies in Yongxing High School."

  Qiaoyuqiao: "No, Xinyan can't drop out of school... Your He family has no good intentions at all!"

   The same is true of the Mrs. He last time. She was so aggressive that she would drop He Xinyan from school if she didn't ask questions. If it wasn't intentional, she would never believe it.

   He Linjun said sarcastically: "If you don't drop out, do you want to wait for the school to inform you of expulsion?"

  If this is the case, it is estimated that it will be even more embarrassing. Recording it in the file is a stain for a lifetime.

  He Xinyan looked down at the phone, her expression did not change at all.

   Lin Xuxu, who cooperated to explain the situation, couldn't bear it any longer, "The matter has not yet been concluded, this big brother, are you being too arbitrary?"

   "The elder brother of the He family has spoken very clearly. I can testify that He Xinyan is greedy for vanity and wants to be the first in the grade to retaliate against me."

   (end of this chapter)

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