The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 103: You voluntarily drop out of school, stay decent

   Chapter 103 You take the initiative to drop out of school, stay decent

   Mrs. Liu didn't know He Xinyan's way at first, and thought that this woman was just offending her son.

   She really didn't expect that the adopted daughter of the He family was hiding evil intentions, and was just relying on wild ways to hook up with her son.

   On the surface, it seemed that she was dismissive of her son, and all kinds of provocation and suppression, but her son, who was feisty and brave, fell into the opponent's trap step by step.

   She understands her own son. He grew up smoothly since he was a child, and people around him compliment him. He has never suffered any setbacks, and he is proud and indifferent.

   Being swayed by emotions like this, coupled with He Xinyan's deliberate provocation, it is inevitable that he will not be moved.

   Sure enough, the son knew that He Xinyan's grades were not bad, but he didn't plan to tell her.

   Even after losing the bet, for fear of being discovered by herself, she took the initiative to ask her to withdraw her surveillance, just to protect He Xinyan.

   This was simply impossible before. Although the son was dissatisfied with her strength, there was never any secret between mother and son, and Liu Jiayi was not the kind of person who could hide things with a heavy heart.

   Now that her son is concealing and alienating a woman because of her, Mrs. Liu certainly can't bear it.

   The housekeeper stepped forward and handed out a mobile phone to He Xinyan to show her the latest post.

  On somehu, a discussion thread about "What happened to the childhood goddess of the core love chocolate" was posted yesterday.

The popularity of    is not low, and there are hundreds of replies.

  Click to open the post, which contains thousands of small essays, accompanied by photos, pictures and texts, the context is clear and very convincing.

   details her life trajectory, mentions that she is a famous green tea **** in the wealthy circle of Donglin City, and focuses on how she is a bitch.

In school, she hooked up with famous people. The school tyrants and the gods were her shelter, and she harvested love and became a goddess. Outside the school, she frequently hooked up with the rich second generation, and was witnessed by different men and different luxury cars. There are 5, and there are 3 with pictures and truth.

   The following replies to the thread are all shocking my whole family and all kinds of abuse.

  【Destruction of childhood series. 】

  【True or false, I was a fan of her back then! 】

   [It seems that most of it is true. The person I am following is a beautiful and kind fairy who is a rich family daughter who has been separated for many years from a wealthy family. 】

  【It’s disgusting, isn’t this kind of person not expelled from school, so you’re not afraid of bringing bad vibes? 】

  【You can't stand being a junior! The second generation of the rich mentioned in the article has a pregnant wife. What did the wife do wrong? Do you know that the three are the three cheap ones? 】

  【The son of a dragon born to a dragon and a phoenix born to a phoenix can burrow. Genes are really a magical thing. A pheasant cannot become a phoenix if it is raised in a wealthy family. 】

  【Can the almighty netizens find out the specific information of this woman? I want her to die! 】

   As soon as this proposal was made, there was a chorus of voices below. Although some people rationally expressed that it was not good, they were quickly sprayed and dared not speak.

   Mrs. Liu looked at He Xinyan: "You know what you've done. This post is only spreading in a small area, but it's hard to guarantee that it will be moved to other places."

  He Xinyan took a few minutes to read it quickly, with a calm face, "What do you want to do?"

   Mrs. Liu: "I can use my connections to delete posts, but the premise is that you must voluntarily drop out of school."

  He Xinyan: "According to your logic, let this post go out, even if I don't do anything, I will be expelled from the school, why bother?"

   Mrs. Liu laughed lightly, and couldn't help but glance at the woman.

   In order to climb up, he does everything he can, he is smart and calm, and has good emotional management skills. Even now, he has not shown the slightest timidity.

   has the style of her youth, but unfortunately the other party is too greedy and insufficient.

"It's good to meet you in the future when you stay in the front line. Besides, you are still a student, and I don't want to ruin your life." Mrs. Liu thought that she was in control of the rhythm, and said with a smile, "You take the initiative to drop out of school, and you will leave some dignity for yourself. Okay? There's still a long way to go in the future."

   The housekeeper handed over a card, "There are 200,000 yuan here. Our wife financed your tuition."

  He Xinyan almost didn't know Mrs. Liu in front of her. Compared with the other party's reputation for being ruthless, the current method was too gentle.

   was thinking of her everywhere and arranged all the escape routes for her.

   She thought for a while, but took the card over, "I see, let's go, goodbye."

   Butler: "..."

Did    just go away? Is this a promise or not? Emotions are too calm, right?

   Mrs. Liu: "Let's just assume she agreed."

   After all, the money has been received, and it is impossible not to agree to other conditions.

  It is certainly a good thing that the other party is willing to cooperate, and Mrs. Liu doesn't want to tear up too ugly with such a woman. If her son knows that she did these things, wouldn't it destroy their mother-son relationship?

   She won't give the fox spirits a chance to provoke their mother-son relationship. It is best for He Xinyan to drop out of school and leave her son's world in order to hide her secret.


  He Xinyan doesn't care what others think of him at all. After all, some people like it and some people hate it.

   But the premise is that those evaluations are based on real events, not as it is now, mixed with truth and falsehood, fabricated a lot of untrue content, and poured dirty water on her.

   It's almost time for the exam, He Xinyan thought about it and shouted, "System, come out to work."

   System: [What do you want to do, host? 】

   "I blocked the post just now, the content is not true."

   System: [Is this bad? 】

  He Xinyan smiled, "Why don't you help me find out who the person who posted it is? I guess it must be a big surprise."

   System: […I’d better close the post first, please feel free to take the exam, host. 】

   It was keenly aware that the answer was probably not what it could afford, and resolutely agreed to He Xinyan's request.

   But before that, it has a request: [Since this is the host's personal request, can it be settled with points? 】

  He Xinyan doesn't care: "Yes, you can buckle it."

  Anyway, recently, she has accumulated a lot of points in the system like wool, so she doesn't need to use it for nothing.

   System: […deducted 10 points, and is now locking the task goal…The post has been locked, the permission has been blocked, and the transaction is completed. 】

   "10 points?" He Xinyan's tone was unclear.

   [Yes, 10 points, this is the most basic requirement to keep the system running, you won't be so stingy, right? 】The system is a little guilty, is it deducting too much? But it is necessary.

   The underlying logic of its internal system settings, there is an instruction that cannot directly give any help and rewards to the host.

   After all, we are dealing with such a dangerous world-destroying demon king, so we must be cautious.

  He Xinyan did not speak, the bell for the exam had already rang, and she had just walked down the teaching building because of the delay.

   There was another person who was also late. He Yuye hurried over here, and subconsciously slowed down when he saw He Xinyan.

   (end of this chapter)

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