The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 125: Tsukihime

  Chapter 125 Yue Ji

   Torrential rain poured down, the pitch-black sea was choppy, and a faint fire illuminated the cave.

This place is still within the scope of the taboo area, but almost no one knows that there is a cave under the cliff, because it is surrounded by enchantment all the year round, and it looks like a complete rock wall from the outside, so few people have set foot in it for many years, even Even after the Asgard Project is launched, no one will come here to explore in leisure.

  The enchantment has been lifted tonight, the storm outside, coupled with the high tide of the sea, the cave has been submerged for more than half, the deepest part of the cave is a fire, and the light of the fire illuminates the two figures.

  Yueji coughed out a mouthful of blood, and the dark red blood sprayed on the rock wall, and a few drops splashed on the plain white arm.

  She took a tissue and wiped the blood, then threw it in the trash.

   This cave seems to be her secret base. There is a huge wardrobe full of girls' clothes, and all kinds of knives and daggers are piled at the bottom of the cabinet.

  There are countless firearms hanging on the rock wall, and boxes of alchemy bullets are piled up in the corner.

   In addition, the most conspicuous thing is actually a wooden barrel, which is filled with hot foamy water.

The first thing the girl did when she came to the cave was to wash her hair and the sea water off her body, and then she changed into a clean black dress and a red coat. The legs were wrapped in black stockings.

  Then quietly sat beside him, staring at the sleeping teenager on the mat.

   After an unknown amount of time, Gu Jianlin opened his eyes and looked at the dark rock wall.

  A drop of rain fell on his face.

  The cold touch instantly woke him up.

   There is no denying that this is the weakest moment for Gu Jianlin since he stepped into the extraordinary world.

  Because he had just experienced a battle of great disparity in strength, although he had mastered the advanced usage of breathing technique through the courage honed between life and death at the last moment, it also exhausted all his strength.

   And in the end, he was attacked by an assassin and was almost killed on the spot.

   Logically speaking, he should have been vigilant when he woke up.

  Just for some reason, he felt a strange, unprecedented sense of security.

   "Are you awake? The operation was successful."

  Yue Ji rested her chin on her hand and gave him a sideways glance: "You're fine."

  Gu Jianlin knew that she was the one who came to save him.

  Yue Ji, the ghost-slaying path, a fourth-level Shura.

   Currently the only one who cannot be detected by life perception.

  He braced himself up and took a deep breath.

  He was seriously injured, but it was obvious that he had been given some secret medicine, so that the external injuries were already healed, but the spirituality in his body was dry and was recovering little by little.

   Fortunately, this time his clothes were neatly dressed, but his whole body was soaked in sea water and was sticky.

   "Two bottles of Maosheng stock solution, a total of 21,650 yuan, Cheng Hui."

  Yueji took out a QR code with green and blue on the front and back from her backpack. The cat face mask was illuminated by the fire, and there was no expression in her deep eyes: "Wechat or Zhifubao?"

   Gu Jianlin never expected that he would encounter such a thing just after waking up.

  He subconsciously fumbled for the phone.

   Unexpectedly, his mobile phone was intact after being soaked in sea water.


  Gu Jianlin took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code. Fortunately, he has saved a lot of money by working part-time over the years. Even without the inheritance that the man left in the bank, he is relatively well-off among his peers.

   "OK, happy transaction."

Yueji pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Remind me, I used the luxuriant liquid for you, which is a secret medicine for wounds made from the juice of the ancient tree of desire in the ancient **** world, although it can be used in a short period of time. Time endows you with majestic vitality and heals your wounds. But the side effect is that you will have a very strong desire."

   Gu Jianlin had a bad feeling, and repeated: "A very strong desire?"

  Yueji said calmly: "Yes, a very strong desire."

   "What desire?"

   "Desire to Mate."

  What the **** am I.

  Gu Jianlin almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

  He saw a potion bottle on the ground with a familiar icon on it.

   This is the secret medicine produced by the pharmacist old thief!

   This means Venerable Candle Dragon is currently guarding the corpse in the Qilin Fairy Palace.

   Otherwise, Gu Jianlin must go into the Immortal Palace, summon that old thing out, and ask him what he means.

  How can a serious person refine this secret medicine.

   "Why are you giving me this secret medicine?"

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath and asked calmly.

  Yueji glanced at him with strange eyes: "Because it's easy to use."

  Gu Jianlin was at a loss for words for a moment, he thought to himself that this girl is really courageous.

  Since everyone knows that they will have desires due to the side effects of the secret medicine, they still dare to stay here.

   Obviously she is the only woman here, so isn't she afraid of a scene where the **** will happen next?

   "Don't worry, this is not the kind of strong secret medicine that you have to use to detoxify after being poisoned in classical martial arts movies. If you have strong self-control, you can restrain it."

  Yueji's voice was clear and cold, and she said solemnly: "Of course, during this period of time, your desire will be many times larger than usual, which means you will become much more lustful than before."

