The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1458: change plan

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"It's so easy to get the bait? Will there be a problem?" Leo returned to the apartment and told Sylvia the result of the incident. Sylvia was a little surprised after hearing this, and it can even be said to be incredible. She felt that this was too smooth, and it went so well that she didn't use some of her backhands to cooperate with Leo's disguised identity.

In her opinion, such a secret organization with such a tightly hidden secret needs to screen newcomers six or seven times, and then assign more than a dozen tasks to test the newcomers’ abilities, so they have already done so when making plans in advance. Well, it will take three or four months to slowly infiltrate this organization. Leo has also prepared several related academic articles with enough content to attract eyeballs, and prepare to publish them one by one to accumulate fame.

But now it's useless. They spent more than half a month preparing and planning, and they have just started a start, and they have already come to the end, which makes them feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

After deciding to live in Cape Westport for a period of time, Leo and Sylvia set two goals. One goal is to localize their living habits. This is not difficult for them, and it only costs It took less than ten days to complete. They can imitate the natives of most countries in the south of the mainland without any flaws. Unless the plan requires them to proactively expose their flaws, they will not even be able to imitate the natives of the country. Any clues come, this is mainly due to the fact that there are many businessmen from various countries and sailors from different countries who come here to do business in the Port of West Point.

As for the second goal, it is not as simple as the first goal. Leo and Sylvia did not even consider that it must be completed at the Port of Cape West. They considered that only the first part of the plan should be implemented here, and then the plan will go north again. The road to be completed gradually, and this goal is to find the mysterious organization that masters the technology of manufacturing and implanting pseudo-Ability cells.

In the eyes of both of them, this mysterious organization should be hidden very tightly. After all, the technology this organization possesses is extremely heretical technology for all churches. Once exposed, no matter how special the identity is, it is absolutely impossible to escape, but how do they? They didn't expect this secret organization to be found so easily. I don't know if this organization is not hidden deep enough, or their abilities are too strong, maybe there are two reasons.

From the beginning, the important members of this secret organization were exposed to the vision of Leo and Sylvia, that is, the priest who held important positions in the Holy Prayer House and the Academy respectively. The identity of this person hardly needs any thought. I can inquire about it, because this person can be regarded as a small celebrity in Cape West.

Leo locked this person in the first time and monitored him through the spiritual network. In less than half a month, he passed the person along the vine and found out all the suspected secret organizations in the port of West Wang Yangjiao. The other members, and Sylvia, after unifying the underground intelligence organization at Cape West End, immediately collected the identity information of these people.

However, what makes them feel a little unbelievable is that these people have a wide range of identities, covering almost all walks of life, and the gap between their identities is so big that even they themselves find it unbelievable, and the identities of some of them make them There is an illusion that the investigation has gone wrong.

For example, Satos Gilman, the dean of the Holy Prayer Institute and the Dean of the Western Cape College, is the head of this secret organization. He is also the leader of the organizations in the southern countries and regions of the entire continent. This identity was the first to be determined by Leo. It was also what he felt most puzzled.

Logically speaking, as the top clergyman of the Spirit of Knowledge Church, Sartos Gilman cannot betray his beliefs, betray his own gods, study the use of the body of the gods, and create artificially masters of extraordinary powers. People, you must know that in all the churches in the Old World, all the possessors of supernatural powers that are not gods and divine powers are classified as original sinners, who need to be attacked more than heretics. Only by joining the church and becoming a knight of original sin Can pay for their sins.

However, as one of the leaders of the church, Sartos Gilman used a heretical method to create this kind of original sinner in a secret organization. This behavior is absolutely the greatest heresy in any church. And this kind of heresy is absolutely impossible to have no effect on him, at least the magical powers given to him by the gods will definitely be taken back.

However, the fact is that Sartos Gilman’s divine power has not been affected in any way, Leo’s spiritual network can still perceive the surging divine power of him, even if it is stronger than Leo, you need to be careful. Only by controlling the power of the spiritual network can the opponent's divine power induction be avoided. Such a person does not look like a heretical leader who betrays his own dogma and beliefs.

However, after listening to Leo’s question, Sylvia quickly gave two guesses that might be close to the facts. One guess was that the power of Sartos Gilman was not bestowed by the spirit of knowledge. It was forged through relatively mature alien god-like cell technology, and this forgery had flaws, so he left the center of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge and came to the southernmost port of the mainland to serve as the Holy Prayer House. To avoid being seen through by the senior leaders of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge.

Another speculation is that perhaps the mysterious organization itself is dominated by the Spirit of Knowledge. The reason for this speculation is that nearly 90% of the people in the list given by Leo are priests of the Spirit of Knowledge Church. With the protection of some academic scholars with heretical thoughts by the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge, coupled with the support of the Spirit of Knowledge in the establishment of the college, it is difficult not to doubt the role of the Spirit of Knowledge in the establishment and operation of this secret organization. .

In order to further confirm the identities of these people, Leo also asked Qiao An to remove his disguise, appear at the scene of several abnormal accidents, and have close contact with some of the targets suspected of members of the secret organization, and even fight, and the result is Not unexpectedly, the news of Qiao An's appearance was reported to Sartos Gilman for the first time, so that the identity of the leader of Sartos Gilman's secret organization was confirmed.

It’s just that this matter is not over yet. After these few tests and the subsequent city-wide search by Sartos Gilman with excuses, Leo also confirmed that Qiao Ann has an extraordinary affair with this secret organization. Importance, this made him couldn't help carefully inspecting Qiao An's implant again, but the result was the same as the previous inspection and found nothing that made him feel abnormal.

