The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1426: Trouble with Hareza

"Didn't you already know the effect? ​​You still need to ask?" Sylvia said to the couple with a hint of jokes.

The Barbarisas didn't care about Sylvia's tone. What they were thinking of were all sorts of weird problems in their lives over the years and some chilling weird incidents that happened around them.

But Leo did not focus on Sylvia at the moment, and he looked at her up and down, prompting: "You seem to have been affected by his mental power. You have been somewhat targeted since just now. mood."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia was a little displeased and wanted to refute, but before she could say her words, she realized that she was emotionally abnormal. After some introspection, she nodded and said: It was affected, and it was able to amplify a certain part of my emotions silently. I was unaware of the whole process. This ability is really weird."

Leo's conversation with Sylvia also attracted the attention of the Barbarissas, and they realized that they could not help but pay more attention to the content of their conversation.

Leo stopped selling at this time, and directly explained Barbarissa's current situation to the couple opposite, saying: "The things that are implanted in your brain can stimulate a powerful mental power, and this mental power can do it. You should also be very clear about what happened. For example, in the daytime, in order to save your child, you used this power to block the falling cable buckle. This is just a manifestation of your ability, and you may also use your ability to fight When others negotiate or trade, affect others’ emotions, etc. These are all things that this ability can do. As for how many things this ability can do, and how powerful it can evolve in the end, I am also I don’t know, I can only say that its potential is unknown."

Hearing Leo’s praise of pure mental power, the worry in the eyes of the Barbarisas seemed to have diminished a lot, replaced by another emotion called excitement.

In the past, they did not know the details of this ability, and they could not control this ability freely. They were afraid and worried about possible unknown dangers such as harm to family members, etc., but now they know from Leo’s mouth. After gaining the strength of this ability, the resistance in their hearts to this ability has also faintly weakened, and even they think that their family status and wealth are more or less related to this ability.

Especially in some key transactions and negotiations, as Leo said, the originally difficult negotiations and transactions were easily resolved by Barbarisa. He also gained a lot of benefits and fame from the negotiations. Memories made him repeatedly show up in his mind the various benefits of controlling this power, and his fear has weakened again.

However, Leo’s next words pulled the couple back from the fantasy, only to hear him continue to say: "You have gained a lot of benefits from this power, and you want to continue to have this power, but The premise is that this power belongs to your Lord Barbarossa. You seem to have forgotten those situations where your body is controlled after you lose your consciousness. You don’t even know what bad things the people who manipulated your body did at the time. In addition, your power The emotions that affect the people around you are also uncontrollable. Since you can affect the feelings and dislikes of other people towards you, you can naturally also affect the emotions of love. You and your wife..."

Barbarissa heard Leo's words so excessive, and immediately interrupted angrily: "Enough, don't say it! My wife and I truly love each other, not affected by power, and my wife has never..."

As he said, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at his wife Vera, wanting to ask something, but he couldn't ask.

At this time, Vera seemed to have thought of something, her face became extremely pale, and her eyes looked at her husband with more panic and guilt.

After the eyes of the two met, one got a confirmed answer and the other got a tacit guess. Both of them invariably shifted and realized, and their faces were full of indescribable strange emotions.

Seeing the two of them, Leo gave a suggestion: "It seems that it is not suitable to continue the conversation. I think we can end this conversation and wait for you to solve your problems and stabilize your emotions before coming to talk to us. Talk about the next thing."

Hearing Leo’s suggestion, the couple didn’t say anything. They stood up quickly and didn’t hold each other’s hands like just now. Instead, they fled the room in a panic, as if Leo and the others. There is something terrible monster in his room.

Just after the couple left, Sylvia looked up and down Leo with an inexplicable look, and said, "You are also affected."

Leo nodded and said, "Although he has tried his best to restrain himself, there is still an urge to trouble him."

Sylvia frowned and said, "Although he has not received special training, does not know how to control, and cannot control his own power, from the perspective of his past, his power will be instinctive when uncontrollable. It’s the right way to protect him, or make a beneficial influence on him. Shouldn’t it just be to influence us to have a good impression of him? This is the right way to help him solve the problem, and why does it make us hate and reject their couple? What about emotions?"

Leo thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps the impact just now was not led by Barbarisa, but the protection mechanism that the person who can control him stays in the Ability-like cells, as long as someone tries to uncover the Ability-like cells. The secret inside helps Barbarisa to solve the problem, it affects the other party’s emotions and makes the other person disgusted, so that he will not keep Barbarissa. So over the years, he has searched for so many people with extraordinary powers, and even looked for it. The popes of some churches have never been able to solve their own problems."

Sylvia nodded when he heard the words, agreed with this point of view, and then asked, "What should I do next?"

Leo shrugged and said, "What else can we do, wait for their mood to recover! I hope this time will not be too long."

Obviously Leo underestimated the impact of his nasty speculation on the loving couple, Barbarisa. They did not leave their cabin for several days, and even their pair of children who liked to play had also changed. It has to be a lot quieter. Although the children are still young and not of sensible age, they can also feel that something has happened between their parents.

Neither Leo nor Sylvia went to find out what the situation of the couple is now. They now have more important things to be busy with. After daily training with Joanne and Petunia, they concentrate on preparing for use. To deal with Daru's things, for this reason they didn't even get off the boat when the ship docked on some famous pirate islands.

For Captain Hareza, it is a very good thing that the passengers on the ship are not interested in famous attractions, because he does not have to stay on those pirate islands for too long, and he can set off the ship immediately after completing the supply, which saves money. In order to check the time, he can complete this commissioned task in a shorter time.

