Leo did not have much interest to intervene whether Sylvia considered the current thing as a game or what, as he had already planned it, he did not need to ask more.

After   , Sylvia and he began to sort out the various items needed to enter the underground ruins until the arrival of the Buckland court official, informing Sylvia to go to the Buckland palace to accept the knighthood.

Leo and Sylvia did not talk nonsense. After instructing the resident people about some things, they followed the officials and entered the Buckland Palace directly from the door of the cooper. After a smooth **** and a series of gorgeous buildings, the two were led To a square in the palace garden.

   Both the official and Leo dismounted, took off their helmets, and gave the weapons to the knights next to them, and then walked behind the official toward the manor.

Those who took Leo and Sylvia’s weapons followed with their weapons, but it’s clear that Leo’s abyssal sword caused the knight holding it to suffer a bit, and I heard it after a while. Breathing heavily.

At this moment, there were many nobles from Tausent in the manor. They all heard the news that the Duchess wanted to enlist the Knight of Light and came to observe the ceremony. The moment when Sylvia and Leo walked into the garden , All eyes are on them.

There is no doubt that Sylvia is the focus of all eyes. The gorgeous shape of the dragon hunter’s armor, Sylvia’s tall body and beautiful appearance are enough to attract anyone’s attention, and everyone recognizes the first time. She is the Knight of Light.

In addition to Sylvia himself, the three knights behind Sylvia were also attracting attention, but everyone did not see the knight himself, but the three weapons held by the knight in the hands and received the lake. The weapon blessed by the Chinese fairy is definitely an artifact, but how many people in the world have seen it? If the lake fairy had a church at this moment, these three weapons would inevitably become a sacred object of the lake fairy, and be worshipped by countless people.

   Compared to Sylvia’s high-profile attention, Leo’s eyes are much less, those eyes are more curiosity, doubt, envy, jealousy and vigilance.

Almost everyone who saw Leo on the scene felt why a person of ordinary looks like Leo would be favored by a human saint like Sylvia and become his partner. Compared to Leo himself, everyone is more willing to appreciate The abyss rambler armor on Leo's body, after all, this armor is no less gorgeous than the dragon hunter armor.

It’s just that two of these people are also puzzled. These two are the two nobles who went to be witnesses yesterday. They clearly felt the invisible power on Leo’s body yesterday and made them feel endless pressure. A glance at them forced them to bow their heads and dared not stare at them, and Leo now had no invisible momentum at all, as if he had changed a person.

However, how could they know that after Leo had integrated the crystalline magic book into his body in the morning, the life suppression of the higher life forms that had been uncontrollable on his body began to gradually restore control, so that he could now converge his higher life form, No longer affect others.

But even so, some people can still feel the danger of Leo. These people are almost nobles who came here on vacation from the Nilfgarde Empire. They are also soldiers. They can feel the thick **** blood on Leo. So their eyes on Leo were also full of vigilance.

A group of people soon came to the square platform of the garden, which was converted from the remains of the elven kingdom. There are a lot of elf-style reliefs on the stone pillars around the square. In the middle of the square, the Duchess stood there, surrounded by pottery The core nobility of Center, on the other side, there are several knights wearing armor. Looking at the decoration on them, they can know that they should be the heads of the current wandering knights of Tao Center.

   For the heads of these wandering knights, and hope that a new knight will appear, because that means that the cake that has been fixed has to be divided into pieces, which no one wants to see.

It’s not that they didn’t think about stopping it, but when they heard the number of bandits and monsters who died in the hands of Sylvia and Leo, they heard that many knights had gathered in Sylvia in just a few days. After they were around, they dared not do anything. They could only quietly watch Sylvia get the honor, status and identity that they had obtained for many years of hard work in such a short time.

If these people might have a chance to stop the closing ceremony before Sylvia did not go to Lake Selavi, they could encourage the nobles they supported to use Sylvia and Leo from unknown sources, and there is no way in the world. Lan, the country, and other reasons to prevent the duke's registration.

But now Sylvia has not only completed the baptism of the five virtues of the knight, but also received the blessing of the lake fairy, against her becoming a knight is against the lake fairy, against the basic rules of the entire knight, which is almost equivalent to and The entire cavalier class became hostile, and nobles with a little mind would do such stupid things. .

  The heads of these wandering knights regard Sylvia as a great enemy, but Sylvia and Leo are just like these people as air, and there is no time to even look at them.

   When they came to the square, Leo and Sylvia's eyes fell on the Duchess Anna Henry Yeta, and looked at the long-known, but recently met Grand Duchess of Taossen.

At first glance, both Sylvia and Leo will feel that the other party is just a vase, a long brown-red hair combed into a tall bun, with a crown on it, and her beautiful face makes her look less With some majesty, a gorgeous and **** court dress made her easily the focus of everyone.

  However, if it is only the appearance to judge the ability of the duchess, then the people who underestimate her will eventually become the cornerstone of her throne, which has been proved more than once in the past.

When her husband was in power, the female grandfather was able to take part in the right to fight against her husband in court, even if cheating was discovered by her husband, she was not punished in the end, and her husband could only take her lover. Dandrian exasperated and said some cruel words that were simply impossible to achieve.

After her husband’s death, she became the ruler of Tausent, but was able to quickly gather power, control the country, and maintain a close relationship with the Nivegarde Empire, gaining privileges that other princes did not have, everything It can be seen that her political skills are extremely clever, at least much smarter than those female warlocks who are keen on power in the northern countries.

