The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1457: Mystery and Human Body Research Association

In the office of the president of Staf Surprise Continental Magazine, Staf, as the president, has been completely attracted by the research materials in his hands. For this reason, he rejected all the visitors, just to read it with concentration. Manuscript.

Although Staf Surprise Dalu is just a magazine that publishes some occult journals that satisfy ordinary people’s curiosity and hobbies. In the words of the college’s arrogant people, it’s a non-traditional stall, but Staf, the president of the magazine. With another extraordinary identity, he is a reviewer for the Society of Mystery and Human Body Research.

The Society of Mystery and Human Body Research is a semi-public society that specializes in occultology and human body research under the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge. It has a branch and has a lot of influence.

The research society publishes a mystery and human body magazine in different colleges every month. The content of the magazine is mainly academic articles related to mysticism and human body science.

However, due to some restrictions, the published academic articles do not involve many occult content, most of which are related to academics such as archaeology and history. As for the anthropological articles, most of them are related to medicine and interpretation. There are not many academic articles on science and even human aesthetics.

As one of the main internal members, Staf knows very well that the reason why the research society publishes this basically unprofitable academic journal every month is mainly to screen and find suitable new members, and he is the reviewer. The task of the manuscript is to find new people who have the potential to become partners and who will not cause trouble to the research meeting from the countless submissions.

Although this matter seems simple, in fact there are very few results. In the past few decades as a reviewer, fewer than 20 newcomers have been discovered through his hands. Fortunately, these people eventually All passed the review of the research group and became a full member of the research group.

Among the many reviewers of the research group, Staf was lucky, because the religious atmosphere of the Port of Western Cape was not as strong as in the central, northern and eastern regions of the mainland. Oceanic port, so here often come into contact with some new ideas of the New World from ocean sailors, so that the overall atmosphere of the port is more enlightened, rather than conservative, a lot more tolerant of all kinds of things, so he published some more Online articles will not encounter too many difficulties or dangers.

Those reviewers in areas with a strong religious atmosphere are not so lucky. Although these reviewers have some self-protection because of their own identity or the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge, they still need to be carefully reviewed. For any publicly published article, recruiting new members is a hundred times more demanding than in other regions.

Because the new members recruited by reviewers have been recruited more than once in the past, they are heretical hunters of a conservative church. After this heretical hunter became a member of the research society, he collected a lot of information about the members of the research society and some involved church heretics. His behavior was then caught, and the members involved in these handles were either hunted down as heretics or caught up directly and lit a torch in the public square.

"Is there a problem with this manuscript?" In the office, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar saw Staf carefully read the manuscript in his hand, then put it on the table, lost in thought, and couldn't help asking.

It’s no wonder that middle-aged people will be like this, because he pushed this manuscript and the author of the manuscript is also valued by him. He plans to recommend it to the research society at the next meeting and recruit him as a new member.

For these reviewers, reviewing manuscripts of academic journals is only a secondary task, recruiting new members is their primary task, and each time a new member is successfully recruited, the reviewers can get more rewards. The reviewers who have successfully recruited nearly 20 new members like Staf have almost no less power in the research group than the person in charge of a region, and the annual bonus amount is also very amazing, and they can almost maintain an extremely luxurious life. NS.

The middle-aged man named Eric Jonson was also recommended by Staf to join the research group. Unfortunately, his talents are limited. In addition to some sufficiently compelling results in human research in the early days, he has been in the study for more than two decades. There is no more achievements, but he still used his early research results to become the chief tutor of the planing studies at the Western Cape College, and he also became a reviewer of the research committee.

Just like his work as a mentor, his work as a reviewer was lackluster, and he didn’t have much achievements, and he didn’t get any results in discovering new people. This also made him feel anxious, so much so that he found a good job. After discovering the new member, I can't wait to find Staf, hoping to use Staf's experience to judge the goodness of this new member.

"Although most of the content of the article is based on conjectures based on public information, these conjectures are not unfounded, and if he only used these public information to complete the speculation that the entire ancient kingdom knight had a human body modification, Then he can definitely be regarded as a genius." While making his evaluation, Staf took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Eric. Take a look at the excavation report of the tomb group!"

Eric took the document and flipped through it quickly, and the expression on his face was gradually replaced by shock. He couldn't wait to get up and pick up the academic manuscript and compare it with the document in his hand before reading the document. .

"Are you shocked too?" Seeing Eric's expression, Staf smiled, got up and walked to the wine cabinet, poured a glass of wine for himself and the middle-aged man, and said.

"Almost exactly the same!" Eric put down the documents in his hand, took the wine glass that Staff handed over, and drank the wine in one sip, only to suppress the shock in his heart, and then he said with a little doubt: "He will Not in advance..."

"Impossible!" Staf shook his head, and said: "The excavation site was tightly protected, and no church had contacted it. The report was also sent to me through a special channel. Fewer than ten people in the entire seminar have seen this. A report.” As he said, he paused and said, “It seems that you have really found a genius. The only thing that needs to be determined now is whether there is a problem with his identity. If there is no problem, you will be at the next meeting. Bring him here! By the way, you haven't said who this person is, do I know him?"

Eric replied: "You should know him, but you may be unfamiliar. It was at the banquet last night..."

Before he finished speaking, Staf appeared in a daze, and said, "Oh, is that the foreign scholar who argued with Neymar?"

