The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 579: The world of the dead

Have you found this? "Leo has repeatedly and carefully sensed it, and when he sensed that the other party is quietly moving towards the deck, the target is probably himself, and he is not only puzzled.

This result made Leo extremely puzzled and wondered if he had made a wrong judgment. It wasn't the Garland in the ghost ship, but something else.

Because the Garland people left a deep impression on him. In his memory, the Sixth-level Psionicist of the Federation has to be cautious when facing the Garland Hunter. He can only passively defend and rely on himself. There is no counterattack at all.

You know, a sixth-level psionicist who has mastered all psionic skills already has the ability to fight independently and assault a warship alone in the universe. However, this kind of strength can only rely on ordinary soldiers in front of the Garland hunter. The combination of passive defense makes Leo treat the Garland as a horror monster deep inside.

But now, he found that the existence like a horrible monster in his heart was easily captured by him, and his instincts did not feel any danger from the other party.

With doubts in his heart, Leo monitored the hidden being that was slowly approaching, while turning the Gemini into a cross-sword mode, quietly waiting for the coming of the hidden being.

Soon the hidden existence discovered by Leo came quietly to the deck. When he saw Leo on alert, he was not surprised, nor did he think that his whereabouts had been discovered. He was careful. Moving behind Leo, he was ready to attack Leo.

However, before waiting for the existence of this hidden figure to attack, Leo had already turned around, and the twins in his hands quickly cut out. Before the other party had responded, he immediately split a dozen swords in a row.

However, except that the first sword hacked something and made a scream, all the dozens of other swords fell through, as if the other party had disappeared at the moment of the injury, and Leo’s extraordinary perception Unable to find where the other party is, the only thing that is certain is that he is sure that the other party is still on the ship, because he can still feel the lingering life breath on the ship.

After confirming that the mysterious existence was no longer around, Leo looked down at the blade of Gemini and saw that there was a little silver-grey liquid on the blade, and the liquid also exuded a pungent smell like strong acid.

"It really is the Garan." Such a special color of blood is only owned by a few alien races in Leo's memory, and only the Garan blood has a strong corrosive effect, it is no exaggeration. If Leo's hands are not Gemini's extraordinary psionic weapons, but two ordinary iron swords, then the weapons in his hands may have been corroded.

After confirming that he was a Garland, Leo began to enter the cabin and searched for the injured Garland, and also began to think about the Garland's ability and what happened just now, why all the subsequent hacks failed Anymore?

"Talent of space?" After a little thought, Leo quickly thought of something related to the Garland. The evolution of the predatory cell is a talent that every Garland has, but in addition, the Garland also has There are other talents that belong to you, and these talents have strengths and weaknesses.

Leo had heard that a Garland hunter could control gravity, and once used this ability to collapse a star and create a small black hole.

At present, the Garan clearly has a space ability. The Garan hunter who killed Leo’s men had this talent, but the space ability of the Canaan seems far away. Can't match that Garland hunter.

First of all, the Garland is not able to use space ability teleportation, otherwise, he should have moved to Leo's back and shot directly. Leo had personally experienced the Garland assassination behind him, so just now he was always vigilant about any movements around him, just to prevent this trick.

Secondly, the Garlandian would use space ability to escape Leo a dozen times after hacking. It seems to be more like a passive defense instinct than a talent ability that can be actively inspired.

This gave Leo the feeling of some kind of trigger mechanism. If the Garland received a fatal attack, it would activate this spatial triggering extreme and send the Garland to the previously marked safe place.

All Leo has to do now is to find a safe place for the Garland, then completely solve the trouble, and find out why the Garland who is not a hunter is here.

The reason why Leo is sure that the Garland is not a hunter is because he has passed the confrontation just now and confirmed that the Garland is not a trained fighter at all, but more like a talent without any training. Ordinary Garland.

If you are a real warrior, when you see Leo's alert, you should be very clear that the sneak attack behind you is almost impossible to succeed, and you will even encounter the most violent attack, so the best attack position is actually in Leo. positive.

And the Garland’s reaction to Leo’s attack just now was not at all a well-trained warrior’s response, directly inspiring the talent to escape, leaving Leo behind a series of attacks specifically prepared for the hunter. .

The only thing Leo knows now is that the attack that he hadn’t thought about was successful, and he also hit the other side. According to the depth of the sword he saw in the attack, the Garan was injured. I'm afraid it's very serious, and serious can be fatal.

However, Leo does not think that such injuries will really kill the Garland, because the Garland itself has a very strong self-healing ability, and even has had a limb rebirth, so as long as the Garland has enough The nutrition is better than the huge energy consumed by self-healing, so he can quickly recover as usual.

Soon Leo came to the captain's room at the bottom of the ship, gently pushed the door and walked in. At the same time, the twins in his hands also changed into glove mode.

Legendary pirate Robert is a very strange pirate. He claims to be a fish raised in the sea. He likes to be closer to the sea, so his captain's cabin is not located under the highest observation deck of the ship, but in the cold. The damp bilge, he said more than once, this can let him hear the cry of those creatures in the sea, and he can be more at ease.

Unlike the bottom cabins of other ships, the bottom cabin of the Dead Fish is made of special wood and has a strong anti-corrosion effect. Even if the ship has been sailing for many years at sea, the bottom cabin is still not damaged, just because The humid environment makes it full of weird fungi.