  After arriving at the square, Leo did not enter the square, but stopped at the edge of the square, allowing Sylvia to walk alone in front of the Duchess.

While the attendants at the side prepared the items needed for the ceremony, the Duchess took Sylvia very kindly and talked to it, because it was a public place, and the content of the conversation was not too deep. It was almost all very happy. The arrival of Sylvia, words of gratitude for what Sylvia did, did not have much substantive content.

After the ceremony began, the Duchess said some ceremonial words, and then asked several questions that the ritual must ask, such as whether to follow the knight's five virtues for life, and then took the long sword from the servant, respectively in Hill Via's shoulders nodded, and followed the booklet to seal Sylvia as a Cavaliers.

   After the publication of the Duchess's seal, everyone present was stunned. They never thought that the Duchess's seal was actually the Cavaliers of Taucent.

  Although the booked knight and the booked Taoist knight are only a difference in place name, the connotation is very different.

Sealing a knight only provides a knight certificate to a person, but sealing a Taoist knight is equivalent to giving a title, but it is still in the name of the principality of Taoist, that is, the moment when the knight certificate is obtained , Sylvia also won the title of the Principality of Towcent, even the lowest knight title, which is incredible for anyone present.

Not only is it a low rank, but for some people it is the goal of a lifelong struggle. As a foreigner, Sylvia came to Taocente for almost a month and had a noble knighthood. The people who are still struggling, especially the heads of the wandering knights, are instantly filled with jealousy and resentment. They think that Sylvia has robbed the knighthood that should belong to them, and the look at Sylvia is also full. In response to resentment, it seems that they should do something later.

   The attitude change of the people around him was naturally also seen by Leo and Sylvia, and they didn't care about all this, but instead looked at the kind-hearted duchess deeply.

It’s hardly necessary to think about it. Both of them are very clear that this must be deliberately done by the Duchess. As for why it is not difficult to guess, I am afraid that the influence of the wandering knights is too great, threatening the status of the Duchess. , She is borrowing Sylvia's hand to clean up the disobedient wandering knights.

In this regard, Leo and Sylvia are not disgusted. Both sides take their own needs. If Sylvia forms a knighthood and a church of the fairy in the lake, it is not enough to destroy the bandits and clean up the monsters. It takes some substantive and shocking records, and Taocent is not Nilfgarde. There is not much dispute with the outside world. Since there is no dispute with the outside, it is inevitable to start from the inside.

In fact, even if the Duchess does not register Sylvia as a Taoist Knight, Sylvia will definitely start with several other wandering knights. At least two wandering knights must be cleared before they can accumulate enough prestige. When building a church, the resistance will be the least. This is mentioned by Sylvia to Leo before, as part of her plan.

Now that Sylvia has won the title of Cavaliers of Tausent, and with the acquiescence of the Duchess, what she has to do will become smoother. Now, what she needs to consider is how to reduce the casualties to The lowest, how to get the most support from the Duchess, how to prevent yourself from becoming an abandoned child afterwards, etc.

After the closing ceremony, the people in the garden dispersed, and the Duchess led Sylvia to a small villa in the garden. It seemed that there was something to discuss with Sylvia. Lingila Lavigne and the Duchess's handy assistants.

   Leo did not pass by, but walked around in the garden casually and ate some food.

  At this time, a person came to Leo's side and said, "Mr. Leo, hello!"

   Leo turned to look at this person, or should not be said to be a person, it should be more appropriate to call him a vampire.

   I saw that this blood race had black hair, a thin face, and a handsome appearance. A long black suit formed a sharp contrast with the gorgeous nobles around.

However, compared to the appearance of this blood group, Leo cares more about the strength of the other party. From the information sensed by the spiritual network, it is not difficult to judge that the strength of this blood group is stronger than that of Lei Jier. The power of the other party does not come from energy, but from the blood. It is just that Leo judges with his current understanding of the power of blood. The blood group in front of him should have a level of evolution higher than Regill.

   "Hello!" Leo probed the situation of the other party~www.ltnovel.com~ and nodded, responding: "Is your Excellency..."

   "Dilav van der Aeritin, Reggie's friend." The blood clan said calmly.

  Leo asked again: "What is the reason for your Excellency to come to me?"

  Dilav Shen Sheng said: "I hope that when you explore the underground ruins of the elven kingdom, don't hurt the children who live there, they just don't want to contact people, and they haven't done anything harmful to people."

   Obviously, the children mentioned in Dilav's mouth should be those who are completely mutated in the ground.

  Leo didn’t think much about it, and said casually: “I can guarantee not to take the initiative to hurt them, but only if they don’t provoke me.”

   The look on Dilav's face was slightly gloomy and frowned, and it was clear that Leo's answer was not what he wanted.

   However, he didn't ask for anything more, saluted Leo, and turned away.

   "It seems that these mutant blood races are not uncontrolled." Leo looked at the back of Dilav leaving, and he felt in his heart that this Dilav might become a major scourge in the future.

The reason why Leo has such a judgment is because Di Lav’s own strength and the mutant blood lines he controls are like an unstable bomb. At this time, Di Lav may still be able to maintain a close attitude to ordinary people. For some unknown reason, he was completely irritated, and even hatred humanity, then the entire Buckland may become the banquet hall of these blood races.

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