The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 106: My bag may have been manipulated

  Chapter 106 My bag may have been compromised

  Lin smiled slowly: "If you can't say it, run away. Is this the beautiful quality of being brave?"

   The remaining two boys also left in embarrassment.

  He Xinyan is quite indifferent. Since He Yuye refused friendly exchanges, he is probably happy to take responsibility for her friend.

   She just put the account on He Yuye's head.

   "System, have you written it down? He Yuye framed me like this, and I refused to interact with her friendly until she apologized to me and admitted her mistake."

   System: […Okay. 】

   It was also a little confused, why did He Yuye run away? Since she didn't do it, she should actively help eliminate the conflict between He Xinyan and the poster.

   After all, He Xinyan used surveillance to prove that she was not helpless, all this was a misunderstanding.

   Xu Jingyang frowned: "If she runs fast, it won't be such a good thing next time."

   Spread a rumor and break a leg.

   He Yuye slapped his lips up and down, and a fluttering complaint might have brought endless trouble to others.

  Young Master, he never believed that the woman was innocent. If she was really innocent, the men around her wouldn't seem to have lost their minds and attacked others everywhere.

  Qiao Yuqiao: "Forget it, just ignore her in the future, lest you be kidnapped by morality and say you bullied her."

The people next to    also agreed.

   This kind of person who seems to be honest and will not frame people is terrifying, and a fluttering sentence will leave you speechless.

   Not everyone has a way to prove their innocence, so the best way is to stay away from people like He Yuye.

   There was a sudden commotion in front of him, He Xinyan raised her head and glanced, and keenly realized that the matter should be directed at her.

   Sure enough, the group of people walked up to them, the grade director and a few teachers.

  The students also noticed something was wrong from the serious faces of the teachers. Everyone was a little confused, so the scene was quiet.

   A male teacher stepped forward eagerly and blocked the way to Qiaoyu Bridge.

   "You are Qiaoyu Bridge. Someone reported you for cheating in the exam. Now please bring your schoolbag to us for inspection."

   Qiao Yuqiao's eyes widened behind the lens, and he couldn't believe it: "Teacher, what did you say? Do you have any evidence?"


   On the other side, after the exam, Ling Chen walked out with a gloomy face.

   Two days ago, the teacher from the city's education and teaching research team went to the Ling's group, scaring Ling Chen to the core.

  Ling Zhenxing was also very annoying, guessing that the teacher probably tasted the sweetness and wanted to continue to get the benefits.

   He couldn't really go to see each other to leave a handle, so he simply went on a business trip.

   As for things on the Donglin City side, he left it to others to do it, and it was safest to hide behind the scenes.

  Ling Zhenxing was on a business trip to the imperial capital. He was probably really busy today, and even Ling Chen couldn't find anyone.

   Today's exam is finally over, Ling Chen can't hold back anymore!

   He has to call his father to complain and let his father teach the teacher a good lesson.

  What nonsense test paper, thanks to him wasting two days of effort to memorize the answers day and night, when he entered the examination room to get the test paper, he almost fainted.

  The test paper is wrong, no question can be matched!

  Ling Chen is inevitably flustered, the exam on the first day is likely to be worse, and the exam on the second day must be saved no matter what!

   He can't guarantee that he will be the first in the test now, at least he has to be in the top ten of the grade, otherwise, wouldn't it be a shame to wait for the rankings to be announced?

  Ling Chen deeply regretted that he didn't take his academic performance to heart before, and only wanted to have a good relationship with the top management of the school.

   I reviewed it until late last night, and today I feel a bit muddled.

   He didn't dare to think deeply about the consequences of the results, he could only think that they were put together by someone.

   The more I think about it, the more angry I get, the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

  The phone was dialed out, and as soon as it was connected, the secretary's voice came from inside: "Master, Mr. Ling is in a meeting..."

   There was a sudden commotion in front of him, Ling Chen stood on tiptoe and glanced at it, and suddenly he didn't care to complain.

   "Oh, then you should be busy first, I'm fine, hang up first!"

   hung up the phone, he stepped forward excitedly, are Qiao Yuqiao and He Xinyan finally going to be unlucky?

   This is really good!

   If they cheat, not only will their grades be invalidated, they may even be directly expelled from the school!

   The feeling of watching the fun is too urgent, it is stronger than the feeling of taking revenge on the teacher.


  He Xinyan guessed that it was for her from the moment the teacher spoke.

   She stepped forward and stopped in front of Qiaoyu Bridge: "Teacher, Qiaoyu Bridge has been with me these past few days. I arranged her schoolbag by hand this morning, and I can be sure that there is no problem."

After a pause, she added, "I want to ask, what information did the whistleblower have that the school should trust? If Qiao Yuqiao cheated in the exam room, the investigation and monitoring would be enough, why search her schoolbag? After all, you can't bring your schoolbag into the exam room."

  The male teacher was stunned: "She didn't cheat during the exam..."

   "Since there is none, then there is no reason to search the body." He Xinyan took over the words quickly, with a calm tone, "I just suspect that there is no evidence, and no one has the right to search the body. The teacher should know the law better than us."

   Year Director: "You are quite articulate. Since you are also deeply involved, then come with us to cooperate with the investigation."

  Before he came, he was instructed by the school's senior management not to make a big fuss.

   It's really inappropriate to search your body in public. If you really get any evidence, you'll lose the school's face.

   But he also won't let it go lightly, and all suspects must be investigated.

   The grade director had a tough attitude, so He Xinyan had to follow along.

   Even Lin Xuxu was called over because he was close to the two.

   It's just that Qiaoyu Bridge and He Xinyan are the ones who are being cared for. They are not only separated, but also watched by a security guard.

  He Xinyan looked back and saw that Qiao Yuqiao's face was not quite right, so he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

  Qiaoyuqiao came back to her senses, she just remembered one thing.

   Of course, her schoolbag was not organized by He Xinyan, but by herself. It was filled with some essential travel items and review materials. She wanted to take advantage of her rest or spare time to look through the materials for some comfort.

  After eating with He Xinyan and the others at noon, she found a quiet corner and flipped through the documents for a while, and put her schoolbag on the stool next to her.

   At that time, a girl also came over to read a book, and she also took the initiative to chat with her, that is, for a few minutes, her eyes did not stop on the school bag.

  Thinking of this, Qiaoyu Bridge eagerly wanted to step forward: "Xinyan, my bag may have been manipulated, I met it at noon..."

   "No talking!" The security guard next to them quickly separated between the two.

  Qiao Yuqiao's face turned pale, and she suddenly realized that she couldn't recall the girl's face at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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