The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1459: Stuff's surprise

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"Isn't it saying that the next party will be after the Corolla Festival? Why did it suddenly change to the present?" Leo got into the carriage of the recommender Eric, and asked the Eric who was sitting opposite, pretending to be suspicious.

"This is a party specially held for you, Mr. Leo." Eric knocked on the wooden board behind him, motioned the coachman to drive, and then bluntly said: "I was also on the spot for your planing performance. To describe it absolutely, the impact of this performance is absolutely beyond your imagination. It is our greatest loss if a scholar with outstanding ability like you does not join us."

It can be seen that Eric looked very excited, and there was some resentment in his tone. Before Leo publicly performed the planing performance, his recommendation should have been blocked, which caused him to feel resentful.

Perceiving a small flaw in Eric’s emotions, Leo naturally would not let it go. He did not use any extraordinary powers, but used some hypnotic techniques to slow down the tone, and asked in a deep voice: "It looks like Mr. Eric was before I have encountered some trouble recommending me to join the seminar, can you talk about it?"

Eric did not notice the small change in Leo’s voice, but after hearing Leo’s question, he felt that Leo was as trustworthy as a friend for many years, and the grievances that had been suppressed before recurred at this moment. Coming out made him couldn't help but confide in Leo.

Like any large organization, the Mystery and Human Research Society is also full of various factional struggles and interest struggles. Although most of these factional struggles are conceptual struggles, they are no less intense than the rights of the secular dignitaries. struggle.

Eric’s faction is mainly based on research and analysis and biological structure. It is jokingly called the Butcher faction, and the enemy is the spiritual faction mainly researching spirit. Every time the two sides go to the research meeting to recommend people At that time, the other party will deliberately create difficulties, but most of these difficulties are just creating obstacles, and will not do too much.

It’s just that this time Eric recommended Leo, the spiritual faction is not just doing some obstacles to disgust Eric, but trying to prevent it. As for the excuse, it is also very simple, it is Leo’s. The identity has not been verified.

However, such an excuse, any scholar in the research society knows that it is just an excuse, because many members of the research society are also people with unknown identities. If this is used as an excuse to prevent capable talents from joining, then the research society Now it will probably reduce the membership by nearly one-third.

After Eric learned about the situation afterwards, he learned that the spiritual faction’s opposition to his recommendation of Leo was actually a revenge, because an experiment conducted by the spiritual faction in a certain northern kingdom was justified by the local church not long ago. The organization was destroyed. Although there were no casualties, the bases built by the spiritual faction over a few years were all destroyed. The local church found that the reason for the spiritual faction was that a certain butcher faction was in the dark after drinking. He revealed some clues to the secret agents of the local church's heretical punishment agency, and was able to find the base of the spiritual faction by following the vine.

This incident has made the battle between the two factions within the research society more serious, and the various difficulties of the spiritual faction against the butcher faction have also been fierce. During this time, not only Eric’s recommendation was blocked, Even some other things related to the Butcher faction have encountered various obstacles, and the reasons for these obstacles are very sufficient, and no loopholes for rebuttal can be found.

Fortunately, Leo’s de-planing performance was so wonderful. The ergonomics and de-planing skills he showed were already a master. Even people who can compare with it in the research group can’t find a second one. If such a talent fails to become a member of the research group due to factional struggles within the research group, it is absolutely the biggest loss to the research group, as Eric said, so some obstacles before it are cleared instantly, and the research group is in the west. The branch of Wangyangjiao also held this meeting specially for him.

"Is the faction fighting within the seminar so serious?" Leo deliberately showed a serious expression after hearing Eric's explanation, and then said with a trace of dissatisfaction: "Mr. Eric, this seems to be Your previous description of your club is a little different. I think the Mystery and Human Research Society is just a pure scholar organization, which can provide a quiet atmosphere for my research and study and reduce external interference, but inside the club..."

Eric quickly explained: "Mr. Leo, don’t worry, this time is just a special case. Normally, the factional struggles in the seminar are just verbal arguments, more like common discussions and debates on ideas. Disagreements are pure scholarly exchanges."

"I hope it can be as you said." Leo said, still uneasy.

On the following road, Eric has been telling Leo about the various benefits of joining the seminar, so as to alleviate Leo’s doubts, while Leo listened quietly like a qualified listener, only At some point, he asked a few questions, and the questions he asked appropriately led the topic to some of the undisclosed contents of the research group, which made Leo know many secrets of the research group in advance, and Leo most of them The secret of interest is that Eric clearly revealed that the research society is just a peripheral organization, and there is a secret organization behind it, and inside that secret organization there is a collection of taboo knowledge that scholars would be crazy about, in his words. That is the holy place for scholars, the end of truth.

Undoubtedly, judging from the look of yearning that Eric showed, he obviously did not join the organization, but his identity has allowed him to get in touch with some related things and understand some of the organization's situation.

At the right time, Leo also showed a look of yearning, and asked: "How can I join that organization?"

Facing the question, Eric also smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "I don't know either."

After learning that there is such a secret organization behind the research society, Eric also tried to join the organization by applying to the high level of the research society, but the result was as if nothing was left behind.

However, after so many years, he still found some clues on how to join the secret organization, such as gaining enough merit in the research society, becoming a senior member of the research society will automatically become a member of that organization, and for example, by going beyond the ordinary The scholar’s ​​knowledge and abilities, the organization will actively contact the scholar after some investigation and invite him to join, just as he now invites Leo to join the Society of Mystery and Human Body.