Although, since the voyage, the voyage has been extremely smooth during this period of time, not only did not encounter any bad weather, but even the sea breeze was downwind, which allowed him to sail with sails, thereby reducing the use of steam engines and saving a lot of money. Fuel costs.

But this smooth sailing did not bring him any good mood, because he always felt that something big would happen these days, and the last time he had such a strong feeling of anxiety was when he was rounded up by more than a dozen anti-smuggling boats. At that time, he was almost arrested that time. If he was really arrested, he would have to be hanged waiting for him, so this uneasy mood represented that he might encounter life-threatening things.

Life-threatening things in the sea are nothing more than the same. The same is the severe weather such as sea storms. For this reason, Hareza prays to Daru, the patron saint of his faith, and he chooses when sailing. The route is also as close as possible to the various islands of the Pirate Bay island chain, so that when a storm occurs, a suitable island can be found in time to avoid the storm.

The second kind is pirates. Although the Pirate Bay island chain is patrolled by warships from various countries all year round, there are still a lot of pirates hidden here. These pirates are just normal fishermen during the day, and they will pick up weapons at night. Loot the targets selected during the day.

Although Hereza is also a part-time pirate of this type, he has no friendship with those guys. Once he is targeted, he will still be robbed. So when he docks on some special pirate islands, he also buys them through the local black market. He had some weapons that were sufficiently defensive, and for this reason, Barbarisa’s bodyguards almost had some misunderstanding.

In addition, he will use some special channels to inquire about the various dynamics of The Pirate Bay to avoid possible dangers.

However, what he didn't expect was that even if he had tried his best to arrange the route and be prepared, the trouble that should come would still come by himself.

As usual, Hareza found an informant in the Pirate Bay to inquire about the recent situation in The Pirate Bay, but unlike the previous few times, this time the other party gave him a very bad news.

"Isn't that guy dead?" Heresa cursed angrily: "This guy is like a mad dog. He just robbed him of a cargo and chased me for more than ten years."

The informant on the side did not pay attention to Heresa’s anger, and continued: “The news I heard is that although you sank his ship at the beginning, he did not seem to be injured. On an isolated island, he was later rescued by a passing ship, and he also found the head of the legendary battleship Siren on that isolated island. You should know how important that thing is to the Navy of the Kingdom of Belan, so he relied on that piece Breaking the wood, instead of being held accountable, was promoted instead. This time he was a Rear Admiral. It is said that there were five warships brought out, and he already knew your location, and now he took the fleet to Nightingale Island. Obviously I am preparing to intercept you in the waters of the Black Reef."

Heresa's face became extremely gloomy. If he wanted to take the church route, the Black Reef must pass through. Otherwise, he would need to detour to the depths of the God's Domain, which is no different from dying.

The Black Reef is famous for its dangerous reefs. Its range extends from the coastline to the depths of the Sea of ​​Gods, cutting off the Pirate Bay island chain and the Sea of ​​Freedom.

In the past many years, the Black Reef waters were considered impassable, until some daring pirates were entrenched here, avoiding the pursuit of the navies of various countries, and after years of exploration, two safe routes were found. Now this The two routes are not controlled by anyone, and any vessel can pass through the two routes, so some people call them free routes.

Although the route is not controlled by any country, the several supply islands on the route that can dock ships are in the hands of the Daruda Church. However, the Daruda Church treats all ships sailing at sea equally, whether it is a pirate ship or a naval warship. They will not be rejected by the Daru Church, and they can get supplies on those islands, so on these two routes, pirate ships and the warships chasing them can often be seen on the same dock at the same time. It is interesting to receive supplies. Scenes.

Because the terrain of the Black Reef is complex and suitable for ambushes, a large number of pirates are staring at the ships on these two routes, looking for opportunities to start.

After receiving the informant fee, the informant was ready to leave, but stopped again, and said, "Send you an extra message. One-eyed Walker, Old Cardinals, and Black Spots are going to join forces for a big deal. If I If it's you, don't take the free route during this time."

Hereza was stunned after hearing this, because the few people mentioned by the informant were big pirates who were still very active now. Everyone had seven or eight ships, which was much stronger than part-time pirates like him.

However, these big pirates suddenly unite now, and it is clear that their target is definitely a fat sheep.

Hereza, who was curious, couldn't help asking: "Who is their goal?"

"Kakilan's gold ship." The informant said an answer that made Hareza's heartbeat fiercely.

Kakilan is a maritime power in the Old World, UU Reading www. was also the first country to respond to the Great Migration, and to this day, they are also one of the few countries that still have colonies in the New World.

Kakilan is very famous throughout the world. The reason why it is famous is not because of the country’s powerful fleet, but because of the country’s good fortune. Kakilan has four gold mines in the colony of the New World, and these four gold mines The mining volume occupies the top several gold mines in the New World, and its reserves are said to be able to continue mining for thousands of years.

It is precisely because of this that Kakilan's gold ship is regarded as a symbol of wealth. For pirates, as long as they successfully grab a gold ship, they will get wealth that they can't spend their entire lives.

However, although countless people have fixed their eyes on the gold transport ship, few people can successfully grab it in the end.

Because every gold transport ship of Kakilan will be protected by Kakilan's gold fleet, every warship in this fleet is sea monster level, basically no fleet can attack the golden fleet from the front. defense.

"Do they want to commit suicide?" Heresa, who knew how strong the Golden Fleet was, asked in a puzzled way.

The informant replied: "I don't know the specific situation, but I know that they seem to have obtained a secret weapon that can eliminate the Golden Fleet."

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