On the contrary, Sylvia had some clues. After the large search was over, the underground intelligence organization of West Point Yangjiao Port received several commissions, and the targets of the commissions were Qiao Ann, but what is interesting is the commissioning party. But it’s not just members of Sartos Gilman and other secret organizations. There are also many organizations and individuals implicated in other churches. Among them, Leo and Sylvia are most concerned about the Tribunal. Heresy hunting organization formed by the conservative church.

Although the heretical hunting team composed of clergymen and church knights of different churches is the only heretical hunting and trial organization recognized by all the churches in the Old World, there are still some radical or conservative church people who act as heretical hunting teams. It was too kind, so they set up another trial court as the main force to hunt down heretics, but some of the actions of the trial court were too **** and cruel, so they have not been recognized by all the churches in the old continent, and even some moderate churches. In the diocese, the courts will be treated as enemies, so these areas are also forbidden areas for the courts, and the port of West Point Yangjiao is such a restricted area.

However, the trial court now risked his life and sneaked to the Port of Western Cape, and issued a commission in the underground intelligence organization to find a false heart church knight from the New World. This is enough to show that the trial court has treated Qiao An Degree of importance.

So Sylvia found some clues from the trial court through some means, and these clues showed that the trial court seemed to treat Joan as living evidence. As for what this evidence was used to prove, she did not detect it. I just know that the Tribunal has planned to send all its troops in the south to the Port of Western Cape and the surrounding areas. It seems that it has made a big move, and even hesitates to fight head-on with the moderate churches in the south.

This also made Leo and Sylvia feel that the Port of Ocean Pointe might become a source of turmoil, so in the follow-up plan, they did not expect to be able to get in-depth contact with the secret organization in the Port of Ocean Pointe. They just intend to accumulate some fame in Cape West Wangyang, before the turmoil caused by Qiao An arrives, leave this place of right and wrong, to a relatively stable place, secretly observe the movement of Cape West Wang Yang port.

But it turned out that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. They didn't expect that the secret organization recruited members to behave so casually. Leo had just started to get started and was already recommended to the secret organization's peripheral organizations.

The Society of Mystery and Human Body Research is one of the publicly disclosed institutions of this secret organization. Leo’s academic articles are generally related to it. He also intends to accumulate his reputation in occult and anthropology through the professional academic journals of this institution. At the same time, it can make the secret organization pay attention to him.

But the result was just an article, he got the attention he wanted or even exceeded the expectation, and got the results of the plan that need to be obtained in the later stage, which caught him and Sylvia a bit by surprise.

Facing Sylvia’s question, Leo pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said: “There should be no problem. If the other party doubts me, there is no need to play these tricks. You only need to use their public identities to accuse us of being heretics. That's it."

Sylvia asked again: "What should we do now? Change the plan or continue with the original plan? If we change the plan, we will definitely be involved in this heretical battle."

"So what? Do we need to be afraid?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"We really don't need to be afraid," Sylvia smiled and suggested: "Or we can make the fire a little more prosperous. It's best to draw out the gods behind these churches, and we can just look at it. What is the difference between the gods in the old continent and the gods in the new continent?"

Leo looked at Sylvia, but did not speak.

"I was not affected by the abyss." Sylvia knew exactly what Leo was thinking, and frowned slightly dissatisfied. Seeing Leo unmoved, she curled her lips and said, "Okay! I admit that I have been affected by some, but these influences will not affect my emotions and judgments. I am very clear about what I am considering. Don’t you want to know the situation of the gods in the Old World? You need to know that our manufacturing society and those in the Old World Those who deal with the gods, learn about their situation in advance and prepare in advance."

Leo heard the words, pondered for a moment, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me! You should concentrate on contacting the secret organization!" Sylvia didn't tell Leo her thoughts, not to mention her high-sounding, but in fact this matter In her mind, it was just an interesting game, and if there were more people in the process of the game, it would only reduce her fun.

Leo didn't have any doubts about Sylvia's ability, but he was still a little worried about Sylvia's mentality and thoughts at the moment, because Sylvia's unusual mentality was obviously affected by the blood of the abyss, and the difference was There are just so many questions, but he didn’t say much, because he also believes that Sylvia is capable of solving his own problems. If he really needs to take action, he believes that Sylvia will bring it up by himself, and he does not need to remind him. .

Now that he has decided to change his plan, Leo didn’t hide it anymore. In the following days, he successively published several articles with great controversy and academic depth in several other academic journals related to human anatomy. UU reading www.uukanshu. com and amidst various controversies, he was invited to perform an analytic performance in front of many scholars in the open class of analytic studies at the Western Cape College.

In this de-planing performance, he not only perfectly demonstrated his de-planing skills, but also perfectly demonstrated his understanding of the human body, and in the process of de-planing, he answered other de-planing techniques one by one. For one of his articles, academic scholars used immediate examples to prove the correctness of the academic articles they published.

After the de-planing performance, Leo received an invitation from the college to join the college as a lecturer in de-planing studies. At the same time, many scholars recommended him to join related societies and research organizations.

He refused all of these invitations, and showed no trace, suggesting that he was conducting some research on the difference between the human body of the original sinner and the normal person, and he had studied the key points, and soon the results would be obtained.

After the bait was thrown out, the people of the secret organization really couldn't sit still. On the night of the unplanning performance, Eric found Leo and said that he would take him to participate in the last time I mentioned to him tonight. That party.

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