This captain’s cabin on the ground floor can be said to be the Galan’s old nest. This is both his bedroom and his dining room. The floor is covered with various bones, and each bone is sharpened by the wind. Traces of teeth eating.

Although Leo had learned about the situation here through the spiritual network before boarding the ship, and through the knowledge of the Garland, he knew the final end of the humans corresponding to these bones, but Leo, who saw this scene in person, still felt Somewhat annoyed.

Garland hunting is true hunting. In their eyes, in addition to themselves, other alien creatures, even omega-level higher life forms are prey, since it is prey, then after being captured, the Garland naturally It is to eat them, and the Garland believes that only by eating prey, can they get the power and wisdom of their prey.

This is the main reason why even if the Garan possesses extremely high technology, no alien race is willing to be his ally, because no cosmic civilization will eat intelligent creatures. You treat him as an ally, and in his eyes you are just his spare food. This situation is obviously unacceptable to anyone in a cosmic civilization.

In the room, Leo could smell the strong acid smell from the Garland wounds. Although it was not strong and strong, it was not in other cabins. Obviously, the Garland should have fled here just now, and remained In this room.

However, this Garland is extremely good at hiding, even if Leo knows that the Garland is hiding in this small room, but he can’t get to his exact position at all, and can only stand at the door to prevent the Garland from escaping, While carefully looking at each suspicious place.

However, no matter how Leo searched, he could not find the Garland, but Leo did not give up because he had no other means of searching.

I saw that Leo took a soul bonfire trap directly from the storage space, excited it, and dropped it on the ground, then quickly used the power of the nightmare to imitate the power of the soul bonfire rune and convert his spirit and soul bonfire The trap merged into one, and his eyes also saw another world like a blessing of power. This world is the world of the soul and the world of the dead.

According to Leo, as long as the Garan has life and soul, he can find his place by this method.

But when his eyes changed horizons and saw the world where the soul was, the scene before him filled him with surprise and surprise.

The cabin that appeared in front of him was no longer covered with fungi and moistened and decaying, but renewed, just like a new ship, and the walls of the cabin were no longer wooden boards, but piled up one by one. Faces together, these faces are a bit painful, a little panicked, but more fearful.

As for the cabin, it is no longer empty, but it is filled with pirate souls, and these seas of soul maintain the state they were in when they died.

This is Leo’s first use of this method. When he deduced this method before, he only thought that he was only suspicious of sensing the existence of the soul through this method, but he did not expect that the effect was so powerful that he saw the soul directly. , So clearly saw the soul.

However, now Leo has no time to study the advantages and disadvantages of this method, because when he saw the souls trapped on the ship around him, these souls also saw Leo, and a pair of cold eyes fell on Leo On his body, as if they were to freeze Leo's soul with their method, Leo also felt an inexplicable chill from the depths of the soul.

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in this room: "There is a guest! Let him come in! We can't neglect our guests. After all, he is our first guest for so many years."

Hearing this command, the ghost in front of Leo immediately gave way to both sides like a tide, exposing the captain's desk and seat on the side of the cabin.

Leo’s eyes also fell in front of him at the moment. The tall ghost sitting in a chair resembling a skeleton, with two blue flames in his eyes, and the ghost lying beside the ghost, had a triangular head and four claws. Insect monster.

"Legendary pirate Rob!" Leo easily recognized the identity of the other ghost from some accessories and clothing, but his focus was more on being treated as a pet by the Rob ghost. Lan people.

The monster usually had the Garan lying on the ground, and the wound that nearly cut it in half around his waist slowly left some silver-grey acidic blood, but this kind of blood that even steel can corrode is in this soul. There is no such strong damage in the world. In addition, his injury did not seem to be as serious as it seems. From the details of the wound, it is not difficult to see that he has begun to show signs of healing, and it will not be long before he can return to normal.

At this moment, the Garland, who is the same as the wisdom and the beast, was staring at Leo with his unique prismatic compound eyes, and the legendary pirate Rob next to him touched his head like a pet.

This scene looks very weird in Leo's The Garland who used other intelligent creatures as prey and food, but now is regarded as a pet by a ghost, if this thing spreads , I am afraid that it will cause a sensation in the entire universe. Those proud Garland people will definitely go crazy to find the source of this incident, and destroy the same family and all the people who participated in the humiliation of the Garland people.

However, Leo is not at all interested in whether the Garland will become the shame of Garland, he is more concerned at this moment, the ability of the Garland, he discovered the power of the Garland and the trap of rune through the soul campfire, let It’s different for the spirit to enter the world of the deceased temporarily. The Garan’s real body enters the world of the deceased. That’s why Leo can only vaguely feel his breath of life, but he can’t confirm his position. the reason.

"Sir, don't you even have the courage to come to me and talk to me?" When Leo was thinking about things, the ghost labor only saw Leo didn't come forward as he thought, so he mocked Road.

Faced with ridicule, Leo just smiled, and then pulled out several soul bonfire rune traps directly from the storage space, excited it and thrown it around the cabin, and cut off the power of the nightmare power on the soul bonfire rune. The imitation of the whole person withdrew from the world of the dead. /7_7913/

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