The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 122: Loneliness and arrogance

  Chapter 122 Loneliness and Arrogance

I don't know what happened in this hour, Mrs. Yan has been completely assimilated by the Gu, and turned into a huge monster with a human face and an insect body, similar to that between a centipede and a spider, covered with black carapace and fluff. There are twenty-four steel-like joints growing.

   At the same time, she seemed to be transformed into some kind of matrix by Gu insects, constantly spouting poisonous mist.

  Wherever they passed, countless people's faces turned red and their seven orifices bleed.

   In the end, his whole body swelled and he exploded to death!

   "Monsters! There are monsters!"

   "Run, there's..."

   A group of people swarmed towards the ships in the port. They kept pushing and shoving, and even shot and broke the legs of the people behind. They wanted to rush to the front and seize the opportunity.

  However, a huge shadow fell from the sky, Madam Yan jumped directly to the center of the crowd, the sharp steel joints tore their bodies apart, and the limbs mixed with broken organs, splashing out in blood.

   Extremely cruel.

  The poisonous mist spewed out, and countless people convulsed and fell to the ground to die.

  All the corpses that died from the poisonous mist were convulsing and trembling, and countless densely packed Gu worms rushed out.

  At this time, Gu Jianlin's cell phone rang again from the communication channel.

  The encrypted communication interface of the Omega sequence appeared in his sight.

  Prince: "Received the order from the director and reported the situation on the scene."

Nightmare: "I sensed Mrs. Yan's soul fluctuations, suspected to be assimilated by Gu insects, and has the ability to spit poisonous mist. Please don't approach rashly, once you are poisoned, you may be infected, and your body will be used as a breeding ground for Gu insects. The higher the rank, the more Gu worms will multiply in your body! According to my judgment, this is a toxin induced from the spiritual level, and it is difficult to isolate it by physical means!"

  Juejian: "The Gu worms on the east coast have been cleaned up, and I can bring Yujian to the scene immediately."

Ji Zhou: "Don't approach rashly, and organize the immediate evacuation of the people on site. As for the people in the forbidden area, kill them as soon as they can, and don't let them continue to provide nutrients to the Gu worms. I will immediately apply to the superior for enchantment-type mythical weapons, and try to get the strict Madam, control it. Poison Master, Shu Guang, when will we analyze the composition and antidote of the poison mist?"

  Poison Master: "You need at least ten minutes for me, I'm already analyzing and sampling."

  Shu Guang: "As long as the antidote is formulated, I can cure it."

  Nightmare: "The result of divination appeared. Madam Yan devoured a new type of Gu worm that had never existed before. She almost lost her mind and acted only on instinct. Hypnosis and illusion are basically ineffective against it."

Ji Zhou: "In this case, all members retreat temporarily, let Madam Yan appetize with the people in these taboo areas first, anyway, this group of people is of low rank, this is already a timely stop loss. Try to control the battlefield in the taboo area Don't let them go outside, if ordinary people die because of this, none of us can escape the blame."

  Juejian: "Unfortunately, my junior sister is not there. Otherwise, her extreme thunder might be able to create a strong enough barrier to temporarily block Mrs. Yan's actions."

  Ji Zhou: "Where is the thunder?"

  Absolute Sword: "The ceremony of breaking through the fourth level."

  Prince: "Li Hanting, this is your plan? Don't command blindly if you are not capable enough. There are still many of our people at the scene. Can you guarantee that our people will not be implicated and die?"

Ji Zhou: "Brother Changsheng, these Gu worms were cultivated by Nightmare Masters in the sixth-order period. Once exposed to this poisonous mist, even you and I are not sure of surviving. I know that Director Chen will not approve of my plan." , but which of our actions did not sacrifice? This is not the time of Our Lady, who wants to die?"

  Prince: "If I were here, I would try instead of being a coward."

  Ji Zhou: "Sorry, I am the highest person in charge at the scene, and I am fully responsible for this operation. If you have any comments, I will accompany you at any time afterwards, over."

   In the communication channel, there was silence.

  The members of the Omega sequence have given a timely stop loss plan.

   To be fair, this is indeed the optimal solution to the current situation.


