The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 124: final raid

  Chapter 124 The Final Attack

  In the grocery store of Wangyou, Huaiyin looked at the rain curtain from the air, and saw a cold glow fleeting in the night, reflected in his vicissitudes of life pupils, his eyes were full of strange colors.

   "A land of freedom."

  The teacup he was holding finally put down, and commented: "Not bad."

Jing Ci said with emotion: "I didn't expect that what he first comprehended was the realm of freedom, and he could purify all supernatural powers in the realm, and he could indeed survive under Mrs. Yan's pursuit. The most important thing is that from his learning of breathing techniques to Now, it only took less than a week, isn't this speed a bit too amazing?"

   Huaiyin took a sip of tea and said, "It's a bit."

  Jing Ci made him a new pot of tea, and asked casually: "Did you expect him to be able to do it and understand the realm of freedom, so you arranged such a play?"

   Huaiyin said calmly: "No, I know neither divination nor hexagram skills."

  Jing Ci paused slightly while making tea.

   "I just made a random attempt to see where his potential is. I didn't expect him to be able to do it. Just now I planned to do it myself to destroy that strange thing."

   Huaiyin sighed: "Who knows, he will realize it at the last second."

  Jing Ci had a weird expression, he hesitated to speak.

   Huaiyin said, "Just say what you want to say."

  Jing Ci hesitated for a second: "Then when you taught me..."

   Huaiyin did not deny it, and said frankly:

"When I was teaching you, I also made many attempts like this. If you do it, it will be of great benefit to your growth, and by the way, it will also bring out the inscrutability of me as a master. If you can't do it, Then what's the matter if I make a move? Anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, let's not lose face. On your side, you will also know that it is you who can't do it, not the teacher. "

  He paused: "By the way, I can beat you a bit, so guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

   Kill three birds with one stone.

   Jing Ci recalled his own growth experience, and suddenly took the teapot away.

   Huaiyin said lightly: "Go and stop those two little guys, Chen Bojun and Lu Zijin, and don't let them go to that child. Some people have already gone, and they used to be light bulbs, it doesn't make sense."

  Jing Ci held up his umbrella and said with a straight face, "Got it."

   "By the way, teacher."

  He suddenly said: "Junior brother said that he saw Venerable Zhulong, what do you think of this matter?"

   Huaiyin fell silent, staring at the painting called Jiuyin hanging in the grocery store for a long time.

   "From ancient times to the present, there are very few people who can have cause and effect with this venerable."

He said quietly: "To be honest, if you ask me, I don't know what to do. In this case, it should often be to ask a divination master or a psychic channel to peek into the fate. It’s too mediocre. If you go according to the established fate, you will never get out.”

Jing Ji said earnestly: "If we talk about the ancestor of the ghost car, at most it can be regarded as a catastrophe in his life, and there is still room for struggle... At least Gu Ci'an almost succeeded. But Venerable Zhulong, I don't think there is any possibility. "

   Huaiyin still stared at the painting, and said, "Do you think there is no way to defeat Zhulong in this world?"

  Jing Ci didn't answer, but expressed his opinion.

   "In fact, it may exist, and there are currently two paths."

   Huaiyin suddenly smiled and said, "They can all find the possible method."

  Jing Ci frowned, and asked in surprise, "Then why didn't you go find it?"

Huai Yin stared: "What's the use of me looking for it? Even if I find it, who will fight with me? Everyone in the world knows that I don't have a few years to live. Didn't you see that those ancient ancestors saw me? , Run away like seeing a plague god? Even the ancient gods are afraid that I will find one of them to fight for my life when I am dying."

   "Although Zhulong is arrogant and arrogant, she is not stupid."

He sneered and said, "There are too many people staring at me these years. Once I tried to do something, the world became impetuous. Three years ago, I took you to the Fusang Shrine, intending to stew a fire." Huangji. As a result, those idiots in the association thought that Venerable Suzaku was going to return, and made the whole world stormy."

  Jing Ci was silent for a second: "That's true."

"You have to remember that the means to deal with the ancient supreme must be a secret. If it is exposed to the world, it will no longer be lethal. The reason why human beings fight against the gods does not lie in the world's rejection of the ancient gods. The environment, but the gods... are not omniscient."

