The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 123: Praise for the Lonely One (5000)

  Chapter 123 Praise for the Alone (5000)

  The cruise ship was overcrowded. When people saw the monster leave, they breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Dad, Xiao Gu still hasn't come up."

  Zhong Li stood on tiptoe and looked around in the crowd, her drenched face was full of worry: "Can he run out? I saw that all the demon hunters in the Inquisition were dispatched, will he be okay?"

Zhong Guoqing wiped his face and said: "I don't know, he has a gold card, so he can get on Mr. Liu's boat logically. As long as he is with Mr. Liu, he will be fine. If he didn't run over, he would be fine now. The attention of the court is also on our side, and he can definitely run out on a motorcycle!"

  He was very sure, and said: "That silly boy is not short-lived! He will definitely live!"

   Under the cruise ship, Lu Zicheng and Chen Qing supported each other. Hearing the voice on the communication channel, they felt the blood in their bodies cool down, and their eyes were blank.

   Unexpectedly, I heard such bad news just after I got revenge.

   Mrs. Yan is a fourth-order, even if it does not mutate, it cannot be defeated by the second-order.

   What's more, it is still under the premise of body mutation.

   In this way, the biggest shortcoming of the celestial master path will be gone!

   At the same time, Fu Chaoyang staggered close to the blockade with his adoptive father on his back.

  He waved his hands anxiously, calling for help.

  In an instant, several bright lights shone on his face, making him unable to open his eyes.

  I saw those demon hunters walking forward with rifles in hand, windbreakers fluttering in the rainy night, masks on their faces as cold as freezing, and there was no trace of pity in their eyes looking at him.

  Fu Chaoyang instinctively realized that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

  At that moment, he suddenly realized that his adoptive father was behind him, and abruptly stopped turning around.

   Then he opened his arms wide, firmly blocking the middle-aged man behind him.

   Bang bang bang!

  I saw a nano soldier descending from the sky, standing in front of him.

  A helicopter landed from the sky, and Ying Changsheng sat in the cockpit and looked at the child, commenting lightly: "I didn't expect to see such a filial son in today's world! Not bad, great kindness!"

  Chen Bojun jumped out of the cabin expressionlessly, looked around the demon hunters in a cold voice, and said indifferently: "Who gave you the authority? Do you want to die? Or does Li Qingsong also want to die early?"

  The next moment, the phantoms of thousands of troops loomed behind him.

  Those demon hunters were overwhelmed by the chilling aura, and couldn't help but take a step back.

  Chen Bojun turned to look at the father and son in the rainstorm.

  Fu Chaoyang's legs gave way, and he fell to his knees, gasping for breath.

  The rope was also loose, and the middle-aged man behind him fell sideways.

   "Son, you're doing great."

  Chen Bojun said gently: "I am your father's comrade-in-arms, you are safe."

Hearing this sentence, Fu Chaoyang's eyes suddenly turned red, years of grievances poured out at this moment, his body like a small animal trembled slightly, and his lips trembled: "Quick... save, save my adoptive father! Save my adoptive father first! "

  After speaking, he remembered something, struggled to get up, and searched around.

"What are you looking for?"

   Chen Bojun frowned and asked.

   "Give me a sniper rifle, or a bazooka or something! That bad guy led the monster away by himself! I know where he's going! Give it to me!"

  Fu Chaoyang roared anxiously: "He can't hold it!"



  Dark rainy nights, howling storms, and muddy puddles.

  The sound of hurried footsteps broke through the rain.

  The wind is howling.

  Gu Jianlin panted heavily, poured a bottle of blue blood down his throat again, jumped up and grabbed the iron railing outside the warehouse, kicked the wall with both feet continuously, and turned over forcefully.

  Three minutes and forty-one seconds.

   At this moment, the wall exploded, and a sharp stone shot out against his abdomen, leaving a bloodstain two centimeters deep, almost taking away his entire flesh.

   Behind him was the howling wind, and the monster came roaring.

  I saw pale will-o'-the-wisps spreading on the ground, taking away the life of all insects and microorganisms.

  However, this bit of vitality was not enough to heal the wounds. Gu Jianlin could only hold his wounds and forcefully get up. With his strong physical fitness, he jumped to the opposite rooftop, rolled on the ground to relieve his inertia, and dived into the corridor.

  Because of his speed, he slammed into the narrow stairway and smashed the wall.

  He didn't have time to fight back, because the monster followed closely behind.

   This is a race for life, not a second can be delayed.

  In a state of madness that lost her mind, Mrs. Yan smashed the corridor abruptly, chasing after her madly, even spitting out fiery tongues, raging and fiery.