"Yes, he is a foreigner who has just come to settle in Cape West. He claims to have studied at the School of the Principality of Rhodes in the Central Kingdom area. He does have an accent from the Central Kingdom area. There is no branch, so it is impossible to investigate whether the identity he said is true or false, but..." Eric said, he hesitated a little, and said: "But I think the identity he said should be true, even if I go to investigate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the investigation, but his own identity does not come from the Central Kingdom region as he said."

"What do you say?" Staf asked.

"Because I overheard him saying a New World proverb in the New World Ottoman language." Eric said proudly: "You should know the depth of my research in the Ottoman Federation, if it is not for church prohibition. In terms of the penalty law, I can even publicly declare that in terms of the degree of understanding of the Otter Federation, there are no more than ten people in the entire Source Continent who can compare with me. I can be very sure that the Otter Federation language spoken by that person is very pure, I The authenticity mentioned is not the very official official Haute Federal language, but the pure Haute Federal with a local accent."

Like other scholars who have come into contact with the study of church taboos, Staf has also longed for the Otter Federation for many years. He believes that it must be a paradise for scholars. His wish is to be able to go to the Otter Federation and let himself be buried before his death. On that land without a church, it's a pity that he can't let go of what he has now, and travel across oceans to a strange new world.

There is a box in his drawer filled with the tickets he bought. When almost every ocean-going ship heading to the New World berthed at the Port of Cape West, he couldn’t help but buy a ticket, but I have never had the courage to use it, and over time it has filled several boxes.

So after listening to Eric's words, Staf immediately showed a keen interest, and couldn't help asking: "Do you suspect that he is from the Otter Federation?"

Eric nodded, and then said: "I have tested him with the scale of truth, and I have not found any characteristics of the church in him. On the contrary, there is a taboo on his wrist, and the scale of truth is also It is impossible to determine what the contraindication is, and the feedback information is beyond the scope of analysis, just and..."

"It's the same as the origin, isn't it?" Staf asked excitedly at once.

Eric nodded and admitted: "According to my judgment, even if it is not an origin, it will never be worse. The church will never take out such taboos, and people who know the church will never Bringing this level of taboos directly in their hands, so only people who know nothing about it will do this kind of thing. I can think of only those who have never been in contact with the church. This fatal error of common sense."

"Yes, you make sense." Staf poured himself another glass of wine, and after drinking it, he made a decision and said: "Tomorrow I will hold a small gathering of occult and human enthusiasts at home, except for looking for In addition to some amateurs who contributed articles in my magazine, other people will be called in. Then you will bring him over. All of us will review his condition. As long as there is no problem, you will be in the next meeting. As a recommender, recommend him to the seminar!"

After hearing the words, Eric knew that his purpose had been achieved, and he did not stay in Staf’s office any more. He got up and left Staf’s magazine, got into the carriage waiting at the door, and said to the coachman. After arriving at a place, he hurried towards the direction of the college.

Soon the carriage came to the entrance of a street on the edge of the medical campus and stopped. After Eric got off the car, he walked in and went directly to a central kingdom-style tavern not far from the entrance.

Because it was the ancient times during the day, the tavern looked a little deserted, and only a few people were sitting by the window.

Eric glanced around in the tavern, and soon found his goal, and went straight to a small table by the window by the street, sitting opposite the person who was reading.

"Mr. Leo, your manuscript has been approved, and I would like to invite you to a gathering held by the president of the Mystery and Human Magazine, which is mainly a small gathering for enthusiasts who are interested in occult and anthropology. You can also use this to get to know folk fans. Although they cannot compare with you and me in terms of knowledge, they can often get some good things. It is not a bad thing to get in touch with them more."

Leo put down the book in his hand, then beckoned to the waiter, motioned to give Eric a glass of wine, and then said: "Professor Eric, I am indeed willing to attend such a gathering, but I am still not sure about the situation in Cape West. I don’t know very well. I don’t know if there is any danger in attending such a gathering. After all, occultism and anthropology can easily violate the taboos of the church.

Eric explained: "Please rest assured that this gathering will definitely not be in any danger, because then the dean of the Holy Prayer House will also be there. I think no one will accuse the dean of the Holy Prayer House for attending. Is the gathering a heretical gathering?"

Leo didn't say anything else, and nodded: "In this case, I'm relieved."

Eric said again: "When the time comes, I will pick you up for the party."

Leo asked, "Do I need to prepare something?"

"You don't need to prepare anything, just go with your head and mouth." Eric made a joke, but he soon felt that the joke was a bit out of date, and he narrowed his smile, and continued to explain: "When the time comes, You may encounter some difficult questions from scholars, and you only need to answer them according to your ideas. You don't need to worry about anything."

"I see."

"If that's the case, then we'll see you later." Seeing that the matter has been notified, Eric stood up and prepared to leave, but when he stood up, he seemed to think of something and said: "Right, you didn't say that before Want to study the history of religion, but can't find enough detailed information?"

Leo admitted: "Yes, it is difficult to find information on the market, and most of the useful information on the academy is only available to tutors."

Eric said as if throwing a bait, "Mr. Staf, who held the meeting this time, is also an expert in religious history. He has collected a first edition of theological encyclopedia in his home. It is the best on the market. Good research materials on religious history, if you can pass the review and test, then you have the opportunity to borrow that set of books."


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