  Gu Jianlin put away his phone, silently took out a bottle of Azure Blood from his pocket, and poured it down his throat.

   He listened to the conversation on the communication channel, and he already basically understood the situation.

   "Have you figured it out?"

  Jing Ci glanced at him playfully, and asked with a smile: "This time, you may never return. You need to think about the consequences and the reasons for doing this."

  Gu Jianlin didn't speak, just picked up the metal black umbrella, packed the only four bottles of Azure Blood left in his pocket, and pulled out the golden Desert Eagle from his waist.

   Without any words, he walked out of the grocery store.

Thunder and lightning.

  A bleak storm is coming, as if a tsunami is about to swallow the entire chaotic port.

   Burning ruins, chaotic and crowded crowds, yachts and cruise ships turbulent in the sea.

  Gu Jianlin looked at the wind and rain, coordinated with his life perception, and observed everything.

  In the wind and rain, Fu Chaoyang fell to the ground while riding the bicycle without brakes.

   This fall was more than ten meters in the rain, and the ribs were broken.

  But he didn't know where the strength came from, and he still carried his adoptive father on his back, rolling and crawling.

  Further away, Lu Zicheng and Chen Qing mixed in the crowd, saw a little girl fell in front of them, gritted their teeth, picked her up, and sent her to the yacht for refuge.

  Zhong Guoqing and Zhong Li were also in the crowd, drenched in rain, looking back from time to time.

   I don't know what I'm groping for.

  The poisonous mist filled the wind, and the monster transformed by Mrs. Yan slaughtered and wreaked havoc among the crowd. The scene was extremely bloody.

  But at this moment, the roar of a car engine came from outside the port.

  I saw dozens of nano-soldiers rushing into the crowd without fear of death, as if turning a blind eye to the danger.

   This is the warrior of the dawn battle sequence, the true backbone of the Aether Association.

  Gu Jianlin watched all this in silence.

   One face after another was wet by rain, but there was another expression in his eyes.

  Some are ugly, some are desperate, some are ruthless, and some are persistent.

  According to his judgment, ten minutes is enough time for this monster to kill everyone here.

  Jing Ci asked him just now why he stood up.

  Perhaps it was for Fu Chaoyang and Fu Qingxuan, who were key witnesses.

   It may also be for Lu Zicheng and Chen Qing, because these are people who are very important to him.

  Or, for people like Zhong Guoqing and Zhong Li.

   Another reason is that he needs this life-and-death tempering to make himself stronger.

   Well, courage is not needed for a reason.

  —No need to choose.

  The wind and rain rolled back, lightning flashed above the sky, and the roaring thunder shook the dark world.

  The grocery store disappeared without a sound.

  Gu Jianlin stood alone in the darkness, silently tore off the human skin mask on his face, then shook his wet black hair, and firmly grasped the Desert Eagle in his hand.

  Raise the gun and aim.


  The sound of gunfire tore through the storm, and a ray of fire was fleeting.

   The monster gnawing frantically in the crowd paused because a bullet was embedded in the back of her head.

   Dark green blood dripped down, and she turned her head in surprise.

  In an instant, the black-haired boy in the wind and rain pointed at her from a distance with a gun that was smoking.

   "Do you recognize me?"

  He paused: "—When your two sons died, it was much more painful than these people."

  For a moment, madness appeared in Mrs. Yan's mutated blood-red eyes.

  In a sense, she is indeed a great mother. Even after mutating to this extent, she can still recognize the enemy who killed her son, and let out a terrifying roar!


  The wind and rain were blown away, and a thick, fishy breath roared out.

   Bang bang bang!

   Six consecutive bullets hit her body, and dark green stinky blood splashed out.

   Marksmanship is not allowed.

  But it played a very good role in mocking!


   Madam Yan jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the boy in the distance.

  Gu Jianlin's forehead suddenly lit up with a pale will-o'-the-wisp, and the whites of his eyes were swallowed up by darkness, staring like an evil spirit in hell, with a gloomy ghostly aura emanating from his whole body, so evil!

  At this moment, a huge black shadow rushed over.

   There was a loud bang!

  Gu Jianlin opened the metal black umbrella in his hand, and the huge force was fed back to him through the umbrella surface, which made his hands holding the umbrella numb, and he slid backwards in the rain.

