Chapter 108 Punishment Decision

  Ling Chen walked in with a look of justice on his face.

   He was about to get into his car and go home, but when he heard the notice that Qiaoyuqiao insisted that he come over, he decided to come over on the spot to watch the fun.

   The feeling of being outside the incident is wonderful, and the even more wonderful thing is that He Xinyan and Qiao Yuqiao are going to be unlucky.

   He was very happy to come over and step on the two of them, and he was relieved when he stepped on both of them until they couldn't turn over.

   "But she doesn't have that ability, so she can only take the risk to steal the test paper. He Xinyan, I didn't expect you to be so extreme. It was just a bet. My intention was to motivate you to study actively, but I didn't expect you to go to extremes instead."

   The grade director looked at He Xinyan, Ling Chen's testimony, but even He Xinyan's motives were revealed.

  The matter is basically clear, He Xinyan stole the test paper and still does not admit that he was wrong. Such a person cannot stay in Yongxing High School anyway.

  The school atmosphere has always been open and tolerant, but it does not mean that cheating will be condoned. This is obviously stepping on a high-voltage line.

   must be taken seriously!

   The grade director made a phone call, asked the vice-principal for instructions, and quickly explained the situation.

The vice-principal was in the office, but it was inconvenient for him to come here. "I just received a complaint here. This student has a lot of previous records and has not changed her mind. She has violated several school rules and has reached the most serious five types of responsibilities, so she should be expelled directly. ."

   The year director hesitated for a moment: "The principal and the school board..."

  Vice-principal: "I will explain the situation and deal with special circumstances."

   If such students are not expelled on the spot, should they be kept until the next semester?

  The principal is away from the school on a business trip, and the final exams have not yet arrived at the school board meeting.

   The vice-principal also has the right to make decisions on five types of liability penalties. Besides, the principal's seal and other materials and certificates are authorized to the vice-principal, and he can stamp the punishment decision at any time.

   The vice-principal was deeply impressed by He Xinyan, a student he had never seen before.

  When the Liu family put pressure on the school, all parties agreed to take the final exam as an inspection. If He Xinyan couldn't get into the top 50 of the grade, she didn't deserve to stay in the first class.

   Unexpectedly, He Xinyan gave him a surprise, and actually took the test paper for stealing by himself.

  This time he was going to fire He Xinyan, even if the principal came, he would have nothing to say.

  Thinking like this, the vice-principal got up and opened the safe, took out the principal's seal inside, and affixed it directly on the punishment decision letter placed on the table.

   This matter should have been dealt with earlier, so as not to have many dreams at night.


  Rao is the grade director, and he has never seen the punishment decision come down so quickly.

   After receiving a phone call from the vice-principal, he was stunned, "Will this be too fast?"

  Although it has been decided that he will be expelled, he has to give him some buffer time so that he can communicate with the parents of the students and the students themselves.

Vice-principal: "Old Wang, you can't keep up with the rhythm, right now, the best way to deal with public opinion is to resolve it on the spot, absolutely not delaying the time, when the public opinion is fermented, and rumors do not know how many versions will be born, The school has to bear a lot of infamy, it is better to cut the mess with a quick knife."

   "I know what you're worried about, so let's go, I'll take the punishment decision letter and go right away, you wait for me for two minutes."

   The vice-principal also informs the principal and the school board of directors of the situation by official mail.

   This is also considered an advance report.

  The age director opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

   He sighed, put away the phone and looked at He Xinyan, his eyes couldn't help but look a little unbearable and sympathetic: "What else do you want to say?"


   On the other side, the boy who hid in the corner and listened to the call from the senior director took a deep breath, turned and ran down quickly.

   "Xu Shao is bad, the school has decided to expel Yan Shen!"

   Xu Jingyang was anxiously listening to the busy tone on the phone as he walked. Hearing that, he didn't step on his feet firmly and stumbled a bit.

   He turned his head in surprise, suspecting that he had hallucinated: "What did you say?!"

   "Expulsion! The vice-principal is rushing over with the punishment decision letter! The school is going to expel Yan Shen, now, immediately, immediately!" The boy roared!

After    shouted, he realized something was wrong. As soon as he turned his head, he met the shocked eyes of a group of people.

   Several students who passed by looked like their three views were broken. How could things develop like this?

  Yongxing High School has never expelled students since its establishment. Only in very rare cases has the school been dropped out. At least it has preserved the students' face.

   Such a direct notification of expulsion will not leave any way out for students at all.

Xu Jingyang was silent for a few seconds, when he heard the voice of the call being connected, he suddenly couldn't care about anything else, and quickly shouted: "Cousin! This time it's really a big deal, please help me! Otherwise, I will be expelled from school. !"

  Yuhan: "What's going on?"

  How could you be expelled from school? How is this possible? Although my cousin has escaped a bit recently, he has never been a messed up person.

  Xu Jingyang: "I was slandered for stealing exam papers and cheating in the final exam, which caused my classmates to be blamed. The school is going to expel my classmates now!"

   "Bullshit!" Yu Han had a headache from anger, "Xu Jingyang, how could you do such a thing? Go and admit your mistake to me right now, and I'll call the top of your school right away!"

   Xu Jingyang reminded: "My classmates are called He Xinyan and Qiaoyu Bridge."

  Yuhan said angrily, "I see."

   He went through these two names in his mind, and felt vaguely familiar, but when he turned his head, he caught sight of the person next to him.

   "Ah Zhen, did I wake you up? Sorry." Yu Han said embarrassedly.

  Azhen stared at him: "You just said He Xinyan, what happened to that little girl?"

  Yu Han explained the situation in a few words. In fact, he didn't quite understand why his cousin was slandered and cheated on the test paper, but it was two girls who took the blame.

   But I don’t have time to investigate the details right now, I have to get in touch with the top of the school first.

   He was still thinking about whether to contact the board of directors first, or contact the vice-principal first.

  Azhen pondered for a moment, but took out his mobile phone, "Come on, I may find the principal faster."


  He Xinyan looked up at the grade director with a calm expression: "Yes, none of you got that test paper."

   The grade director thought: "Are you willing to admit your mistake?"

   He still couldn't bear it, and felt that the decision of the vice-principal's dismissal was too severe.

  Students have done something wrong. If they are willing to make corrections, they must always give the other party a chance, even if they just let the other party transfer to another school by themselves, it is better than being so public and making people die.

  He Xinyan looked at Qiaoyu Bridge: "Qiaoqiao, can I trouble you to hand over your schoolbag to the teachers for inspection?"

   Qiao Yuqiao was stunned for a moment, seeing her calm eyes, although she was still worried, she slowly released her hand.

  He Xinyan never does anything she is not sure about, of course she chooses to believe her.

   But if there is really a test paper in it... Then she should recognize it herself, even if she is fired, it can't be a drag on He Xinyan.

   (end of this chapter)

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