It is the fish of death! It is the dead fish of the great pirate Rob! Among the passengers on the Snow Queen, there are many people who have studied the legendary pirates. They can easily identify the origin of this ghost ship from the characteristics of the flag and the bow.

In that age of maritime adventure, a variety of legendary pirates emerged endlessly, but there were very few controversial pirates like the fish of death.

It is said that he is quite controversial because he is good and evil, and he is good because he regularly rescues slaves at sea, distributes the money he has robbed to the poor in need, and established the first charity in Mozambique. Organizing the Brotherhood of Poverty, it is no exaggeration to say that his reputation among civilians even surpassed the kings of various countries.

And he is evil because he never keeps alive when robbing ships. Once he finds the target, he will kill all the people on the ship and take away all the treasures on the ship. So in terms of the number of murders, the people who died in his hands are even far away. Far more than a few pirate kings.

Such a highly controversial person is naturally also the object of much attention by the navies of various countries. Even in order to solve this big pirate, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Sigma have secretly cooperated with each other for several times.

However, because of the prestige of the great pirate Rob among the civilians in the colony, he often received the help of the civilians, and several rounds of encirclement were able to turn the danger into danger.

However, luck did not always appear on a person. Soon after a planned robbery was completed, he found himself trapped in the fleet of the Royal Navy of the two seas. Whether the merchant ship that was robbed before was on board The cargo, or the people on the ship, are the bait set by the two countries.

After confirming that all retreats are blocked, the legendary pirate Rob can only find another way out, and this way out is to enter the star-falling sea and bypass the encircling circle from the star-falling sea.

As a result, the fish of the death of the Robber driver and his crew entered the sea of ​​falling stars, and never came out again.

Although the outside world has also reported that Rob has actually escaped the siege of the two countries, drove the ship to the mainland of Mozambique, and then gave up the profession of pirate, using his robbery for many years to live a prosperous life.

Some people even claim that the speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States and California, Little Robert, is a descendant of the legendary pirate Robert, but this matter was later confirmed to be entirely a political opponent of Little Robert.

Now that everyone saw the ghost ship that appeared in the mist in the distance, they all knew clearly that the rumors outside the world might be fake. At that time, the dead fish entered the sea of ​​falling stars into the sea. Escape.

By contrast, Leo’s attention was focused on the ship itself when the passengers on the ship were excited about the sudden appearance of the pirate ghost ship.

Because when the ship enters his spiritual net, he uses the spiritual net to probe the ship inside and outside.

As in the legend, there is no one on the ghost ship. The decoration of the various parts of the ship is the same as before. Leo can even see a diary in the captain's room that has not been written. The pen used to write the diary is still on the side. On the pen stand, it felt like the captain had written the logbook halfway, was called out, and never came back.

If it’s just an empty ship without people, Leo will not have any interest in an empty ship floating on the sea, but I don’t know why, Leo feels like there is an unknown life hiding on the ship. The same, but this kind of life seems to be able to avoid his spiritual net, so that the spiritual net can't perceive its correct position, and can only vaguely feel that there is a living body on the ship.

"This is not a good thing!" Old Belém walked to Leo, looking at the ghost ship with some concern, and said.

"It's just a ghost ship." Although Leo was a little puzzled by the life-body hidden in the ghost ship, he didn't feel any danger from the ghost ship, so he looked at Old Belen in a puzzled way. .

"Fish of Death..." While the old Belem was about to say something, he was stopped by the old captain who came by.

I saw the old captain pointed to the ordinary passengers who were discussing the ghost ship, and then pointed to the stern lookout where the rudder was, and gestured to speak there.

Old Belem did not object, nodded, and walked over there, Leo did not ask much, and followed.

After the three reached the stern, old Belen looked at the old captain and said, "Are you saying, or am I?"

"Let me say it! After all, you don’t know it in detail. Most of them are hearsay." The old captain took the initiative to take the initiative, and then said slightly seriously to Leo. "There are many legends about ghost ships, see There are a lot of people who come to the ghost ship, but most of the ghost ships appear far away, and will not cause any harm to the finder, but the dead fish is different..."

With that in mind, the old captain could not help but paused, looked at the Death Fish in the dense fog, and said, "The Death Fish is the most ferocious ghost ship. Its appearance usually brings death. There have been three More than ten ships have met the dead fish at sea, and more than 20 of them have disappeared. The remaining dozen of them have survived, but they are all crazy. Even if they ask, they will only be crazy. Answer some words that have no meaning."

"So what are you going to do now?" Leo Shensheng asked.

The old captain Shen Sheng said: "I will increase the speed of the Queen to the highest to see if I can get rid of this ghost ship."

"If not?" Leo questioned: "According to various rumors I heard, the speed of the ship does not seem to have any effect on the ghost ship."

The old captain hesitated and said: "If not, I hope I can hire you to check the situation before the ghost ship approaches. If it can be solved in advance, it is best, if not, I hope you can find some Something useful."

Upon hearing the old captain’s request, Leo frowned and did not immediately refuse. In fact, he was indeed very interested in the ghost ship. After all, this mysterious thing often has some unexpected surprises, and of course it may be unexpected surprises.

So after thinking about it for a moment, Leo looked at the old captain with interest and said, "What price are you going to pay to hire me to do this? Know that I am not very interested in money."

At this time, when the old Belen saw Leo intending to promise the old captain's employment and went to explore the ghost ship, he wanted to open his mouth to stop Leo from making a decision, but it was stopped by the old captain's irritated look full of warnings.