   After sliding a full 20 meters, it barely stopped!

  So strong!

  Madam Yan is a Tier 4 sublimator, strengthened by Gu insects, crushing him physically!

  At the same time, the dark green poisonous mist rushed towards his face, and he sucked all of it into his body.


  Gu Jianlin let out a long sigh of relief, his dark eyes were still gloomy and cold.

   Very good, although in the realm of heaven and man, the ability of ancient deification cannot be used, but the passive is still there.

  The spirit of the ancient supreme is not subject to external interference.

  Take a deep breath and feel the ebb and flow of the spiritual tide.

   Don't be afraid.

do not worry.

   Take it easy.

   "Come on, let's play with you."

  He chuckled, and suddenly turned into an afterimage, flashing into the abandoned cabin behind.


   Madam Yan let out a roar, the huge worm jumped up, and chased after it without hesitation!



  At this moment, the encrypted channel of the Omega sequence.

  Including the public wartime communication channel in the Fengcheng area.

  People who connected to the deep space network heard that lonely and cold voice that sounded in the wind and rain.

   "The plan is well done, don't do it again next time."

  Gu Jianlin, in the ghost-human state, fell into a negative extreme, and said indifferently: "If you don't have the ability, don't order blindly. The trash should do what the trash should do well."

  He paused: "I will help you buy fifteen minutes. During this time, no one will become a mother for the breeding of Gu insects. And you, find me a solution to the toxin as soon as possible."

   Communication is interrupted.

  In the wind and rain, everyone was silent.

  They have never seen such a lonely and arrogant person, and such a superior tone.

  As if to say: I am not targeting you, but everyone here is rubbish.

  Member Zhang heard this voice, his cold face was extremely gloomy: "Who is this?"

Deacon Nie was sitting next to him, his face was bloodless and pale, and he was about to have a stress disorder from the voice: "Gu, Gu Jianlin. A D-level investigator in Fengcheng District, Gu Jianlin. That's the one Killed the captain class, and also killed the brothers of the Yan family, openly challenged the trial court, and joined Gu Jianlin, who joined the Omega sequence."

  Outside the helicopter cabin, Li Hanting stroked the pet in his arms and asked softly, "What did he just say?"

   "Boss, he said you are trash."

  I saw a woman covered in wizard robes, holding a crystal staff, said quietly: "But I saw his tone, he thinks all of us are trash."

  In the communication channel, Jue Jian's voice sounded: "Forget it, I think he's talking about your Tribunal."

   No one accosted.

   At the same time, the red dot marked on the tablet is really moving away from the crowded area at a fast speed.

   That guy actually did what he said, and really led the enemy away!

  Is this person desperate?



  The helicopter pierced the sky like a black lightning bolt.


  Chen Bojun slammed his fist on the cabin, and said in a deep voice, "Is this kid crazy?"

   Looking at the red dot on the tablet computer, the red dot quickly moved away.

  This proves that the boy really led the monster away, and now he is fighting alone.

  Ying Changsheng listened to the voice on the communication channel, narrowed his slender and sharp eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Director Chen, who is this sacred? He is mocking all of us as trash?"

   "It's just a map gun, don't worry about it."

  Chen Bojun hesitated for a moment: "He should be saying that the people in the trial court are trash."

  Ying Changsheng nodded slightly: "That's right, it won my heart!"

   "Hurry up, I'm afraid something will happen to him."

  Chen Bojun said in a deep voice.

   At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed above the sky, and a petite black shadow swooped down.

  Lu Zijin used his majestic mind to suspend in mid-air, his black hair fluttering in the wind, his eyes were full of coldness, and he swooped down towards Xigang without even looking at them.

   Obviously, she also heard the voice on the communication channel just now.

   It's a race against time.

   Race for minutes and seconds.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 11:30 p.m. Welcome to read the genuine version. 】

   There is a setting that I will not put in the text, just because I am afraid that some people will not understand it. Ancient apotheosis is not allowed in the realm of heaven and man, but Mrs. Yan is mutated by taking Gu insects, which has nothing to do with ancient apotheosis.



  (end of this chapter)

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