   Several times, when Gu Jianlin got closer to the monster, his head was almost burned by the flames, and even a strand of hair was burnt black, exuding a smell of burnt.

   One can imagine how dangerous it is.

  Suddenly, the entire corridor vibrated, as if there was an earthquake, and the ash shook off.

   Gu Jianlin felt a warning sign in his heart, smashed the glass without hesitation, and jumped down from the fifth floor.

  He inserted the tip of the black umbrella into the wall with his backhand, and using the force of falling friction as a buffer, he stepped on the wall amidst countless cracked gravel and dust, turned over and fell.

   When Gu Jianlin landed on the ground, the dormitory behind him collapsed.

  He just looked back, then hurriedly got up and ran away.

  Unfortunately, I originally wanted to use this building to hang around for a while, but unfortunately my wishful thinking fell through.

  The gap between the strength of the second and fourth ranks is too great.

   I never expected that Mrs. Yan could still use the power of a celestial master after mutating into a Gu insect!

  Five minutes and thirty-seven seconds.

  At this moment, countless leaves trembled loudly, the torrential rain also hovered in the air, the sand and rocks on the ground rolled and trembled, countless iron bars were forcibly bent, and the sharp edges pointed at him!

  Gu Jianlin was terrified, this is the ability of a fourth-tier celestial master mentioned by Minister Lu.

   Think about motivation!


  He opened his hands without hesitation, and the dark particles formed by the negative energy trembled wildly in his palms.

  Dark Blast!

  The sound of a huge explosion resounded through the night sky. Gu Jianlin was sent flying by a powerful shock wave, and fell unbiasedly onto an iron railing. He was pierced through the lower abdomen by sharp spikes, and blood shot out.

  Such a serious injury made his face extremely pale, and the will-o'-the-wisp on his forehead flickered. If it weren't for the breathing technique helping him to restore his spirituality at all times, he would have been exhausted long ago.

   This is really the most dangerous battle since he joined the extraordinary world.

  He recalled in his mind the true meaning of breathing technique.

  Feeling the great pressure between life and death, and the courage to risk your life.

  One cannot be timid all the time in one's life.

  You're always going to have something to... burn!

   With a bang, Mrs. Yan rushed from the ruins, and the turbulent flow of elements began to gather above her head. The wind and rain mixed with flames and sandstone, like a storm of destruction, roaring endlessly.

   Gu Jianlin drank another bottle of blue blood, and the spiritual tide in his mind suddenly rose and fell, as if a monstrous wave was rising in mid-air, as if he wanted to break through some kind of shackles and reach a higher place!

   There was a click.

  Gu Jianlin stretched his hands behind his back, broke off the iron thorn abruptly, then pulled it out, and threw it with his backhand.

   Finally raised a **** and said in a deep voice, "Death!"

  It was just an iron thorn, and Mrs. Yan even resisted directly with her body. The pierced body was nothing more than a hole. Dark green blood mixed with poisonous mist spewed out, filling the torrential rain.

  And when the curse of the ghost spell fell on her, her whole body was bleeding again, with strange spells all over her body.

   But the problem is, the pain spurred her even crazier and faster!

  Gu Jianlin touched a maple tree, and the fire of the sacred sacrifice suddenly ignited, and life force poured into his body.

   All injuries were healed, and he was back to his prime again!

  Thank you Kamiji!

  Kamiji is the strongest way!

  Gu Jianlin turned around and ran, running wildly against the storm, with a huge monster chasing after him.

   From time to time, there will be broken stones, or sharp wind blades whistling.

  Flying sand and rocks hit his back, **** and bloody.

  The torrential rain also became as sharp as hailstones, scraping him all over with cuts and bruises.

  Blood mixed with rainwater filled the air, and the severe pain made the boy's eyes dark.

   Seven minutes and forty-four seconds.

  In this situation, Gu Jianlin couldn't use the fire of the **** sacrifice to heal his injuries, but his physical fitness in the ghost-human state was enough for him to resist this injury and continue to run wildly.

  However, his speed was still slowed down, and the monster became more ferocious and faster.

  If this goes on, he will die soon after he persists for less than ten minutes.

  Gu Jianlin didn't want to die, but if he didn't do some things, his life would be worse than death.

  Uncle Mu is right.

  He is a paranoid, born a person who is extremely lonely and proud.

  What others can do, he should do.

  What others cannot do, he must also do.

  Gu Jianlin never thought about being a hero, but he just wanted to be strong.

  Be stronger than everyone.

  Jing Ci once said that being truly strong does not depend on how powerful you are, but on whether you have the courage to risk your life for something.

