The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 578: Garland Hunter

For ordinary people, the meaningless screams made by the old Belém have a special deep meaning in Leo’s ears, because this scream is a language for him. A real language, although the notes from the human mouthpiece are a little weird and have a wrong pronunciation.

This strange sound is actually a unique language of the cosmic advanced civilization race, and all cosmic races who have known this cosmic civilization and heard this voice have a consensus that this voice represents death and cruelty.

Cosmic civilizations are diverse. Each cosmic civilization has its own ethnic customs, but when they become a more advanced cosmic civilization, the content of these customs that is not conducive to their integration into the entire universe of civilization will be actively eliminated by them. It will eventually retain some cultural content.

But there are exceptions to everything, and some cosmic civilizations will not have any compromises. They still retain their original customs. Even for these customs, they do not hesitate to fight the surrounding cosmic civilizations. Of course, they may also deliberately use the customs as bait. , Provoking war.

Among these cosmic civilization races that retain original customs, the Garans are definitely the most dangerous higher civilization races. None of them, even the Supreme Council thinks that this race is extremely dangerous and needs to restrict the population, so it invented a special Against the Garland virus, reducing their fertility and offspring survival to the lowest point can barely maintain the degree of racial reproduction.

The Supreme Council and various cosmic civilizations are so hostile to the Garland civilization because this civilization is an extremely rare marauder civilization.

As the name suggests, the core of the predator civilization is predation. This civilization itself does not have any ability to actively evolve, but their predatory nature can capture the knowledge, culture, technology, etc. of other civilizations by means of predation. They are like the universe. Civilized cancer cells, by eating and digesting all the nutrients of the target civilization, strengthen themselves, and eventually completely swallow the target civilization.

The original knowledge of the Garland civilization was an extremely primitive civilization on the Garland star. Just like other higher civilizations, the civilization around the star field where the Garland civilization is located also sent an observer spaceship to secretly observe the growth of this civilization.

But one day a cosmic storm from a distant starry sky swept through the galactic civilization, the other observer civilization spaceships that were too late to escape were swept upright, eventually damaged, and crashed onto the Galan star.

Garland is still in a relatively primitive civilization. After acquiring these observer spacecrafts, through its own predatory nature and ability, it quickly absorbed and digested the technology, culture and knowledge contained in these spacecrafts. In less than a thousand years, it has evolved from a primitive civilization to a cosmic civilization that can carry out space navigation.

After that, the Garland people continued to plunder the surrounding civilizations, absorbed the technology, culture of these civilizations, and eventually evolved to the level of higher cosmic civilization in a short time.

The surrounding cosmic civilizations are also aware of the dangers of the Garland civilization, so they unite to declare war on the Garland civilization. However, the Garland civilization is now mature. With their powerful fighting talents, they have not only sustained the most intense wartime Down, and in the course of war, their civilization, technology, and themselves are constantly evolving, and even some physiological evolution is dedicated to serving this war.

For example, with the expansion of the fighting, the Garlan's casualties naturally inevitably intensified, so when they evolved, they strengthened both in reproduction and growth.

By the middle of the war, the reproductive capacity of the Garland people had increased by more than fifty times compared with the beginning of the war, and the growth time was shortened to one year. That is, a Garland man had just grown from the initial birth to the completion of the initial adult development. It takes a year. Although this will reduce the life span of each Garland, it will allow their population to survive the war and grow.

In the end, the Garland won the war and annexed several surrounding cosmic civilizations. The evolution of civilization continued to increase, and their own reproductive capabilities made them one of the most powerful civilizations in that galaxy.

In the following thousands of years, they did not continue to expand, but digested the fruits of this war quietly, but this does not mean that they are good at all. They began to create a hunting ritual that lasted for a lifetime according to their customs. , And the objects they hunt are all intelligent creatures, and the highest hunting achievement is naturally the hunting of omega-class advanced life bodies.

At the beginning, the Garland civilization did not attract the attention of the Supreme Council. After all, the starland where the Garland civilization is located belongs to the edge of the universe civilization, but with the Garland hunting team, it began to spread into the universe and was unscrupulous everywhere. Hunting for intelligent life, only the subordinate organizations of the Supreme Council began to notice this cosmic civilization, which is dominated by plunder and killing.

When a hunting team of the Garland successfully killed an evolving Omega-class higher organism, information about the Garland was officially put on the agenda of the Supreme Council.

It can be said that the discussion on the issues of the Garland people was the shortest in the entire Supreme Council discussion. It was completed in less than a year from the initial discussion to the final decision. The reason for this situation is that The Lan did not have an ally in the universe, and his unscrupulous hunt for intelligent creatures allowed him to erect countless enemies.

In the end, the Garans were limited in fertility, growth cycle, and also limited the scope of civilization development, which was equivalent to holding them in a prison with a small star range.

However, even so, the Garland people have not changed their hunting and pillage customs. They either sent hunting teams to join the space pirate organization, or simply sent hunting teams to wander the civilizations of various galaxies to hunt.

Although the Earth Federation is far away from the Garland and almost spans half of the universe, there are still Garland hunting teams that have reached the range of the Star Federation of the Earth Federation and caused great damage to the Earth Federation.

When Leo was a cyborg, he had surrounded the Garland hunting team with other troops, but at that time, the main force was the federal psionics, and they were only responsible for peripheral interception and other work, but even so, their loss was very great. Huge, only three people survived in the biochemical combat team where he was. The others, including the six biochemical combat teams that worked together, all died in the hands of a Garland hunter.

