The latest website: "Cayuga!" Waiting for Sylvia to think of something, Tessa Moka, who was also awakened to check the situation, said a vocabulary different from the Northern language.

"Cayuga? What is that?" Leo asked.

"That's a legend in the wasteland." Tessa Moka thought for a while and said: "Cayuga is the rice field where the giant lives are endless. Anyone who dies will accept his trial in the rice field, innocent people. Can walk to the end of the rice field without any damage, and the guilty can only wander in the rice field forever, and the rice field will also become a thorn."

"Rice field?" Leo's mind came up with the rice field where he was before. He was still wondering why his spiritual world would be presented in the form of rice fields. Now it seems that the rice field is not his spiritual world. , But that mysterious existence called Cayuga.

"Later?" Sylvia asked, saying: "I remember that the shaman of the wasteland admires nature, and even death is attributed to nature. Obviously, the legend of Cayuga violates the teachings of the shamans of the wasteland. Shouldn't they let go of this Cayuga?"

Tessa Moka nodded and said, "The shamans indeed clashed with Cayuga's church. I don't know how the process was, but then there was no Cayuga faith in the wasteland."

"What time was it?" Sylvia asked again.

"It was something that happened during the great pioneering period." Tessa Moka thought about it and replied.

"The period of great pioneering happened just after the silence of all things disappeared," Sylvia also recalled the materials he saw in the Orthodox Court, and inferred: "It is recorded in the materials that after the silence of all things disappeared, some believers claimed to When it came to the quiet voice of all things, they left the church and went to Mozambique. They seemed to hear the voice of this Cayuga, and they should have brought Cayuga out of the Mosang mainland wilderness in order to avoid Orthodoxy. After the court’s hunt, they didn’t contact the previous quiet church, and came to the vacant place of the Orthodox Church in Deliyat to establish a new quiet church.” Then, she looked at Leo and asked, “What now? "

"There is no need to ignore them! I don't think they should have trouble with us anymore." Leo responded briefly, then looked at the sky outside and said, "Go! Let's take a look at the ice bridge first Look."

Seeing that Leo had made a decision, Sylvia said nothing more, followed Leo out of the room, and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Tessa Moka on the side felt that Leo was too slow to do this. After all, the other party was a god, even a pseudo-god, and it was stronger than most people. Such a casual attitude toward a god's attack was a little sloppy.

However, she didn't have much to say. After all, both of them now think that this matter is unnecessary, so she can only let her keep an eye on it, so as not to overwhelm the whole army when something goes wrong.

The three simply refreshed in the bathroom, put on warm clothes, extinguished the fire in the stove, and walked out of the cottage.

At this time, the man appointed by the mayor stayed in the hut at the door. When Leo came over, they were already aware of it and knocked over the contents of the house in panic.

It's just that his behavior is very weird. When Leo passed them by the door, they didn't open the door. Instead, they asked Leo across the door, "Sir, ma'am, are you going to leave now?"

"Yes, we are going to see the ice bridge." Leo looked at the house thoughtfully and said.

"I was sick last night and can't accompany the three..." the man said quickly.

Leo smiled and said, "It's okay, we can just go by ourselves, you can take good care of yourself in the house."

After that, he continued to walk to the town.

Sylvia and Tessa Moka, who were on the side, also felt something was wrong and frowned.

Soon after, they passed through the woods and came to the town. Although it was during the day, there was no one in the town. All the doors of the houses were only closed. The thick snow covered the doors and windows on the first floor. After more than half, the people in the room seemed to be indifferent to this situation, and had no intention of removing the snow.

When Leo walked over the street of the town, they could all feel the sight projected from the house, landed on them, moved with their pace, and included all kinds of things in their sight. Emotions, fear, anger, doubt, and curiosity.

"Something's wrong!" Tessa Mocha, who felt abnormal, whispered.

Leo smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter! As long as they don't trouble us, we don't have to ignore them."

Before Leo entered the town, he had scanned all the houses in the town through the spirit net, and saw that there were obvious mutations in the people inside, and their mutations were the same, all of them became foreheads. It is wide and concave inwards, and there is a spot of light in the depression. The only difference is the brightness of the spot.

There is no doubt that the people in the entire town, including those who came to study the Renault culture in the town, have become a family of Cayuga, and what happened last night obviously caused some damage to Cayuga, which indirectly Has affected these Cayuga's family members, making their recessive mutations become dominant.

Now Leo is not sure what Cayuga's attitude is. Has he been frightened by his counterattack last night? Is he still lurking and preparing to continue next time, but he is very clear that if not necessary, try not to Conflict with the townspeople, so that Cayuga, hidden in secret, could see that he had nothing to do with it.

Although even if he faces Cayuga in reality, he still has a way to be the final winner, but the cost of that victory may be very large and meaningless, so all he has to do is to avoid the exposure of his true situation. come out.

The three of them were speechless and came to the outside of the post. Similarly, the officials and coachmen in the post all closed themselves in the room. When Leo called the door, he only answered in the door, let Leo lead some pack animals. , Organize the pack saddle by yourself.

Leo, they said nothing, went to the shed at the back of the house, pulled a pack animal, put the pack animal saddle, and then steered the pack animal, left the town and walked towards the ice bridge not far north go with.

Not long after the three people left the town, all the people in the town came out of the house. They all put on their cloaks, covered their heads, and then gathered towards the mayor's house. , Seems to be discussing countermeasures or asking about the situation.