   When his father held him in his arms on the highway, he was a strong man.

  In Heiyun Walled City, Uncle Mu, who fought desperately for the people in the shelter, is also a strong man.

  Including the vultures and store managers in Westport, they are all strong fighters for their families.

  Even Fu Chaoyang, that kid in his teens, had the courage to risk his life.

   It seems that I suddenly understood something.

  He can go on.

   Can be faster.

  Eight minutes and thirteen seconds!

  Accompanied by the trees blown by the strong wind, and iron rods whistling through the ground, lightning illuminated the treasure shop in front, and a familiar voice sounded in the wind and rain.

   Gu Jianlin never expected that he would go back to the treasure shop again!

   "Xiao Gu! The motorcycle is locked at the door! The password is your salary for today! Run!"

   "Xiao Gu! The motorcycle is locked at the door..."

   "Little Gu..."

  That was the voice of the store manager, which was played on a loudspeaker in a loop. To be honest, this man's voice was really ugly, like an old duck.

  However, when Gu Jianlin heard this voice, his dry body surged with strength.

  Gu Jianlin ran to the door of the store, panting and pressed three buttons on the combination lock.

  Three fifty!

  The car key is inserted on the motorcycle.

  Gu Jianlin turned over and rode on the seat, and immediately increased the accelerator to the maximum, the second-hand motorcycle roared like a dragon!


  At this moment, Mrs. Yan soared into the sky, and twenty-four sharp joints glowed coldly.


  At the critical moment, the strings of the guzheng were plucked, and a mournful crack suddenly opened in the void!

  In the storm, the sound of the piano full of murderous intent sounded, as if the silver bottle was broken and the water was pouring out. The chilling melody reminded us of the battlefield of gold and iron horses. The sky was full of wind, sand and blood, and the roar of knives and swords!

   Madam Yan suddenly let out a shrill roar, a hideous gap was torn on her chest, and blood gushed out like a spring.

   Only one step away!

  This mutated woman still has the last sliver of consciousness. She can't figure out why she still can't kill this weak boy after so long. Every time it comes to a critical moment, the other party can always come back from a desperate situation!

  Gu Jianlin took the opportunity to drive a motorcycle and gallop away, the blood all over his body was washed away by the storm, and he headed towards the deserted road, his coat was blown away by the wind, and his black hair danced wildly!

   Faster, faster!

   Ten minutes and five seconds!

  The sound of the piano did not know where it came from, but there was a faint feeling of weakness.

   Although weak, but never left.

  Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

   In the void flashed one after another of horrific and terrifying cracks, criss-crossing like splashed ink.

   Madam Yan avoided the cracks and ran after them with a roar.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly knew who was secretly protecting him.

Oh it's you.

  Although I am not sure what it is for, thank you anyway.

  Gu Jianlin rushed towards the road, suddenly there was a roar in the distance, and a rocket pierced the sky!

   There was a bang, and an iron warehouse was collapsed.

   Impartially, he just hit Mrs. Yan who was rushing towards her!

  Gu Jianlin turned his head and looked, only to see a small figure crawling on the roof far away.

   It turned out to be Fu Chaoyang, that brat.

  He should be too familiar with Sihanoukville, so he knows where he will go, and helps at critical moments.

   Come to think of it, this little guy should be safe now.

  The bear child has already rushed out of the storm and survived.

  At this time, Gu Jianlin's cell phone rang with a furious voice.

   "Gu Jianlin! What are you doing? You are about to leave Westport. If you brought the monster outside, do you know how many ordinary people will die because of it? Can you be responsible for this?"

   That was the voice of Deacon Nie.

  Gu Jianlin took out his mobile phone and said indifferently: "I am fully responsible for my own actions. Since you can't do it, then shut your mouth, open your eyes wide, and watch carefully."

   After speaking, he was about to turn off his phone.

  However, at that moment, he suddenly saw a message in WeChat.

   "When will I go home again? I made ribs soup for you."

   Simple text.

   Familiar tone.

  The warmth of deja vu.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, then smiled in relief, he suddenly felt that he was not alone.

  Even though he was exhausted physically and mentally, exhausted in the storm, there seemed to be a pair of hands behind him pushing him forward.

  In a daze, it seemed that he had returned to his childhood, when he had just learned to ride a bicycle. Because he was too young, he was always unable to ride steadily, and the man and woman were pushing him behind.

  The wind blows away the man's hat and the woman's long hair, and he laughs loudly in the wind.

  Freedom, carefree.

   Galloping in the wind.

  It seems that the soul is about to be released.

