The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 769: Crystal relics

After sensing that the change in the storage space stopped, Leo immediately got up from the bed and walked to the window of the room, sensing the situation of the crystal magic book in the storage space, and he was hesitant to remove the crystal magic book from the storage. Take it out of the object space.

   Before this, every time Leo wanted to take out the crystal magic book, he would have a very strong sense of danger. Repeatedly, as long as he took out the crystal magic book, he would definitely die.

  However, after the Black Ring Flame burned the Crystal Magic Book and integrated into the Crystal Magic Book, the sense of extreme danger disappeared, as if this Crystal Magic Book had become an ordinary item.

For a long time, Leo was curious to record that all crystal magic in the magic book. Previously, through some other chance coincidences, he obtained several crystal magics, and all of these crystal magics have the potential of strategic-level psionic skills without exception. , So he was more curious about crystal magic.

After repeatedly confirming that it would not be dangerous to take out the crystalline magic book, Leo finally decided to take the magic book out of the storage space, but he did not take it out of the way, but jumped directly out of the window. Stepping away from the house, I came to an empty space where no one was around. I confirmed that there was no one around. Even if what happened was taken out, it would not cause casualties to the people. I escaped a layer of psionic shield on my body and then crystallized The magic book was taken out.

   Worrying things did not happen. In addition to the gorgeous appearance of the Crystal Magic Book, there is no strange place anymore.

  Cautious Leo Qiang endured his curiosity. Instead of opening the Crystal Magic Book immediately, he used the Spirit Net to scan it several times before trying to open a page.

However, just when he opened the first page of the magic book, the entire crystalline magic book seemed to have received an impact from some external force, and instantly shattered into countless light-point crystals, and then a brain from Leo’s facial features. Into him, and Leo's previous psionic shield could not patriarch these light spot crystals at all.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the light points entered Leo’s body, and Leo’s face was extremely confused, because he did not feel that these light point crystals had any effect on him after entering the body. , As if everything just happened were just illusions.

Leo naturally does not really think that he has nothing, he feels that something has definitely changed in him, but he has not yet discovered it, so his mental network has repeatedly scanned the body a dozen times, and finally let He found a place for change.

   The eyes of the Abyssal Serpent were caught in the flames of the black ring, and the Crystal Book of Magic turned into a one-eyed crystal snake, entrenched in his arm.

  Although all these changes were not controlled by Leo, Leo felt that such changes would not adversely affect him, but could bring him great benefits.

For example, prior to this, Leo had always used the power of the Abyssal Serpent’s Eyes cautiously, because he always felt that the Abyssal Serpents’ eyeball was a restless factor. The power of the engulfed Chaos stomach pouch can restrain it.

But now the abyss snake is set in the black ring flame, just like a tamed wild horse, no longer makes Leo feel dangerous, and when his consciousness comes into contact with the one-eyed crystalline snake, a lot of crystallization magic, abyss The knowledge of the serpent and the flame of the black ring poured into his brain.

Such a huge amount of knowledge is instilled into the brain at one time, and it may be crazy to put it on the average person, but this kind of thing is a very ordinary thing for Leo, it only gives him a little headache, and At the same time as he poured in huge knowledge, he also proficiently put this knowledge into his brain database.

  While collating the data, Leo also double-checked the origin of the black ring flame.

   It turns out that the master of this black ring flame and crystal magic book comes from the same world, a world composed entirely of crystals. The only **** in that world is a crystal white dragon, which created all the extraordinary powers of the crystal world.

   As the world went to destruction and slipped into the abyss, the crystalline white dragon created a black ring flame to save the souls of that world.

This black ring flame is a new power generated by the fusion of abyssal power and crystalline power. Its role is very single. It is to absorb the discrete energy of the abyssal creatures and integrate it into the body of the black ring flame owner to protect the black ring flame. The soul and body of the owner will not be eroded by the abyss.

  Because of this, the black ring flame can completely restrain the eyes of the abyssal snake, and can also be integrated with the crystal magic book.

Although, from the information obtained by Leo, it is known that the black ring flame has the function of absorbing and transforming the power of the abyss, so that the user is not afraid of the abyss erosion, but Leo does not completely believe, because if that is the case, then the crystal old man It won’t go to the big library of all ending places. Obviously, in the end, the crystalline world is still going to be destroyed, so even if this black ring flame has the power to restrain and absorb the abyss, it should also have limits. Once the limit is exceeded, this thing I am afraid it will be invalid.

  Compared to the Black Ring Flame, Leo is also very interested in the purpose of the lake fairy to give this thing to herself, and the two mages who gave it to the lake fairy.

Azulie and Cosimo, the pair of mentors and apprentices, are definitely the best in the world of wizards and warlocks. According to the information Leo obtained from Regill, not to mention the demon hunter and the demon hunter’s seal, Almost 70% of the powerful spells used by the warlocks are created by these two, and each is a powerful spell that can destroy the world, which is very different from the spells created by other warlocks in this world. .

However, such two great warlocks should have left a lot of records in the warlock history books, and should have a large number of documents to record their lives, but in fact they are very few, and the two of them have as few records as even the general warlock literature. It’s not as good as not only the history of the two of them, but also the death of the two of them, as if they both appeared out of thin air.

Prior to this, Leo obtained the information of the two warlocks from Regil and Geralt, and they felt that the origin of the two of them was a bit strange, and now the origin of the black ring flame made him think of these two. The powerful mage is probably not from this world, but from other worlds like him and Sylvia, from the crystalline world that has completely disappeared.

