The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 104: Find He Yuye to settle accounts

   Chapter 104 Find He Yuye to settle accounts

   Her gaze involuntarily fell on the bank card that He Xinyan kept throwing up and down.

   "Xinyan, Madam Liu didn't trouble you, did she?" He Yuye walked over quickly and said softly, "I just saw her, she's not here to find you, right?"

  He Xinyan: "She came to me, but not to trouble me, but to give me money."

   She probably guessed why Mrs. Liu's beatings and coercion and inducements came about. If she really wanted to make an analogy, the money was probably the benefit of "leaving my son".

  I help the other party to achieve their wishes in advance, and I don’t feel guilty about receiving this money.

  He Yuye paused for a while, and looked at her in surprise: "Send money?"

   "Yeah, she said she wanted to sponsor me to study at university." He Xinyan said casually, walked to her exam room, and walked in first.

   He Yuye stood there in shock.

  Why did Mrs. Liu sponsor He Xinyan to study? This is too strange, obviously, the two of them had a complete fallout before.

  According to Mrs. Liu's method, she would only teach He Xinyan a lesson, how could she help the other party instead?

   Could it be... Did Liu Jiayi say something to Mrs. Liu?

   Thinking of Liu Jiayi's indifferent attitude towards him recently, He Yuye felt extremely uncomfortable.

   Still distracted when she sat in the exam room, it took her several minutes to force herself to calm down.

   If this is He Xinyan's purpose, then the other party has succeeded. She really cares more and more about Liu Jiayi as a friend.

   Just like using Jin Bo to stimulate her before, He Xinyan always likes to use this kind of unruly means.

   You will not be fooled yourself.

   She studies hard every day until late at night, just for this moment, it is impossible for her to be affected and perform abnormally.

  After calming down, she began to answer the questions, and the feeling of the questions was as good as ever, and the more she did it, the smoother she was.


   Mrs. Liu went to He Xinyan only on the front foot, and the assistant on the back foot came to report that the post had been deleted.

   "Do you think it was the poster who deleted the post with a guilty conscience..."

The assistant    opened his mouth cautiously. Anyway, when he saw the post, his first reaction was that he didn't believe it.

   He has investigated the information about the adopted daughter of the He family. In all fairness, although the reputation is not good, she looks normal, with the pride and bottom line of a young man.

   He didn't quite believe that a little girl could deal with several men in order to climb high.

   But he doesn't say much about this matter, Madam is still very rational in other matters, and she has no position when it comes to her son.

   Saying too much yourself will only be counterproductive, and it will be questioned whether all of you men like vixen.

   Mrs. Liu: "The post was deleted? Forget it, I printed the information in advance anyway."

  She didn't expect He Xinyan to honestly agree to her conditions and voluntarily drop out of school.

   This kind of thing must be prepared with both hands. Even if He Xinyan doesn't want to drop out of school, she has a way to let him go.

   She will send that post to the principal's office. Even if the news has been suppressed, the school will choose to persuade He Xinyan to transfer herself in order to prevent the bomb from detonating.

   Furthermore, after several blows, He Xinyan is still an 18-year-old girl, no matter how powerful she is. It is estimated that her mentality has already collapsed.

   She didn't believe that the other party could still exert his full strength and get good grades in the test.

   Students with poor grades are even less worthy of being retained by the school.


   After the two-day final exam.

  He Xinyan glanced at the text message on her mobile phone. It was sent by the housekeeper Shi, saying that she had returned to the imperial capital temporarily for something, and the trip to the Temple of the City God had to be changed.

   She was not surprised, after all, Mrs. Liu said that Shi Rin had returned to the imperial capital, and it was impossible to fake this.

  He Xinyan glanced at her phone again and again. She handed in the papers half an hour in advance. She went back to the classroom first, and then waited downstairs.

  The time was just right. After the bell rang for the end of the exam, people poured out of the teaching building.

   Xu Jingyang was the first to see He Xinyan: "Didn't you take the exam in the old teaching building?"

  He Xinyan: "I handed in the papers first, and I have to wait for someone here."

  Xu Jingyang: "Oh, then I'll accompany you, just as the exam is over, let's celebrate together, I'll treat you."

   He thought that He Xinyan was waiting for Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao. He Xinyan knew that he had misunderstood, but he did not explain.

   She saw the people in the crowd and quickly stepped forward: "He Yuye, did the exam go well? It looks good, so should we settle some accounts?"

   He Yuye was chatting and laughing with the boys beside him. Hearing this sentence, he was stunned for a moment.

   "What are you talking about?" She frowned, her expression slowly turning cold and stiff, "You want to settle accounts with me? Did you make a mistake?"

   She really thinks it's absurd. He Xinyan has repeatedly targeted herself, so how dare she say she wants to settle accounts with herself?

   The inexplicable remarks she said before the exam made her feel like a lump in her throat.

   If it wasn't for the type of person who is more capable under more pressure, I still don't know what the final exam results will be like.

  He Xinyan: "There was a post on a certain huh that smeared me, fabricated facts and splashed me with dirty water, and spread rumors that I hooked up with at least 5 men to pick me up in luxury cars every day, and also said that I also messed around in school."

  The end of the exam is when the crowd is the most. Seeing that there is a conflict here, many people subconsciously stop and watch.

   Hearing He Xinyan's words, many people felt a little incredible.

   He Yuye was stunned for a moment, "You want to say that the post was posted by me? It wasn't me, I didn't even know about it!"

   And why did she shout out this kind of thing in public, isn't it ashamed?

  He Xinyan chuckled, "I didn't want to doubt you at first, but there is something in it that you only know from your own perspective, so I have to count it on your head."

  He Yuye: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

  He Xinyan: "I want to ask you, did you see me when you were picked on by the girls of No. 4 Middle School that day in the food street?"

   He Yuye panicked for a moment, but quickly clenched her fists. She was righteous and not afraid to confront He Xinyan at all.

   "I didn't help you, so those girls were actually assigned by me to trouble you?"

   He Yuye said stiffly: "How do I know, I only know that you will die if you die."

The boy next to    was suddenly indignant: "He Xinyan, you are enough! Yuye has repeatedly defended you and helped you cover up. You have to target her and bully her, don't you think you are too vicious?"

   "Are you the party involved, or are you at the scene? If not, please close the microphone, classmate tool person."

  He Xinyan paused and looked at He Yuye, "You even secretly took a photo of me and a man, right?"

   He Yuye pursed his lower lip, it's not good to take pictures secretly, but so what, he did nothing wrong.

   "I was just a little worried about you. I didn't go home for several days and nights, and I didn't tell the family. I saw that you were close to the man and got into the man's car, so I took a photo."

   "You lied! At that time I, Xu Xu and Xinyan were all together, why didn't you say that Xu Xu and I were dying?"

   (end of this chapter)

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