The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 770: This is just a game

Leo did not explain and refute Jolene's joking question, but only smiled, saying that he would cooperate with her in refining wizard potions as much as possible during this period in Taoist.

In fact, Flynn Gila Vigo did not know that the real formula and refining method Leo sold to her were no different from the fake formula, let alone her, even the best pharmaceutical master in the world It is possible to use his recipe to make any bottle of wizard potions.

Because the wizard potions he made are basically not the wizard potions created by the original Velon World Tower Wizard. They are all the wizard potions that he improved. The most important thing about these wizard potions is not the raw materials of the pharmaceutical potions, but the final refinement. The method requires the use of psionic energy for refining. During the refining process, the medicament will undergo qualitative changes due to psionic energy.

  However, although Flynnila Vigo also used the extraordinary power to extract it in the end, they used the extraordinary power of their world.

Leo’s psionic energy is one of the most essential powers of the universe and the underlying power of all extraordinary powers. Although under certain circumstances, the effects of psionic energy may not be as good as the local extraordinary powers, but psionic energy adapts to the environment. The degree is not comparable to the power generated by a particular environment. As long as the world is still in the universe, even in subspace, Leo's psionic energy can always adapt.

   is such a subtle difference that the wizard's potions made by two people using the same methods and materials have been reversed.

Flynnila Vigo is a very strong woman, and has not given up her research on wizard potions because of a temporary setback. She knows that Leo’s wizard potions are based on the combination of the demon hunter potion and the alchemy of another world. After the birth, she also thought that she had the ability to improve this wizard potion into a healing potion that ordinary people in the world can use, so she often went to Bellan Manor, in addition to meeting with Geralt, she came to Leo to discuss Knowledge of alchemy and alchemy.

   For this reason, Leo was naturally pleased, because he can also learn the most orthodox warlock knowledge from Fringila.

Because of this relationship, her relationship with Sylvia has also become very good. This will help Sylvia find a suitable knighthood station. As for whether there is the duchess who has not yet appeared It is not known if you instruct, but this manor is quite close to the Buckland Palace.

  After coming to the knight's station, the knight's servants and servants have come here first, cleaned it, and cleaned it up.

   Flynn Gila Vigo also came here in the early morning, and directed some of the construction artisans she hired to start arranging some settings in the manor, adding some houses for the Knights and so on.

  In the official archives of Buckland, there are construction drawings of several other wandering knights' residences, which only need to be used.

However, for Sylvia, as a knight kingdom, the home of those wandering knights is as shabby as the lowest-level country knight club, so it is not at all conspicuous. Resident planning and design.

Except for Wen Lan Castle without the First Knights, Sylvia designed the map paper to be almost the same as the First Knights, except that it was much smaller in scale. After all, the First Knights had tens of thousands of people, far Not her knights of dozens of knights can compare.

When Sylvia entered the manor, all the craftsmen working in the manor and the knight servants, servants, etc. who were busy cleaning the manor all stopped. They watched Sylvia with admiration, and many people The sight stayed on Sylvia's weapon for a long time.

   For this situation, Sylvia has become accustomed to it, because almost all the passers-by who saw her stopped and watched on the way when they came, and all of them exuded from their eyes in awe and worship.

Yesterday she successfully received the baptism of the Knight's Five Virtues, and was recognized by the fairy in the lake. All three of her weapons received the blessing of the goddess. This matter has been consciously spread by Flynn Gila Vigo. Throughout the entire Taoist, if it is only the testimony of the sorceress, the Taoist people may doubt it, but at the same time, there are two nobles who are very prestigious among the people of the Taoist. , Their proof made this a fact.

For a time, everyone knew that the fairy in the lake appeared, and the heart island of Lake Selavi really lived with the fairy in the lake, which also made the belief of the fairy in the lake begin in Taossen, especially Taosen Spread among the special knights, although no formal church has yet been formed, it already has a foundation to become a church. The only thing missing is the priesthood that constitutes the structure of the church.

   "How do you like me to form a lake fairy church?" After arranging the men, Sylvia came to her room in the station and asked Leo, who was closing her eyes and raising her spirits, and actually sorting out the information.

  Leo pulled consciousness back to reality, then looked at Sylvia in a puzzled way and asked, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"Although I am not a believer of the Lady in the Lake in Flanders, I am also a believer in the Lady of the Lake," Sylvia said after thinking for a while. "There is no church in the world for the fairy in the lake. I think I should do something. what."

"Are you busy? You have to form a knighthood now." Leo did not deny Sylvia's idea, just said with a little doubt: "We will only stay here for a winter at most, once outside When the snow melts, we will go on the road. In such a short period of time, can you build a church for the fairy in the lake while forming the Knights?"

  Sylvia said with disapproval: "This is very simple, it can be assembled together."

   Leo thought for a while and said, "Do you want to imitate the church model of the son of a warrior?"

   "Yes." Sylvia nodded and said, "What do you think?"

The folks in the Velon world don’t know much about the Church of the Son of Warriors. They only know that this is a small church that was extinct long ago, but in the underground world, the Church of the Son of Warriors is very famous, because it is the only clear record of humanity. The body that slaughtered the gods.

The Church of the Sons of Warriors is a church in the northern iceland of Velen. The number of people is not very large, but each member, whether it is a believer or a clergy, is the most outstanding warrior. They believe in not a certain god, but a name. The thought of the heart of the warrior, so when the power of the Orthodox Court extended to the northern ice field, the Orthodox Court did not list the son of the warrior as a cult.