  The spiritual tide in Gu Jianlin's mind suddenly rose, as if the calm sea was suddenly swept by a storm, brewing with a mighty wave of power, and then it was about to rush to the highest sky!

   At this moment, Mrs. Yan swooped in again, her body swelled to the extreme for some reason, and terrifying toxins were accumulated in her body, like a bomb that was about to explode at any time!

  Tai Xu's voice rang on the phone in time: "The road ahead is planned, and there are still 50 meters left to leave the forbidden area! The scene has been evacuated for you in advance, and you can circle around within a radius of one kilometer. It's over!"

  Gu Jianlin said softly, "Thank you, I don't need it."

  The stormy road, the sky is covered by dark clouds, and the street lamps emit dim light.

  Under the road is a dark sea with rough waves!

  Gu Jianlin made a sudden turn on his motorcycle and accelerated towards a rock on the road.

  Twelve minutes and fifty-five seconds!


  At that moment, the teenager drove a motorcycle along the reef and rushed into the sky.

  The wind and rain cannot stop him, and the dark clouds all over the sky will disperse at any time.

  Moonlight falls from the sky.

  The waves in Gu Jianlin's mind also surged into the sky.

   Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet!

   The roar of the tsunami is the long-lost cheer!

   Breathing technique, the treasure of mankind, broke through the shackles at this moment!

   At this moment, courage and blood are burning wantonly and blooming!

  Gu Jianlin twisted his waist in mid-air, turned 360 degrees in the air, and threw the motorcycle out!

   Coincidentally, Mrs. Yan jumped into the sky and was hit head-on by a motorcycle.


  The terrifying toxin exploded like a bomb, accompanied by countless bursting Gu worms.

  The turbulent flow of elements above her head also exploded at this moment.

   Everything is about to be destroyed.

  Gu Jianlin opened his arms in mid-air, his soul sublimated beyond the sky, and his breathing coincided with the rhythm of the sky and the earth.

   Wind and tide, storm and sea, sky and earth.

   All breathing with his rhythm!

  Gu Jianlin's body lit up with a brilliant boundary, as if bathed in the bleak moonlight, shining in the darkness, like a heavenly man!


  Breathing Technique · Land of Freedom!

  The invisible and substanceless realm exploded with a bang, and the cold radiance surged like a tide, submerging the turbulent flow of elements in an instant, and even the poisonous mist and Gu worms of the explosion were buried by the radiance!

  The light is like a tide, washing the darkness and purifying everything!

  In the field, there is no extraordinary power!

   Fifteen minutes and one second!

  In a death-defying situation, Gu Jianlin comprehended the true meaning of breathing technique at the last moment, and forcibly blocked the monster's killing blow!

  At this moment, a flaming arrow galloped from a distance, and suddenly hit the monster!




  The violent explosion sounded in the storm, the night was illuminated by the fire that shot up into the sky, and the rain of fire all over the sky withered.

  Illuminated the dull or stunned, shocked or bewildered faces.

  Chen Bojun put away the iron bow in his hand.

  At the last moment, he tied the antidote to the arrow and killed him with one blow.

  That is not only an antidote, but also a deadly poison to Gu insects.

   One arrow traveled five kilometers and penetrated the enemy.

  However, he didn't feel complacent or proud, he just watched the explosion in the distant night.

  Because he knew very well that this arrow was nothing.

   The one who really decided the outcome of the battle was the boy who attracted the monster alone.

   There was a crisp sound.

  Chen Bojun applauded softly: "I am not as brave as he is."

   Lu Zijin was suspended in mid-air, raised his eyebrows and said: "At his age, it is really impossible to be like him."


  Ying Changsheng stood beside him, applauding.

  Fu Chaoyang fell to the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Lu Zicheng and Chen Qing smiled at each other as if they were relieved.

  Deacon Nie and Councilor Zhang, members of the trial court, stood stiffly in place, listening to the applause that gradually sounded in the communication channel, with embarrassed but polite smiles on their faces, and applauded mechanically.

  The channel of the Omega sequence fell into silence, and then there was a wave of applause.

  At this moment, all the fighters in the Dawn battle sequence first saluted in the direction of the explosion, paying high respects.

  In the grocery store in the dark, Jing Ci watched the explosion in the distance, smiling without saying a word.

  The old man on the recliner also opened his eyes and sighed softly.

no sooner said than done.

  When Gu Jianlin stepped forward, no one in Xigang was injured or killed by the monster.

   The applause was like thunder, echoing in the wind and rain.

   Dedicated to that lonely boy.

   Dedicated to his indomitable courage.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, see you at 8:30 tomorrow night】

  (end of this chapter)

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