The changes of the Crystal Magic Book, the Black Ring Flame, and the Eye of the Abyssal Serpent did not bring any direct power increase to Leo, but it did bring some improvement to Leo’s overall strength, for example, now he does not need to borrow The power of the nightmare can also cast crystal magic.

  Crystal Snake is like Leo's magic wand of the world warlock and Velon World Wizard's Wizard Book to Leo. It can assist Leo to cast spells, but its auxiliary project is a single item, which is crystalline magic.

  In order to see how much the Crystal Serpent can help him to cast Crystal Magic, Leo casts it according to one of the Crystal Magic he has obtained before.

Almost in a moment, a crystal light of more than one meter appeared on Leo's palm, then he waved the crystal light like a long sword like an empty hand, and then saw a crystal The knife wave composed of light propelled towards the sky like a dart, and did not disappear until about ten meters, and a crack had formed on the ground where the light traversed.

"It's almost the same as the psionic knife." Seeing a crystal magic called Crystal Quick Sword that he used actually caused this effect, Leo was also surprised. He didn't expect that the crystal magic used by the crystal snake was actually used. Like the Gemini, it has an increase effect, and it seems that the increase has more than doubled.

   Leo also wanted to try other crystal magic, but the sun emerging from a distance calmed his impulse. Obviously this is not a good place to experiment with crystal magic.

Leo sorted out his clothes and returned to the manor. At this time, Sylvia also got up. When Leo came back from the outside, he did not ask much. The two changed their clothes together, put on armor, and left. When he arrived at the manor, he and the knights who had been waiting outside the manor headed towards Buckland.

Buckland is located in the central area of ​​Tausent. It was originally a flat ground. However, under the influence of elven magic, the ground arch gradually turned into a high mountain. The Buckland Palace where the Duchess lived was on the top of the high mountain. Because of the strange characteristics of the elven architecture, So that even at the foot of the Gaogong Mountain, the Bokran Palace can still be seen in fine weather.

In the past, it took about half a day to ride a horse from Lake Serrave to Buckland, but since the Duchess succeeded to the throne, in order to facilitate the holiday, and in order not to delay the political affairs, the Duchess faked the public, and built between Buckland and Lake Serrave. An open avenue, as its name suggests, facilitates the walking of merchants on the west bank of the Sanredo River.

  Because of the appearance of this avenue, the time from Lake Selavi to Buckland was shortened to more than two hours.

  Sylvia and Leo set off early in the morning, and before the morning dew had completely disappeared, they had already arrived in the small town outside Buckland.

   They did not immediately enter Buckland, but followed the road on the edge of the city to a small courtyard outside the gate of the barrel in northern Buckland. This is the residence of the Sylvia Knights of Light in Buckland.

  Like several other wandering knights, if the knights of light want to gain a foothold in Buckland, they must also have a station near Buckland.

Because of the assistance of Fringe Gilavige, Sylvia soon found a suitable manor around the city of Buckland, and the cost of the resident was not expensive for Leo. It's just a matter of four bottles of therapeutic potions, and this thing also made Leo realize that he has greatly underestimated the value of the potions he made in this world.

   After the explanation, Geralt and Regill explained that ordinary people in this world could not use any potions containing extraordinary powers. For example, the potions of the devil hunters are no different from the highly toxic poisons for ordinary people.

However, Leo’s potions are different. His potions can be used not only by people with extraordinary powers and blood, such as Geralt and Regill, even ordinary people such as Dandrian, Angran, and Milwah. It can be used, and the effect is better than that used by people in the world of Velon.

Cassir did an experiment. He drew a wound on his arm with a dagger, then swallowed a potion of wizard potion, and then sprinkled a bit of wizard potion on the wound, and the wound healed quickly with the naked eye, and finally He didn't even leave a scar, it looked like he wasn't injured.

To this end, Geralt spent a lot of money and bought two bottles of wizard potions from Leo for future use by his companions, and Geralt’s move to buy wizard potions also gave Leo an idea. , So he generously gave Geralt’s companions a bottle of wizard potions each.

  When sending out the medicine, he also sensed whether there was a danger, but the result was no feeling, obviously there will be no problem.

Before, Leo had thought about telling Geralt Wigoftz where he was in thought about telling them that the end result of this line was that all but a few people died. Every time he wanted to speak, he felt a strong sense of danger.

   He always thought it was because he revealed that these would cause those who should have died to not die, thus affecting the timeline of this world, and thus encountering the discipline and anti-bite of this world.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing at all, as long as these people who possess wizard potions are not killed on the spot, there is basically no danger of death, that is to say, there will always be one or more people among them who should die. Eventually survived, then it means that these people's life and death will not cause fluctuations in the world's timeline.

Then the reason leading to Leo’s sense of crisis can only be because his words themselves will have some serious consequences. As for how it is caused, it is unknown, and Leo does not want to know, so he gave the potion to a few more. Man, after confirming his guess, he left the matter behind.

However, Flynn Gilavige is interested in the refining method and formula of the wizard potion in Leo’s hand. It is precisely that Sylvia needs a lot of money to form a knighthood, so Leo will use the refining method and formula in the potion. It was sold to Flynn Gilavige, and he also found out the corresponding herbs and psionic substances in this world very intimately.

However, after many attempts, Flynn Gilavige failed to refine a bottle of qualified wizard healing potion. If Leo used the same methods and herbs in front of her, she continuously refined five bottles. Healing potion, she might think Leo sold her a fake formula.

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