The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 860: Probe Ice Bridge

The latest website: "Fog Beast?" Tessa Moka has not heard Leo mentioned anything about dense fog, so it is completely unclear about such things as Fog Beast.

Leo did not intend to explain, said to the two women: "Let's go!"

Then he flicked the reins and controlled the pack animal toward the ice bridge.

Tessa Moka frowned, apparently displeased with Leo's general approach of saying so, but there was no way to say anything, only to follow Sylvia and catch up.

The subsequent journey was very calm. Although Tessa Moka had felt the strange breath of power transmitted from the sea fog, she did not take the initiative to perceive, but tried her best to close her body. Reduce the influence of that kind of strength breath on her.

On the contrary, Leo was very excited to use the vision technology to observe the huge creatures appearing in the gray fog. Once he even wanted to try using the thunder gun skills to see if he could cause damage to the huge creatures in the gray fog. , But before he could make a lightning gun, the monster in the fog had disappeared, which disappointed him.

However, his attention soon turned to the ice bridge that was getting closer and closer.

From a distance, the ice bridge is just a silver line on the far horizon, but when you get closer, you will see that this is actually a cylindrical ice wall, and the extreme cold wind and snow from the endless ice sheet in the north are in Under the influence of the terrain here, the sea surface was frozen, and the wind and snow and the water vapor at sea were rolled up. Over time, it became this huge icicle of more than 50 meters. The inside of the icicle is also because of the formation process. Hollow.

However, although it is hollow, it does not mean that the inside is a complete large cave, because the internal cracked seawater backfills, and sometimes the internal melt water and other problems sometimes make the overall shape of this ice bridge channel more Like a beehive, each beehive entrance corresponds to a passage, and some of the passages are connected together, some are separate, some are at the end of the dead end, and some are at the end.

Because of this, the inside of the ice bridge is actually more like a huge maze, and it is a huge maze that is constantly changing. The last time you walked through a passage, it was still able to pass, but the next time the same passage was halfway. It is likely to be blocked by ice.

Exploring the inside of the ice bridge has always been the most dangerous adventure activity in the Velon world. Hundreds of adventurers have entered the ice bridge before and after. In the end, only a few of these adventurers can survive, and the rest are already dead. , Even the Renault people will also get lost in the ice bridge.

Therefore, according to most adventurers, the Renault people’s repeated use of the ice bridge to pass through the two continents is really incredible, and even some people are called by miracles.

However, even if the inside of the ice bridge is not the labyrinthine honeycomb channel, it is difficult for ordinary people in the world of Velon to go to another continent through the ice bridge.

Because this ice bridge is too long, according to the measurement of Dairyat, it has a full length of 4,000 towers. The unit of measurement for the inner planet of the Earth Federation is more than 1,200 kilometers. Normal people walk around the clock. It takes more than a month to go. It is still possible if everything goes well. If it does not go well, it is possible to walk in the first half of the year. What’s more important is that there is no food supply here. You need to bring it by yourself. The food lasts, so people who know the details of the ice bridge will think that the Renault ice bridge can be described by miracles.

After the three arrived at the ice bridge, they came to the entrance at the end of the ice bridge against the snow blowing from the north.

Although from various traces, the end of the ice bridge is naturally formed, but in the eyes of three people, they all feel that the entrance is more like a circular ice surface that was cut by a giant with an axe. There are more than twenty entrances, large and small, covered by wind and snow. Some entrances are covered by snow and snow, and some entrances are kept intact.

After three people observed, Tessa Moka, who didn't like the environment, adjusted the hood on his head, swept away the snow, and then said aloud to Leo, who was facing the wind and snow: "Those The entrance that is not covered by the wind and snow should be open, and there is an air flow coming out of the channel, which can blow away the snow at the entrance of the channel."

Leo looked at Tessa Mocha and nodded, but did not fully agree with each other's inferences.

Without waiting for Leo to speak, Sylvia, who has rich adventures, refuted Tessa Mocha's inference.

According to normal circumstances, Tessa Mocha's inference should be correct, but it is obviously inappropriate to put it in a channel like Ice Bridge.

Because the ice bridge is too long, and the internal pipes are connected to each other, and it has a large internal space, even if there is an air flow in the channel, it is absolutely impossible to form an air flow strong enough to blow away the snow, and at most it can only form a flame The degree of shaking.

So Sylvia judged that those entrances where there is no snow in the entrance are not only not open, but are likely to be blocked, and there is a possibility of damage to the outside not far from the entrance. In this case, the outside Only strong winds can blow in from the damaged area and blow away the snow, and the deep passages are more likely to be blocked, otherwise if the strong winds are diverted, it will also be impossible to form a strong airflow.

There is also evidence to prove her inference that the entrances without snow are all located at the outermost edge of the ice bridge near the ice wall.

Leo came down from the pack animal, walked towards the huge ice at the entrance of the ice bridge, carefully looked at the entrances above, then took out the detector, activated it with a universal recorder, and randomly selected an entrance. It was released.

"What's that?" Tessa Moka, not far away, looked at a metal ball in Leo's palm and suddenly flew into the entrance of one of the ice bridge passages.

"Relics of prehistoric civilization." Sylvia did not tell Tessa Mocha about things like starry civilization, but just casually used the recognized relics of prehistoric civilization.

Tessa Moka did not doubt Sylvia’s remarks because she has seen many relics of prehistoric civilization before, and it is clear that these things have any characteristics, and the detector used by Leo is her first look. Yes, but the metallic texture and the mysterious patterns on the surface are undoubtedly the same as the relics of prehistoric civilization.

