The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 858: Serene church

"I'm afraid it's a little troublesome!" Sylvia has repeatedly confirmed that the religious emblem on the fireplace wall is indeed a holy symbol of tranquility, the serious look on his face is thicker, and there is still a trace of worry.

"You seem to be worried about the Quiet Church?" Leo looked at Sylvia's expression and asked suspiciously: "Is the Quiet Church not the True God Church of the Orthodox Court? Although you are no longer the arbiter of the Orthodox Court, but also Don’t worry about them so much? The quiet church in my memory doesn’t seem to have the habit of hunting witches.”

"If it was the former serene church, I certainly would not be so worried, but now the serene church..." Sylvia's serious expression did not weaken and shook his head. "The present serene church is not at all Quiet Church."

   Hearing Sylvia's somewhat confusing explanation, Leo and Tessa Moka on the side were even more puzzled.

Seeing this situation, Sylvia explained carefully: "The tranquility of all things has long since disappeared. It is the first group of true gods that disappeared from the world of Velon. More than 100 years ago, the eleventh At the revision meeting, the Pope of the three major churches, the Lord of the Sky, the King of the Hill, and the Lord of Life and Death, confirmed that the tranquility of everything has completely fallen. The Orthodox Church was about to dissolve the tranquil church, but the senior clergy of the tranquil church said They have always been able to listen to the serene voice of all things, refused to dissolve the church, and the conflict happened in this way. The process of the Orthodox Church has not been recorded, but the result is that the name of the quiet church is erased from the book of the true God, and the quiet church is also cleared And the serenity church has been defined as a cult within the Orthodox Chamber, but the news has not been made public."

   Tessa Moka said disapprovingly: "What does the cult have to do with it? We only stayed here for two days and checked the situation of the ice bridge and left."

"You don't understand." Sylvia shook his head and said, "Now the quiet church doesn't know which evil **** they believe in. They have a very strong appeal and spread. As long as there is a quiet church in a village Christians, then within a month of the entire village, everyone will become a member of the Church of Tranquility. In the records of the Orthodox Church, there are several deep mountain towns in countries such as Flanders, Marais, Sigma, etc. that have been exterminated for this reason. Yes, there were tens of thousands of deaths and injuries." Then, she looked at the badge on the wall and said, "I am afraid that the people in the small town of Tanico may have become believers in the peaceful church."

   "Since this, what are you going to do? Kill them all?" Leo asked calmly.

"Of course not, I am not the adjudicator now... Even if it is the adjudicator, I will not, even less capable of doing that. This kind of thing is still left to the authority of the Dalyat to deal with it!" Sylvie Shaking his head, he added seriously: "But we better guard against it. We must know that the teachings of the Quiet Church have a lot of sacrifices. Although the sacrifices in those teachings are all food and animals, who They can guarantee that when they become cults, they will not treat people as sacrifices."

Leo nodded his head without saying anything, and went directly to the outside of the house. Several rune traps were placed around the house to cover the whole house. He didn’t cover up his move. The local in the villa gatekeeper’s cabin He also saw Leo's movements, but he didn't see any clues, but thought Leo was checking the condition of the villa.

After returning to the house, Sylvia and Tessa Moka had already prepared the materials and luggage for crossing the ice bridge and moved to the living room next to the adjacent hall. Then the three of them went upstairs and picked a room to clean it up a little. After a while, after lighting the fireplace, I took out some food and warmed it up, so I went on my own.

Sylvia has been familiar with her bloodline power recently. If there is only one bloodline power, she should be able to quickly master the use skills, but the problem is that she has two powerful abyssal forces in her body. Switching between the two forces and exhibiting them at the same time requires a long period of practice.

   As for Tessa Moka, her behavior is a little weird. She will find some seeds, then hold them in her hands, and say something completely incomprehensible to the seeds until the seeds germinate.

This should be a training method for her own strength, because in these days, the energy wave length of her body is larger and the frequency is lower, but the temperament of her body becomes more mysterious, making people unable to use words To describe.

Compared with the two witches who are diligently familiar with their own power, Leo is obviously a lot more leisurely. What he has done these days is to re-read all the wizard notes on his body and organize his knowledge of wizards. So that it can be integrated into the psionic system.

   So the time passed quickly, the sky was dark, and in the evening the mayor sent some hot food.

However, Tessa Moka easily found some herbal ingredients from the food. These herbs are not poisons, but a kind of Ningshen herbs, which can help people sleep better and rest. It is a common use by Weilun scholars. Herbs.

   Tessa Moka directly asked the waiter who brought the food why he put Ningshen herbs in the food.

When asked about Tessa Moka, the attendant appeared very calm, indicating that all the scholars who had just arrived here would experience restlessness and insomnia at night, so in order to take care of the scholars’ daily life, the mayor used the town A large number of Ningshen herbs have been purchased for scholars’ use. Newcomers will also add a little Ningshen herbs to their food to help newcomers adapt to the harsh environment here.

  After the explanation, the attendant asked Leo if they had any other orders. After getting a negative answer, he turned around and left the cottage. The whole process behaved very decently, without any abnormalities.

   "What do you think?" Tessa Moka looked at the food on the table and said.

"When he questioned just now, his heartbeat accelerated a lot, but he tried to hide it, and he casually said a perfect explanation. It seemed that he was prepared." Sylvia looked through the window. Watching that person greet the town government staff at the door, they left the villa and said, "Ningshen herbs should be related to certain ceremonies of the tranquil church, we..."