"High priest, why did our bodies suddenly get out of control just now?" After all of them came to the mayor's house, the same mutated mayor also came out, when someone in the crowd could not wait to ask the mayor .

The mayor’s eyes glanced at everyone, and he made up a reason casually, saying, “Don’t worry, this is a test given by the Lord’s heirs. When everyone enters the God’s kingdom of God in the future, everyone will look as they are now. Appears, so the Lord hopes that his descendants can adapt to this state as soon as possible."

Someone asked again, "Does the Lord let us appear in front of those foreigners?"

The mayor shook his head and said: "Of course not, when the foreigners come, you just stay at home. After all, our real appearance is different from ordinary people. Those ordinary people don't necessarily accept us as higher. status."

Then a few people asked questions in their hearts, and the concerns in the hearts of the people gradually weakened, and they left the mayor's house one after another.

After persuading the townspeople and believers to go away, the mayor also ordered his men to go back, do not come out until the body recovers, and then closed the house, turned upstairs, came to the study, stood in front of a bronze mirror, and reached for the mirror Stroking on the top, there are words in his mouth.

After a while, there was a ray of light shining on the mirror, and then I saw Cayuga’s head appearing in the mirror. If Leo is here, I can definitely find that the light on Cayuga’s head has become much dimmer at the moment, like It was like something hit.

After the appearance of Cayuga's head, the mayor did not speak, but flashed the light on the forehead, and Cayuga's head also flashed the light, both of which were like shining through the frequency and brightness of the light , To communicate.

"Lord, I see! I will not provoke them." After a while, the mayor said.

The image in the mirror dimmed when his words fell, and soon disappeared.

At the same time, the three Leo had already arrived at the seaside, and along the coast, heading towards the northern ice bridge.

Although it was a bit snowy yesterday, the weather today is not bad. Even if there is no sunlight, it does not appear too dim, and the ordinary vision can also see far places, such as the place where the three people are at the moment, it can be clear I saw the ice bridge shining with a silver ray in the distance, and the thick gray mist on the western sea.

Fog appeared at sea, blocking the sea route. Leo also heard from other populations that he had not actually seen it. It is now the first time he has seen this fog, and even the first time However, he still has a strong sense of familiarity, because he feels that these gray fogs are the same thing as the fog he saw at 9 Golden Oak Street, but there are only profound and subtle differences between the two.

At this time, Tessa Moka suddenly appeared abnormal, her eyes staring blankly at the direction of the sea fog, breathing quickly, as if to **** all the air around her body into her lungs, and her face also emerged A frightened look.

"What's the matter?" Sylvia first noticed Tessa Mocha's unusual hurriedness.

Sylvia’s interrogation also attracted Leo’s attention. He paid more attention to the direction of Tessa Moka’s line of sight, so he looked at the gray fog over there, but he didn’t see anything surprising. s things.

But he did not doubt whether there was a problem with Tessa Moka’s body. He directly converted his vision into spiritual vision. At the moment when his vision was converted into spiritual vision, he saw a huge figure appear. In the fog of the sea.

He could not clearly see the specific form of the figure, but could only judge from the figure that it was like a hill, with countless tentacles beneath it. These tentacles were inserted straight into the sea and deep into the sea, like The column supports the monster's huge body, moving forward slowly.

Although the scene in his eyes is very amazing, for Leo, this scene is really nothing, does not give him any strangeness, and although the monster in the gray mist is extremely large, and has a powerful like a **** Feeding, but it gives Leo a feeling of vanity, not to mention that it is far inferior to the ordinary Guha giants I saw before compared with the Cayuga seen recently.

Although the figure seemed to move very slowly, in fact it was extremely fast, and within a moment, it disappeared into the fog.

Leo then withdrew his vision ability and turned to look at Tessa Moka.

Tessa Mocha has been out of the state of extreme shock. Her emotions are still immersed in the things she just felt, and she has not fully recovered. In the face of Sylvia's inquiry, she also realized for a long time.

"There was something in the fog above the sea just now!" Tessa Moka pointed to the fog zone where the huge figure appeared before, and said: "That thing is full of death, full of despair, full of... in short, terrible, Very scary!"

If it was not the direction that Tessa Moka was pointing to was the position of the figure seen by Soul Vision, Leo had some doubts that the figure he saw was not the same thing as Tessa Moka felt.

However, the reaction shown by Tessa Mocha is really exaggerated. In Leo's opinion, there shouldn't be such a strong reaction at all.

However, Leo did not doubt that Tessa Moka was acting, he felt that the figure in the gray mist must contain some kind of power, this kind of power just formed the production of Tessa Moka In other words, the seed that Tessa Moka integrated into the body formed a restraining effect, so there was such a big reaction to Tessa Moka.

When Sylvia heard Tessa Moka's words, she looked blankly in the direction she was pointing, and she didn't see any abnormalities at all, which made her completely unclear what happened just now. .

Seeing Sylvia's blank face, Tessa Moka knew that Sylvia hadn't found anything, and she didn't know how to explain it, so she shook her head and said, "It's alright! It’s all right! It might have been my illusion, let’s go on the road!"

At this time, Leo drove the pack animal under him, took out a bottle of potion, and handed it to Tessa Moka: "Drinking it is good for you. Don’t feel the next time you feel something wrong. The stuff in the gray fog is very strange."

"You see?" Tessa Moka looked at Leo in surprise.

"What do you see?" Sylvia asked curiously.

Leo thought for a while and said, "It should be some kind of mist beast!"

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