   Huaiyin said: "As long as you don't have the ability to be omnipotent, you will still be able to fight."

  Jing Ci nodded slightly: "I see."

   "Originally, I wanted to wait another two years, but your junior brother is talented enough, so let's fight for it. The real prosperity is about to begin, and I can protect him for a while longer."

   Huaiyin stared at the painting, looked at the beautiful silhouette in the painting, and suddenly smiled and said, "Long time no see, Venerable."



  The smelly blood filled the sky, as well as broken corpses, broken corpses of Gu insects.

   mixed together and burst, accompanied by soaring flames.

  Like fireworks, burning in the wind and rain.

  Gu Jianlin fell from the sky, the noise of the wind and the tide passed by his ears, as if he was about to be submerged by an endless storm, his soul broke free from the shackles and was released.

  At this moment, he felt happier than ever.

  Even if the spirituality in the mind is squandered, the ghost-like state is lifted, and the body is extremely weak.

  A faint smile flashed in his eyes.

  In the end, he did it.

  Fifteen minutes and one second, this is the time he won.

   Buy time for yourself, for the future, and for those innocent people.

  However, when he was about to fall into the sea, an extremely obscure life wave suddenly appeared on the cliff. A tall and thin figure lifted off his raincoat and set up a sniper rifle on the rock.

  He seems to have ambushed here in advance, waiting for the right time for Thunder to make a move.

   Go for one-hit kills!

   For a moment, the sniper rifle vibrated loudly, as if roaring angrily.

   Overlord Path, Tier 4!

  —Arrow of Perdition!

  From ancient times to the present, the Overlord Path has always been in the first echelon, especially since modern times, with the blessing of hot weapons, the domineering they have mastered has been extremely exerted.

  The so-called essence is the supernatural power created by combining one's own life with the power of nature.

   Can give life to dead objects and assimilate them into one!

  The effect of the arrow of destruction is that once it is pierced through, all the organs in the body will be destroyed.

  At the same time, Gu Jianlin felt a deadly threat, only to see the pitch-black gun muzzle locked on him like a black hole, and the endless killing intent was suppressed to the extreme. See you soon!

  A sense of crisis rushed to my heart like an electric current, the hairs all over my body stood on end, and my heart was full of warning signs.

   It's just that at this moment he really used up all his cards.

  The shadow of death hangs over my heart.

  He fell towards the dark sea, as if he was about to be embraced by death.


  The killer moved his lips slightly and pulled the trigger.


For a moment, time seemed to fall into a quagmire of silence, the fleeting lightning above the sky was frozen, and the roar of thunder was suddenly elongated into dull and strange noises, including the gunshots that sounded in an instant, also like It was like the sound of a piano that was pulled on the wrong strings, with a strange change of tune.

  Time didn't really stop, but was stretched by some transcendent force!

  A bullet solidified in mid-air, slowly spinning forward.

  The muzzle flame burns silently in the dark night.

  The storm in the sky hovers in the dark night, and every drop of rain reflects a slim and petite silhouette.

  It was a girl who looked like a night elf, she appeared in the night without warning, the guzheng she held in her arms opened some mechanism, and a quaint Tang knife fell out.

  I saw her holding the Tang knife tightly, galloping on the road like a black lightning bolt, running and jumping along the rough rock wall, and then leaping into the sky, the blade drew a cold arc.


   Incredibly fast!

  The silent time and space were cut, the lightning above the sky seemed to be cut off, the heavy rain was shattered by a fleeting flash of light, and the noise of the world came again!

  In just an instant, the bullet of the sniper rifle was cut.

   Then the sniper rifle was also cut in half.

  Finally, the killer was cut off in half, and blood was splashed in the air.


  The girl also spat out a mouthful of blood, as if she had received some serious shock.

  However, she didn't stop, but jumped into the bottom of the sea, running towards the boy who fell into the deep sea.


  Gu Jianlin fell into the sea water, and vaguely saw a slim and petite shadow, pounced on him.

  His consciousness gradually sank, and finally fell into a coma.

   At the last moment, he felt as if he was hugging something, and that soft feeling seemed familiar.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 11:30 p.m. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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