The old captain changed Leo’s idea in order to avoid the old Belem from blending in, so he immediately issued the condition: “Aren’t you cracking the high tower secret language? I have a cipher interpretation note from the high tower wizard apprentice, maybe Useful for you."

"Do you know that I'm reading the tower secret language?" Leo frowned and turned to look at the old Belem. It seemed that only he knew that he had a note of the magic book of the tower wizard and he knew himself. doing what.

"It's me." Old Belem showed an awkward look on his face, then turned to stare at the old captain, and said: "It's just that I didn't expect him to think like this, I just thought he was ready to thank you for being in Yoke Port What he did, I was going to prepare a gift for you, but he didn't expect that."

Leo did not blame the old Belem. After asking the reason, he said to the old captain: "Yes, as long as the cipher interpretation in the apprentice's note is true, I promise to accept your employment."

"Please rest assured that the note came from the hands of William of Mirris, who had been a court wizard at Diliat for seventeen years, helping Dailiat to establish some contact with the tower," the old captain revealed With a smile, he said: "If you are interested in the affairs of the tower, you can go to Deliyat when you have time. I believe Her Majesty will be very happy."

Leo looked at the old captain and said in a deep voice: "Is this invitation made by you, or did your queen tell you to say so?"

The old captain froze for a moment and said nothing more. After paying a salute to Leo, he turned around and walked down to the observation deck, went down to his captain's room, ready to open the hidden power on the ship and speed up the ship.

The passengers on the deck were rushed back to the cabin by the sailors at his request.

"You shouldn't agree to this." Old Belem sighed and said.

"Why?" Leo asked.

Old Belem explained: "Five years ago, an investigation ship of the Inge royal family encountered the fish of death. At that time, there were four senior officers of the special bureau on the investigation ship, and they were also the priests of the Church of Poseidon. The priests who really possessed divine skills, like the other ships, also disappeared. They left only an unfinished diary on the ship, indicating that they could not get rid of the dead fish, so they had to board the ghost ship. Resolve this matter."

"I'm neither a special agent nor a priest of the church." Leo replied with a bottleneck. The implication is to prevent old Belem from applying failures to him.

In this regard, Old Belem did not know what to say. Although Leo was a bit arrogant, he was indeed right in some ways. At least from these days, Old Belem could feel The young wizard in front of him had a little unimaginable and powerful ability. In other people's eyes, it was a disaster, but in his eyes it was just a trivial thing.

At this time, Leo suddenly and doubtfully asked: "There is one thing I don't understand. Since the dead fish is so dangerous, why haven't you heard any related legends outside? From the performance of the passengers just now, they Obviously, this ghost ship is regarded as an ordinary harmless ghost ship, otherwise it will not behave so stable, and there is no fear at all."

Old Belem also seemed a little puzzled, shrugging, and casually said a reason: "I am not very clear about this, maybe to avoid unnecessary panic!"

Hearing this reason, Leo shook his head and was about to say something. Suddenly, the hull under his feet vibrated. Then Leo found that the speed of the Ice Queen was fast without any change in the external wind speed. Ascending, it quickly glides like a speedboat under the boat.

Although there is a special energy shield on the ship, the sudden speed increase still makes it difficult for people on the deck to stand. Those sailors had to tie the rope to themselves to avoid throwing themselves with strong thrust, and Leo Can easily use psionic cling to the ground. As for the old Belen, although he is an ordinary person, he relies on his outstanding balance, his body shakes with the ship, does not have the danger of being thrown out of the deck without ropes, and performs better than those sailors.

At this time, Leo opened the spiritual network and explored the interior of the Ice Queen. As he thought, he saw the different combinations of the Turing roots of the Ice Queen. Admiration, after all, Turing roots imitate most of the power of three-dimensional roots, and there will be no backlash. This can only be achieved by mastering Turing roots to a very deep level, at least Leo can be sure of himself For a long period of time, this level could not be reached.

On the other side, the old Belem had adapted to the speed-up Ice Queen, but the surrounding environment still made him feel a little nervous, so he greeted Leo and prepared to enter the cabin.

"Wait, I have a question." Leo said suddenly when he was about to walk down the lookout.

Old Belem grabbed the stair railing and looked back at Leo.

Leo said: "I just mentioned that some people who encountered the fish of death finally survived. They are all crazy and only speak some incomprehensible language. Do you know this?"

There was a touch of sadness on Old Belem's face, and he nodded and said, "I know, in fact, one of them is a friend with me, a very good friend."

"Do you know how to read that language?" Leo asked again.

Old Belem was stunned for a moment, then looked at Leo in a puzzled manner, and suddenly showed another sudden look, said: "I know, Rembrandt said that you have a unique talent in language~www.mtlnovel. com~ Do you want to see any clues about the languages ​​spoken by those people, right? Unfortunately, you are disappointed. In fact, many linguists have studied those languages, including Rembrandt, and finally The conclusion is that those languages ​​have no meaning."

Leo said flatly: "If you listen to it, it means something. I will judge it myself."

Hearing Leo say this, Old Belen didn't talk nonsense anymore. He directly said a string of sounds that sounded like a bird's call and some sort of whistle.

After changing a few voices, Old Belem repeated it twice before stopping. He looked at Leo, but he didn’t find any gain from Leo’s face, as he expected. , So without much inquiries, he turned and walked down the observation deck to enter the cabin.

However, Old Belem did not find that after she left, Leo’s face became a little weird, and then turned to look at the ghost ship that was looming in the thick fog, followed by the Queen of Ice, a picture A thoughtful expression, it seems that the old Belem's inexplicable series of calls gave him some information.

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