  Sylvia was trying to propose to throw away those foods and eat the food he brought, but he saw that Leo had eaten up the obviously sloppy meals on the table.

   "What are you doing?" Sylvia asked immediately.

   "Eat!" Leo responded calmly.

  Sylvia glanced Leo blankly and said, "I'm asking you what you want to do? Why should you eat these foods that have obviously been manipulated?"

   Leo simply responded, saying: "I want to know what kind of follow-up after they do these hands and feet."

  Sylvia heard that she realized that Leo wanted to take this opportunity to figure out what the **** was going on in the town, so as not to be suspicious during the two days here.

Seeing this situation, Sylvia also picked up a piece of pastry to eat, but was blocked by Leo. Leo said that she could be alone. If something went wrong, she and Tessa Moka could still have Opportunity redeemed.

  Sylvia nodded when she heard the words, and watched Leo wipe out the food on the table.

After eating, Leo sat down again by the fireplace and looked at the book. After a while, the effect of Ningshen's herbal medicine began to appear. He could feel sleepy and sleepy for a long time. He didn't resist this feeling. Instead, he fell asleep along the way.

I don’t know how long it took. Leo suddenly woke up and opened his eyes to look around. I saw that the surrounding is no longer the villa’s stove, but in a golden rice field that can’t see the border. The rice in it is half the height of a person. The ear of rice bends the rice stalk and falls down. The sunlight falls from a distance and falls in the rice field, reflecting the golden light, covering Leo in it and letting stand In the paddy field, he felt his body very relaxed.

   "This is quite true!" Leiou reached out and grabbed an ear of rice beside him, rubbed it, saw the rice falling from the cracks of his fingers, felt the feeling of passing in his hand, and said with a smile.

   At this time, the sky suddenly dimmed, and a huge figure appeared in the sky to cover the sky, covering all the surrounding sunlight.

The figure is a giant. A giant whose head is wrapped in clouds is huge enough to rival the Guha giant Leo has seen. Although the other party's head is covered by clouds, Leo can still feel the other party falling. The sight on oneself, and with the sight falling on the body, there is also a life suppression from higher living bodies.

After feeling the suppression of life, Leo quickly made a judgment. The life form of the other party should be equivalent to the psionicist of about eighth level. It is stronger than Leah Venistan, but the gap is also It’s not very big, but it’s similar to the real eye that Leo had encountered before, and it’s still far away from the level of the higher-level living body of Omega, otherwise, Leo is not standing in the rice field, but kneeling on the ground Too.

The giant saw Leo did not make any desired movements, nor did he feel any strange emotions, such as fear, panic, fear, etc., which made him feel a little annoyed, and made a thunderous cold hum, then Squatted down and reached for Leo.

When the giant squatted down, Leo saw the giant's face clearly, and the giant's face did not have any normal facial features, only a cavity, there was a ray of light in the middle of the cavity, and there were tentacles around the cavity .

In the face of the palm of the fallen giant, Leo did not seem panic. Although most of his powers were unavailable here, there was a power that could be used normally, and the power was far more powerful than usual. This power It is the power of nightmares.

So when the giant's palm fell, he instantly inspired the power of nightmare on his body, and a picture appeared in his mind. These pictures include both the battle of the ancient Ha giant and the Weiya warship, and the stone throne. scene.

  Almost as the pattern emerged in his mind, his figure disappeared from under the palm of the giant, and his sudden disappearance also surprised the giant.

   As the giant was about to stand up and look for Leo’s whereabouts, a palm larger than the giant fell from the air and directly slapped the giant directly on the body, shooting him like a fly on the ground.

The giant was obviously irritated. He quickly stood up from the ground and looked up to see what attacked him. As a result, he was not seeing a bigger giant, but a huge stone throne suspended in the air, on the stone throne Surrounded by a huge stone pillar.

An unmatched mighty power came from the throne of stone and landed on the giant. Once again, the giant was pressed to the ground. At the same time, the giant pythons wrapped around the stone pillar also raised their bodies, and their bodies extended infinitely towards the giant. He rushed over and appeared to want to twist the giant and drag it to the throne of stone.

   Faced with this situation, the faceless giant who had just seemed extremely powerful was completely terrified, and the huge body shrank instantly. Finally, he painted a light spot and disappeared.

At the same time, the stone throne in the sky also disappeared. Leo, who had just disappeared in the rice field, reappeared in the place just now, but at the moment his face is not very good-looking, apparently while turning the stone throne ~www. He also suffers the same impact.

   However, he recovered quickly, looked at the location where the giant disappeared, smiled contemptuously, and said, "I ran to my spiritual world, I really found myself dead!"

  When his words fell, his body quickly dissipated and disappeared from this paddy world.

   "What happened to you just now?" When Leo woke up, Sylvia was nervously looking at her, and she could not wait to ask.

   "Is there something abnormal just now?" Leo questioned.

  Sylvia nodded and said, "You suddenly heard a very terrifying and powerful power, even more powerful than the gods I felt in the Orthodox Church."

   Leo said easily: "It's okay, I just met the evil **** who now controls the quiet church, and I made a little counterattack."

  Sylvia was stunned for a moment, and asked, "It was you who just fed..."

Leo nodded and added: "It's only momentum, it's okay to scare people, don't think about the others." Then, he recalled the giants he saw in the spiritual world, Shen Sheng asked: "You know Is there any image of an evil **** that appears to other people as a faceless giant?"

   "Faceless giant?" Sylvia froze.

   Leo said carefully: "The face is a huge hole, no facial features, only..."

   "A ball of light." Sylvia added before Leo finished.

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