  Gu Jianlin has already noticed the problem. At this moment, his heart seems to be burning with a fire, and the evil thoughts in the depths of his soul are about to move, and his eyes keep wandering on the girl's snow-white neck and delicate collarbone.

   So much so that I looked down and saw her slender legs wrapped in black silk under her short black skirt, as well as a pair of small and exquisite feet, with the toes curled up just right.

   Can't watch anymore.

  Gu Jianlin turned around directly and took a deep breath.

"I know you are not that kind of person, so I don't worry about what you will do to me, especially since I saved your life just now. What's more, you only have the strength of the second level, and your spirituality is weak, so you are not my opponent .”

   Having said this, Yue Ji spat out a mouthful of blood again.

  Gu Jianlin turned around, saw the tiredness in her beautiful eyes, frowned and said, "You were hurt too."

  Obviously, she had already been seriously injured when fighting the Nightmare Master.

   When Mrs. Yan chased him, the girl was still covering up.

  Finally, he held on and killed a Tier 4 Overlord.

  Obviously, as a way to slay ghosts, Yue Ji has a very strong talent and strength, and she is also the best in her class. She may have some hidden cards, but after three consecutive battles, she can't stand it anymore.


  Yueji said softly: "It's just an overlord that I killed in seconds, and I was only slightly injured."

   "The person who wanted to kill me in the end is the fourth-order ruler of the Overlord Path, very powerful. Although you cut off his bullet, the domineering energy attached to the bullet still injured you."

Gu Jian said expressionlessly: "The battle between the ghost-slaying path and the overlord's path is like this. Either the ghost-slayer is killed by a long-range sniper, or the overlord is killed by close-up. In short, it's all in an instant. You look relaxed , but the injury is definitely not light. Don't fool me, I have information in my hand."

  He found the relevant information directly on the phone.

  Although there is no connection to the deep space network, many data are cached and backed up.

  Yue Ji stopped talking, and turned her head aside in anger, she was actually quite arrogant.

   "Since you are injured, why don't you use the lush stock solution?"

   Gu Jianlin asked, "You must still have some in stock, right?"

  Yueji turned around and gave him a faint look: "What do you want to do?"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately embarrassed.


  If a person takes the Lush Extract, he might be able to withstand that side effect.

  However, if there are two people...

   Outside it is miserable and rainy, but inside it is a lonely man and a widow, and they are in heat at the same time.

  If it is put in a novel, if it doesn't cause some firewood, it is definitely a **** author.

   For a while, the grotto fell into silence.

   "Why are you helping me?"

  Finally, Gu Jianlin broke the awkward atmosphere and asked calmly.

  Yueji glanced at him coldly, her voice gradually cooled down, and she asked, "I clearly warned you not to stay here, why did you stay here? Do you really like being brave by yourself?"

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "I have my reasons."

  Yueji just looked at him like this: "I also have my reasons."

  Gu Jianlin explained: "My reason is that the Yan family wants to kill me, so I want to kill them."

Yue Ji also explained: "Then my reason is that the butcher is my younger brother. Your father let him go, and I will help him to pay you a favor. Besides, I want to know whether the Qilin Wedge is there or not." in your hands."

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows: "It's that simple? Is this worth your life to save me?"

  Yue Ji hummed: "If you want to destroy the Yan family, you don't need to risk your life."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second: "The most important reason is that Fu Chaoyang and Fu Qingxuan are very important witnesses. In the future, I need to get a lot of key information and testimony from them."

  Yueji suddenly said: "Even if it is a night watchman..."

  Suddenly, she stopped talking.

  Gu Jianlin folded his arms and looked at her, and said, "You slipped the tongue."

  Yueji muttered softly, "I don't."

   Obviously, the person who dropped the coin on the dormitory was definitely her.

   Otherwise, how could you know about the night watchman.

   "So the person who has been by my side is you, right?"

Gu Jianlin stared at her and asked, "From Li Changzhi's attack under the viaduct, to the clowns in the cafeteria of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School, to the battle in the Heiyun Walled City, and this time in Xigang, you have been Secretly protect me?"

Yue Ji was silent for a second, tilted her head slightly, her black hair fell like a waterfall, and asked: "It's not me, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all. Why should I protect you? Do I like you? "

  Gu Jianlin glanced at the footprints she left, and then looked at her slim and petite figure.

   There are still a few strands of blue hair pouring down to the shoulders.

   "Your skeleton is very small, your weight should be about 80 catties, and your height is about 1.56 meters, which basically matches the person I inferred. The only thing is..."

  Gu Jianlin's eyes fell on her chest.

   It doesn't look big, but it's hard to guarantee that you won't use something like a corset.

  If you want to prove this kind of thing, unless you reach out behind her and untie it for her.


  Yue Ji's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of disdain, and she said quietly: "Why, do you want to touch it?"

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, the next update will be at 8:30 tomorrow night, welcome to read the original version~】

  (end of this chapter)

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