Although it was a biochemical state at the time, there was no fear of it, but he could feel powerless, watching the Garland hunter easily slaughter some of the most elite biochemical combat teams, and their death was only This Garland hunter can only be held for a few minutes.

This memory is always engraved in his mind. Even if it has now become a real human for unknown reasons, this memory has not disappeared, so when the old Belen made a unique voice, it was like input Like the activation code, this memory immediately emerged from the depths of consciousness, which is why he believes that there must be a Garland hunter on the ship of the dead fish.

The memory mark left for Leo by the massacre that year was too deep, so that after recovery, he actively collected a lot of information about the Garland hunters, so as not to encounter the Garland hunting team in the future. At that time, there was no countermeasure like last time.

However, what he did not think was that when he was a federal bioman, he did not meet the Garland hunting team, but now he has become a human being and came to a mysterious and unpredictable world, but encountered this let He has a fearful civilized race.

After confirming that it is very likely that a ghost hunter is on the ghost ship of the Dead Fish, Leo also understood why his spiritual network felt that there was a living body on the ship, but he could not find its correct position. Because defensive spirit nets and psionics are also one of the most basic talents of Garland Hunter.

For some unknown reasons, Garland people rarely appear psionicists, even if they have psionic people, they have very weak psionic powers, but this does not mean that Garland people are not strong. Because the Galan have three chances of looting cell evolution in their lifetime, as long as the cell ontology captured by the Galan is strong enough, they can plunder the superior gene of the cell ontology through their natural ability, and thus have a powerful force beyond imagination.

There was a Garland hunter who used the life cells of space worms, star whales and omega-class high-order organisms in turn, and said that he had evolved to an incredible level. Even if there is no psionic power, his power is not higher than that of omega-class. How much is the difference in life, and even the strength of the body is far more than that of most omega-class advanced life bodies.

Leo is not clear about the situation of the Garland on the Death Fish, but he is sure that the other party must have evolved at least once, otherwise, the Garland could not survive to the present, because the Supreme Council Through various methods to limit the life span of the Garland people to less than 40 years, even if it is frozen, it cannot organize the loss of life span. Only after completing a fairly powerful physical evolution can it be possible to complete the repair of the body.

At this time, the Ice Queen had entered a relatively uniform speed. According to Leo's inference, the speed of this ship was almost the same as that of the speedboat that used to travel at sea in the old earth era.

However, Leo does not need a practical spiritual net. By the naked eye, he can see that the Death Fish has not only been thrown away, but is closer to the Ice Queen. The thick fog that the entire hull has left is very clear. Appeared in Leo's eyes, and seemed to be dragged by the Ice Queen, followed closely behind.

Obviously, the old captain in the captain's room has also discovered this, knowing that he can't get rid of this ghost ship, so he stopped running the wizard magic circle inside the hull and made the ship slow down.

When the speed of the ship returned to normal, the old captain returned to the observation deck, and while commanding the sailors on the ship to prepare for the battle, he came to Leo and said, "It seems that I still have to trouble you."

"What's the matter?" Leo asked.

The old captain didn't say much about payment first and then did something. He took out a box and handed it to the past.

It can be seen that this box was found temporarily, and the strong smell of tobacco on it is not difficult to guess what this box was used for.

Leo did not open the box to check the contents. He believed that the old captain would not dare to do things that fooled people, so he talked directly in front of the old captain and put it in the storage space.

When the old captain saw that the box suddenly disappeared from Leo's hand, he couldn't help but show a puzzled look on his face, but he quickly returned to normal and asked Leo what to prepare.

Leo shook his head, asked him to stop the boat, put down the lifeboat on the side of the boat, and then sent two people to paddle the boat to send him to the dead fish.

The old captain immediately followed his instructions, because he thought that Leo needed to take someone on board, so he chose two powerful sailors to follow him.

After the boat stopped, Leo boarded the arranged rescue boat. After two sailors swiped the oar in their hands, the boat quickly drove over the sea, stopped towards the same, and followed The ghost ship slowly moving in the waves leaned over.

"You stay here and wait for me." Under the ghost ship, Leo stood up, looked at the hull overgrown with marine attachments, turned his head towards the two and took up arms to prepare to board the ship with Leo The sailor gave a command, and then he saw that he controlled the psionic energy to fly from the dinghy, and quickly flew over the side of the ship and landed on the deck.

After all, this ship has been sailing on the sea for many years. Although there is an energy to protect the hull here, this protective force can only protect the ship from falling cannot prevent the wood decay of the ship. It is no exaggeration to say that if Leo does not use psionics to cling to his feet and let the weight of his body weaken in the form of exudation, perhaps his feet have stepped on the deck when it fell on the deck. .

After Leo fell, he observed the surroundings for the first time, but this time he did not use the spiritual net, but adjusted his body to a perfect control state, and various organ perceptions were adjusted to the limit.

The reason why he does not use psionic energy, but depends on his own organs and senses, is entirely due to the Garland's resistance to psionic energy.

The Garans are extremely resistant to psionic energy. Using their own talents, they have created some methods specifically for dealing with certain psionic skills, such as circumventing the perception of the spiritual network, such as creating psionic restricted areas, etc. So, for Leo, organ perception is more reliable than psionics.

It turned out to be true, when he adjusted his perception to the limit through perfect control, he immediately sensed that there was an extremely weak airflow in the cabin under his feet, and there was also a mixture of airflow. The stock is different from the sour smell of rotting ships.

. m.

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