When he said this, Eric's eyes were full of envy when he looked at Leo, because he knew very well that with Leo's ability and knowledge in human body planning, he believed that he would be invited to join that soon. Secret organization.

During the conversation, the horse-drawn carriage quickly drove out of the urban area of ​​Western Cape Yangjiao Port, and came to the outskirts. After passing through a dense forest, it entered a manor.

Although the manor does not seem to be guarded, Leo’s spiritual net can easily find some beasts lurking in the woods on both sides of the manor’s entrance, but these beasts are not normal beasts, but some modified beasts. The body shape is stronger than ordinary beasts, and the technology to transform them does not have any extraordinary power. As for whether it is related to the implantation technology on Qiao An's body, you need to catch one and check it before you know.

Soon the carriage stopped in the small square in front of the manor. At this time, the square was full of carriages of various styles. Some carriages were new and gorgeous in style, and some carriages looked very old. This can be seen from the style of carriages. There was a big gap between the identity of the people who attended the party this time. He didn't need to enter the house in front of him, nor did he need to check on the spiritual network, and he could already predict the situation at the party.

After getting off the carriage, Leo and Eric entered the villa under the guidance of the servant, and walked directly into the somewhat noisy banquet hall.

The situation in the banquet hall was as expected by Leo. Most of the people attending the banquet stood together according to their clothes and identities. Only a few of them were mixed together, forming a natural division of factions, which can be seen at a glance. The ideology and status of the group of people.

The moment Leo entered the banquet hall, the conversation in the hall stopped unanimously. Everyone looked at the protagonist of this banquet, and these sights formed a natural pressure and rushed towards Leo. , Although Eric next to Leo is not the center of pressure, he can also feel the pressure. This pressure makes him feel uncomfortable, which makes him instinctively slow down and open up with Leo. A little distance, and hid his figure beside Leo.

Because most of everyone’s eyes were directed at Leo, no one noticed Eric’s evasive action, but the manor Staf, who was Eric’s direct superior and recommender, couldn’t help frowning, obviously. Dissatisfied with Eric's performance.

However, soon everyone's attention shifted away, and the hall was restored to its previous state, but the voice of everyone was much lower.

Eric walked out from behind Leo at this time, brought Leo in front of Staf, and said, "Mr. Leo, let me introduce to you, this..."

"Let me do it myself..." Staf raised his hand and gestured to Eric, and then proactively reached out to Leo and said: "Staff Tarrant, the president and president of Marvel Mainland Magazine Editor-in-chief."

"Leo Dodd." Leo shook the opponent's hand and simply reported a name, without mentioning his specific other identities.

After hearing Leo’s self-introduction, Staf was stunned, because among the people he knew, even the most down-and-out scholars would take the initiative to add some titles, and no matter how bad they were, they would say where they came from, such as so-and-so. Someone in the land, but like Leo, who only said his name, it was the first time I met him.

After the surprise, Staf quickly returned to normal and smiled and said: "In fact, I wanted to meet Mr. Leo a long time ago. You published an article in my magazine some time ago, which caused quite a stir. ."

"Movement? It should be a controversy!" Leo said with a smile: "I heard that the complaint letters caused by my article are full of your office, and the staff took a day to clean it up."

Staf re-examined Leo, because the incident Leo mentioned was not a public matter.

As Leo said, after Marvel Mainland magazine published Leo’s article, it did cause a lot of controversy. For incomplete articles, if the entire article were to be published, I am afraid that the church would have sent someone to his office instead of just some questioning letters directly delivered by dissatisfied readers.

Staf had already anticipated that this would happen, so he arranged two magazine staff to deal with the letters of questioning and complaints. Since the morning, these letters have not stopped. It was not done until the end of get off work at night, as Leo said, it took a day to clean up.

However, this matter is only known to the people inside the magazine, and even if the staff of the magazine inadvertently reveal the matter to people around them, this matter cannot be spread too widely, let alone spread to Lei. In O’s ears, Leo now showed him that he knew about this. Then there was only one possibility, that is, Leo was monitoring the magazine, so he knew the situation of the magazine very well.

Just when Staf was suspicious of Leo’s seemingly unintentional words, Leo seemed to be able to see through the other’s mind, and without waiting for the other to ask, he took the initiative to reveal the answer, saying: "This matter is me. My wife told me that my wife’s name is Sylvia Belmont."

"Sylvia Belmont?" Staf couldn't help but hesitate when he heard the strange name. He didn't think Leo was introducing his wife to himself. Obviously there were other reasons, so he quickly remembered This name, and also looked at Leo with surprise.

Although Sylvia used various means to control the underground intelligence organization of Cape West Point Harbor in a short time, the fact that UU Read became the underground queen, most ordinary people did not know, but Star People with this level of identity are not among ordinary people. He has known a queen from the underground intelligence organization of West Point Yangjiao Port for a long time, and he also knows the name of this queen, as for other information. Clear.

However, he knew very well that neither the church, nor the dignitaries of Cape West End Port, and even those anti-aristocratic organizations, did not want the underground intelligence organization of Cape West End Port to be controlled by one person, so he also dealt with this person during this time. The underground queen launched a series of attacks, and the results were all easily resolved by the underground queen without exception, and even counterattacked to the key points of these forces, so that these forces did not dare to act rashly. To a certain extent, it was a tacit understanding. The queen's rule over the underground intelligence organization.

However, now the newcomer who is about to become a new member of the research club and who is most likely to become the core of the organization in the future even said that the queen is his wife. If this matter is true, then Staf must be re-examined. The other party's value and ability are no longer considered purely as a scholar of knowledge.

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