  Son of warriors are also not interested in the battle of faith in the church. They are interested in participating in various wars, hone combat skills, gain the heart of warriors, and become true warriors.

   The heart of the original warrior is invincible, and other Arab underground churches will not provoke these people at will.

  However, in a ceremony held by a low cult, a priest who was a child of a warrior who was seriously injured in the war and was unconscious was sacrificed by the cult as a sacrifice to the evil god.

This action completely angered the Son of the Warrior, so the Son of the Warrior immediately dispatched all of them to kill the cult man, and finally forced the cult to a desperate situation. There was a head-to-head war with the Church of the Son of Warrior. The cult completely disappeared, and even the evil gods believed by the cult disappeared, and all the sons of the soldiers were killed, including the inheritance mentor, so the belief of the sons of the soldiers was lost.

   Although the secret knowledge such as the belief power and combat skills of the Son of Warrior was lost, the structure of the Son of Warrior was still preserved, and was absorbed by various churches, and the church armed was established.

  Silvia, as the arbiter of the Orthodox Court, naturally has the conditions to see information about the Son of Warrior, and she naturally understands the church framework of the Son of Warrior very well, and it should be no problem to apply it here.

   "What about faith?" Leo Shensheng asked: "What is faith? Knight five virtues, or lake fairy?"

   "What are you talking about? Did you hear what you said about the church and the like just outside?" Before Sylvia replied, Flingila Vige walked in from outside and asked directly.

  Sylvia and Leo looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, Sylvia and Leo are very clear. When Sylvia mentioned that she wants to form a church in Ms. Huzhong, Flingila Vige was already outside the door, and the two wanted to see if she could When can't bear to come out, I didn't expect to jump out without waiting for the topic.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that the opposition between the warlock and the church is also the same as the church, wizard, and witch in the Velon world. Finally, in Taocente, I found a land without a church. The female warlock naturally did not want to see this land again. Polluted.

  Since it has been heard, Sylvia did not conceal it, and smiled and repeated her thoughts.

   "It's different from what it is now." Flinjela Vigo frowned and wondered.

"Of course it is different. This is more standardized and more binding." Sylvia said seriously. "I have heard a lot about the Wandering Knight recently, and many of the Wandering Knight's morals are very problematic. It is usually a knight, but secretly it will pretend to be a bandit bandit and rob the caravan everywhere. In addition, the wandering knight is also very willing to be hired by the nobles of Taossen and become a noble beater. People like Earl Britta There shouldn’t be any knights to follow, so this completely violates the knight’s five virtues. So we have to set up some formal knight rules. Any knight who violates the rules will be deprived of the knight status and be driven out of Taocent."

   Flynn Gila Vigo was stunned for a while, and asked with confirmation: "Do you intend to let the knights who join the Church of the Lake Fairy not accept the employment of nobles?"

   "Yes." Sylvia nodded and said, "At that time, the Church Knights will only accept the Duke's permission to tour the border of Tausent."

  Flynn Gila was stunned and asked, "What about your funding?"

Sylvia said ambitiously: "At the beginning, I was entrusted to remove robbers and monsters from various towns, and escorted the caravans to and from Taocente. After the church was stabilized, it would expand outwards. And a church bank will be opened."

   Leo on the side listened to Sylvia's words and could not help but raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

   "Are you still planning to open a bank?" Freline Gila froze and asked.

  Sylvia nodded: "Of course, if the church expands to other cities, it is imperative to open a church bank in order to flexibly fund the capital."

   Flynn Gila seemed interested, saying, "Do church banks and caravans allow others to invest?"

  Sylvia nodded and said: "Of course allowed, but the total should not exceed half of the assets, because the church bank must be in the middle of the church."

After two rounds in the room, Flynn Gilah said, "I will tell your highness about this matter, and if you are interested, you will be consulted. It is best if you can have a detailed plan document. Convince your highness that you will have no problem building a church of the lake’s fairy in Taocent."

   "In this case, I'll trouble you." Sylvia also said happily.

Flynn Gila did not stay here anymore, turned around and left the room, rode a horse, and rushed towards the Buckland Palace, apparently wanting to inform the Duchess about this as soon as After Flynn Gila left, Leo couldn't help but say: "You are not just the frame of the son of the warrior, there is also the shadow of the Knights of the Helmet, you are planning to train them to become the second Knight of the Helm Group?"

"Isn't it alright?" Sylvia smiled and said, "I also want to see what the Knights of Knights helmet puts in this world, and what it will end up like. Was it wiped out by various countries, or another ending?"

"You can't see the end no matter how you do it. Are you going to stay here for a lifetime?" Leo shook his head with a smile and said, "And you spread the scene so big in a matter of months. You can only build an empty frame at most, what should you do when you leave?"

Sylvia said with great confidence: "You can rest assured that I will write down all the plans and hand them over to other people to execute. If those people have no ability to execute according to them, this knighthood and church will also There is no need to exist."

   "You are treating this as a game." Leo Shensheng said.

   "Maybe." Sylvia said with a shrug.

Seeing Sylvia like this, Leo didn't go on with it. He could feel that as the sign of Sylvia disappeared, not only the power of the banned witch was released, but also the witch's original heart She had an impact, otherwise, according to Sylvia's previous personality, she would never regard such things as creating a knighthood or building a church as an indifferent game.

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