What really surprised him was that Leo actually knew how to use the relics of prehistoric civilization, and it seemed to be extremely skillful to use. The news spread will definitely cause shocks to the entire world.

A long time ago, all countries in the world of Vinylon began to study the relics of prehistoric civilizations, and also researched some results, mastering the usage of some relics of prehistoric civilizations, and those relics of prehistoric civilizations have unimaginable capabilities, Tessa. Moka was also invited to participate in the research work of prehistoric relics at the Royal College of the United States and California in his early years, so he has some understanding of this matter and knows how important the upper levels of countries are to those who can use the relics of prehistoric civilization.

"What's the use of that thing?" Tessa Moka asked curiously again.

"Able to explore the way." Sylvia replied briefly, in order to avoid Tessa Moka's continued inquiry, and added a sentence, "That is the tool that Renault people can use to pass the ice bridge. clear."

Tessa Moka was stunned, and was even more curious about Leo. It is important to know that all people who are interested in Renault culture are curious about how the Renault people passed the ice bridge in large quantities and can pass repeatedly. However, this secret became an unsolved mystery with the Renault's ethnic severance. Now the reason why Sylvia claims that the Renault can safely pass the ice bridge is the relic of prehistoric civilization, which surprised her at the same time. There is also some doubt.

At this time, Leo, standing in front of the ice wall, seemed to have finished his work, turned back to the pack animal, and turned back to the pack animal's back.

"Isn't that detector recovered?" Sylvia asked doubtfully.

Leo simply explained: "No recycling, it will help us to find the way ahead. The data will be passed to you and me on the universal recorder. Tomorrow we will leave. The recorder will analyze a safe way. "

Aside from Tessa Moka, she didn't understand what Leo was saying. She just knew that she would find a way tomorrow. Although she was very curious in her heart, she didn't ask much.

The trio went back again, perhaps because of the downwind, and they quickly returned to the mountainous town of Tanico.

Just like when they left, the town was very deserted and there was no one on the street. If not the chimneys of every house were smoking, people coming here might think it was an abandoned existence.

However, whether it’s Leo, Sylvia, or Tessa Moka, you can see from the snow on the ground and at the entrance of the house that during the time they left, the town residents have been out and active. The directions are directed towards the mayor’s house.

"Would you like to see it?" Sylvia asked with interest.

Leo shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, we're going to leave, we don't have to have extra branches." Then he paused again and asked Sylvia: "There should be a special way for you to be far away from the witch Contact?"

"Yes!" Sylvia nodded and said, "But it can't be too far away."

"From here to Dai Lisa?" Leo asked again.

"You want to..." Sylvia immediately understood Leo's meaning and thought about it, said: "It's a little far away, but with Tessa's help, you should be able to do it."

Leo nodded and said, "Well, let's pass on the matter here to Leah Winisthan tomorrow! She should be interested."

Leah Venistan is willing to take care of the dependents, but the dependents she accepts have a prerequisite, that is, they are all unowned families, and all the dependent families will be expelled from Deliyat.

There is now a demigod church hidden under her eyelids, and a large number of family members and churches have also been developed. The character of Leah Vinisten will never let go of this demigod, not to mention that she also needs to have The new demigod became her support for promotion, just like the wizard tower.

The three quickly passed through the town and the houses on the road twice, and from time to time someone looked inside until their figure disappeared in the woods. These family members did not know what they would encounter in the near future. The only idea they now have is to hope that Leo and the three will leave here as soon as possible, so that they can resume their previous lives instead of staying at home.

The three people who returned to the villa did their own thing again. At noon, the mayor didn’t take pictures of the food. The person who monitored the villa’s porter was also recalled by him. Obviously, the three were completely isolated from each other. They make any contacts, including conversations.

In the evening, the first data transmitted from the detector was received by the universal recorder. Although there is no satellite as a relay to assist the transmission data, the detector has already considered ultra-long-distance data transmission and data when it was manufactured. The signal penetration ability and the like, and the vinylon ground is flat, the obstacles encountered by the signal wave penetration are much smaller than other planets, and the received data is not damaged at all.

Because Talley’s original nuclear program was stored in his universal recorder, a large number of functions were limited. For this reason, Leo had to use Sylvia’s universal recorder to analyze and organize the data, and finally made it into a The three-dimensional map is presented in front of them.

"Is this the topographic map inside the ice bridge?" Tessa Moka also ran out of curiosity to see Leo use these relics of prehistoric civilization when she saw the universal recorder on Sylvia's wrist radiate out a burst of light. And when the light formed a topographic map of the passage inside the ice bridge in the a surprised look appeared on his face involuntarily.

I can see that this three-dimensional map is very simple to show which ice passages in the ice bridge can pass through, which ice passages are blocked, and which ice passages are damaged, even the thickness of the ice layer is shown, and those The ice is too thin to be marked, and there is no doubt that using this map can allow ordinary people to easily pass through the dangerous areas in the ice.

"Did the Renault map this way?" Sylvia asked, looking at the three-dimensional map in front of him in doubt.

"It shouldn't be." Leo shook his head and said, "They should have a special detector receiving device. That device can automatically receive data and analyze the data. It will not be operated by me like this."

Talking, he raised his hand and quickly moved the map, allowing it to move forward, seeing further away, after moving a distance, he suddenly fixed the map, and then zoomed in on a black part of the map, it seems to have found Something unusual.

Sylvia and Tessa Moka were also attracted and looked at the enlarged part.

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