Chapter 105 Why are you lying?

   The Qiaoyu Bridge, which was one step late, was completely blown up.

  Although her perception of He Yuye was not very good, it was not bad either, and she always had reservations about this person.

   Many people in the class have the same attitude and ideas as her, and feel that there is no need to demand moral perfection from others. Although He Yuye is a bit confused, at least he dares to act and does not take the initiative to provoke trouble. There is nothing special.

   Now that she wants to take back this evaluation, how can this woman dare to act? Slandering He Xinyan "behaves intimately" with other men, isn't that not provoking trouble?

   "Why are you talking about Xinyan, not me and Xu Xu? Are we unworthy?"

  Lin Xuxu was not surprised at all, and snorted coldly: "Isn't this a moral kidnapping? We haven't seen you at all, so must we be responsible for your personal safety?"

   This kind of unwarranted moral condemnation they simply do not accept.

  Although she doesn't like He Yuye very much, if she encounters the other party being bullied, she will definitely go forward and stop it if she can.

   I believe that most of the classmates in the class are the same. Everyone is normal. It is impossible to ignore the bullying of the classmates and remain indifferent.

   No wonder she felt that something was wrong these days. There were some bad rumors in the class, saying that He Xinyan was involved in bullying. She also wondered what the Virgin's speech was. It turned out that the problem was here.

  Lin took a step forward slowly, and asked with a serious expression: "Since you saw us, did you shout for help? Are your eyes connected? Otherwise, how can you be sure that we have all seen you?"

The boy next to him couldn't stand it any longer: "Lin Xuxu, that's enough! Yuye was being bullied at the time, and she was full of joy when she saw you, but you left indifferently, and her heart was so cold, how could she call for help? Could it be that? Waiting to humiliate yourself?"

  He Xinyan: "Are you there at the time?"

  The boy clenched his fist emotionally: "If I were there, it would be impossible for me to be bullied by Yu Ye!"

  He Xinyan said leisurely: "Oh, the psychological speculation is so accurate, I thought you saw it with your own eyes."

  The boy blushed suddenly.

  He Xinyan turned to look at He Yuye, "What about you, do you think I saw you being bullied and walked away on purpose?"

   He Yuye bit his lower lip lightly and did not speak.

  He Xinyan turned on the phone, "Based on the location where the photo was taken, I guessed that you should be diagonally opposite the Lobster Kee store. I found the store and retrieved the surveillance from that day."

   After she finished speaking, she handed the screen of her mobile phone to He Yuye, "Look carefully, is this person in the corner you?"

   A familiar picture appeared in front of him, and He Yuye took a step back uncomfortably, trying to avoid his sight.

   She didn't want to pursue this matter, but why did He Xinyan call for surveillance? Isn't she...isn't she violating her privacy?

   He Yuye didn't want to look at it, but the people next to him all stepped forward. After watching it for a while, they were all speechless.

  He Yuye was at the corner on the edge of the archway. Those girls chose to be there because of the remote location and dim lighting, so no one would notice.

  He Xinyan and the others should have just passed by and walked into the store next to them without stopping for a second. Neither the angle nor the time was enough for them to see what happened in the remote corner.

   He Yuye blamed He Xinyan for not saving her, which seemed to be a moral kidnapping.

  He Xinyan: "Can you answer the questions Xu Xu just asked me now?"

   "I, I don't remember." He Yuye's breathing was stagnant, a little flustered, "I was in a bad state at the time, and some details may not have been noticed."

  He Xinyan: "So you dare to criticize me? Then your grades will decline tomorrow, and the Hejia stock will plummet the day after tomorrow. Do you want to blame me?"

   After a pause, she chuckled lightly, "I thought your Virgin could burn a relic even if it caught fire, but I didn't expect your Virgin to be lenient to herself and strict to others."

   A burst of laughter erupted around him.

   Just now, everyone thought it was strange, because when I heard the description, it felt incredible. It is impossible for normal people to speculate about their classmates with such things as dealing with 5 men.

  Since it is a money transaction, are the rich people all fools, and people in their thirties are not as good as a high school student who has been deceived all over the place?

  Yongxing High School advocates quality education. The class is usually fast-paced, and time is occupied by club activities and various quality education.

  This leads to the fact that you cannot relax after class, and you must have a high degree of self-discipline to keep your grades from falling behind.

  Yan Shen is very powerful, but even so, I don't have the time to deal with 5 fools in the United States.

   The luxury car pick-up is even more funny. Isn't He Xinyan's taking the subway to work for a while still being laughed at by Zhang Yufan and others, to set off the dignity of the real daughter?

   "I'm not surprised at all, He Yuye will lie behind others."

   "Every day, he acts like a moral model to police others, but in the end, he is nowhere near noble."

   "She did it on purpose. It's okay to win sympathy, but why does she have to step on Yanshen?"

   "Probably the viciousness of the adopted daughter can bring out the generosity and kindness of the real daughter."

  He Yuye's face turned blue and then white, and a layer of mist instantly covered his eyes.

   "Sorry, I may have read it wrong."

   It is clear that he is the victim of the bullying. Why do these people think that the victim is guilty and maliciously speculate on themselves?

   "Wait a minute, I have a question, isn't the person who splashed water in the video Wang Sina, why do you say it's a girl from No. 4 Middle School who is bothering you?"

   "Then this matter has nothing to do with Yanshen. Who doesn't know that Wang Sina has asked Yanshen for trouble several times, and they all hit the wall." Someone quickly grasped the point.

   Everyone looked at He Yuye in unison, so it might be a mistake to say that He Xinyan could not be saved; but is it a bit outrageous to say that those girls were sent by He Xinyan?

   can help cover up the culprit, Wang Sina, but he pointed the finger at He Xinyan.

   Xu Jingyang's eyes were cold: "Why are you lying? Also, you wrote that post, right?"

   "Many people know about this, and the squad leader also knows it. It is reasonable to say that it may have been written by me." The boy gathered up his courage and stood in front of He Yuye.

   Xu Jingyang: "Master, did I let you speak? Go away, let her speak for herself!"

  The boy dared not to speak out, so he could only cast his resentful eyes on He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan was speechless, depending on what she was doing, did she tell He Yuye to lie?

   The onlookers were also speechless. They had already discovered that the group of boys around He Yuye was a little abnormal, and they were very loyal.

   Now it seems that the three views are hard to describe.

  He Xinyan: "Speak for yourself, why are you spreading rumors, what's going on with the post, if you don't tell me, I'll be on your head."

   He Yuye couldn't bear it any longer, and said in a trembling voice, "I don't know anything, whatever you say, I have to leave beforehand."

   After saying that, he pushed aside the crowd and ran out.

   (end of this chapter)

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