After listening to Barbarisa's narrative, Leo's first thought was that Barbarisa was schizophrenic.

In his opinion, Barbarissa may have split out another completely independent personality because of the painful memory of his baby, and let this personality bear all the pain in that memory for him, and that personality was originally just A sub-personality, but under the constant torment of painful memories, it began to evolve, and finally evolved into a master personality, and began to attack Barbarissa’s body, trying to completely eliminate Barbarissa’s personality and occupy Barbarissa’s body. .

But that is the case when a normal person has abnormal mentality. Barbarisa is not a normal person. With his brain and mental power, there is absolutely no such thing as a split personality.

If it did appear, then he would have died long ago, because without a stable and firm brain consciousness, it is impossible to have stable mental power. Once the brain consciousness is out of control, then the mental power produced by it will first be lost. The brain is destroyed.

Leo denied the speculation of schizophrenia, and at the same time confirmed to Barbarisa: "Are you sure you can remember everything that happened to you since the fetus?"

"Yes." Barbarisa thought about it seriously, then nodded affirmatively.

Leo turned towards Barbarisa very seriously and said: "In this case, then you have carefully said the 23rd, 30th, 34th and 50th bedwetting. The more detailed the content, the more detailed it is. Well, for example, what did you think at the time, what was around you, who helped you change the diaper, what was your feeling, what happened after you changed the diaper, in short, as long as you remember it, you Say it all, don’t miss a bit."

"Ah?" Barbarisa was completely stunned. He didn't expect Leo to make such a request, which made him wonder how to respond for a while.

"Is this related to my husband's physical problems?" Vera on the side also didn't understand Leo's meaning at all, but felt that it was humiliating the couple.

"Of course it is." Sylvia instantly understood Leo's meaning when Leo asked the question, so she explained to Leo: "This can test whether your husband's baby memories are true."

Vera wanted to say something, but was held down by Barbarisa. He signaled to his wife that he was okay, and then responded seriously. According to Leo’s request, he carefully checked the four bedwetting processes. It was said in detail, and even the weather outside the window and the color of the leaves were spoken in detail.

After listening to Barbarisa's narration, Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other, and there was an inexplicable smile on their faces.

Seeing the smiles of Leo and Sylvia, the sensitive Barbarisa seemed to be aware of something and hurriedly asked, "Is there a problem with my memory?"

"Recall what you said carefully for yourself." Leo did not give a positive answer, but prompted.

After Barbarisa heard it, he recalled it very seriously, but he did not find any problems, but he did not continue to ask Leo, instead he told his wife what he had in his memory again. My wife analyzes it from the perspective of an onlooker.

At first, Vera didn’t think there was any problem with her husband’s memory, but as she heard about the thirtieth bedwetting experience, the feeling of listening to these things with a scrutiny mindset and the feeling of listening to these things for the first time were completely Not the same, she began to feel that something was wrong. After knowing that her husband had retelled what she had said before, her face also showed a confused look. It was obvious that she should have heard the problem.

"How is it? Vera, did you find any problems?" Barbarissa, as the client, still didn't feel any problems with what he said, but he also saw the clues from his wife's expression.

Vera hesitated for a while, nodded, and said, "These things you are telling seem to be the same script, but the props in the script, such as clothes, furniture, people changing clothes, and the weather, are different, but other things are different. The content is the same, even the expression of the person who changed your clothes and your mentality are the same, without any change."

When Barbarisa heard the words, the whole person was plunged into contemplation. He recalled those memories again, and this time he was suspicious, and brought Vera's narration into it, and soon he found his memory Abnormalities in.

"Coincidence, this may be a coincidence!" Barbarisa couldn't help muttering to himself, and then he started from the beginning to recall his memories of his infancy. This time his suspicion goal became clearer, and he soon discovered the anomaly. , Such as bedwetting, basically the same script is put in every year, and other things are similar, but sometimes the order will be disrupted, for example, the content of his parents’ conversation in front of him will be irregular. The way he said the same content, the reason why he discovered this was that he had a memory of three days in a row. His parents said the same thing in front of him, without changing a word, and the tone was the same.

Moreover, he also found that this situation continued until he became an adult, and his memory after he became an adult, or after his serious illness, was normal.

When Barbarisa recalled, Leo and Sylvia didn’t bother him. They almost guessed what was going on, while Vera watched with concern the rapid changes on her face and sweat on her forehead. Her husband, she can realize how chaotic her husband’s emotions are at the moment.

After about an hour, Barbarisa seemed to recall all his past memories, and then he heard him slowly narrate his findings, and after speaking, he asked in a deep voice: "I am an adult Is the previous memory fake?"

"It should be." Leo nodded.

Barbarisa wondered: "But why can my family correspond to my memories? For example, when I was injured when I was a child, I said it at a family gathering, and they can also prove it."

"Because they just feel that they know it, they don't really know it." Sylvia explained: "Anyone has a vague impression of something as common as a child's injury. Just listen to it. When it arrives, it will first subconsciously think that there is this incident, and then recall the details of the incident. As long as the response to the details affects your family’s thinking, the vague impression will deepen, so that they will not go to the slightest details. , I will only think that this matter is true, and this memory will be covered in the original memory. The next time you talk about it, or when someone else talks about it, you will not have any doubts, but will only think it is true."

"There will be such a thing?" Barbarisa instinctively felt that what Sylvia said was true, but he was also a little confused, and asked: "Madam, you just said that someone affected my family. Thinking, who will be who, and how does it affect?"

Sylvia did not answer, but looked at Barbarisa with Leo.

At first Barbarisa didn't understand what was going on, but as his wife Vera beside him also saw something from the movements of Leo and his wife, he realized when he turned his head to look at him.

Barbarisa pointed to himself and confirmed: "Is that person me? I am affecting my family?"

"Yes." Leo nodded and said: "If you recall carefully, you should be able to think of this."

Barbarisa heard the words and seriously recalled it, and found that it was exactly as Leo said. When he mentioned something about his childhood at a family gathering, his parents, housekeeper and others began to face. The look on Shang was a little puzzled, but it was as if he had remembered it very quickly, and it was in line with his words, and then it became natural to mention the same thing again. This change is exactly the same as what Sylvia said. It was as if she was there at the time.

"Why is it like this?" Barbarissa asked after sitting on the sofa and taking a few deep breaths, calming down his emotions.

"This has to do with your body." Leo replied.

After speaking, he saw Leo call up the data indicator map about Barbarissa's brain on the universal recorder, and presented it in front of the Barbarissa couple in a three-dimensional image.

Although the universal recorder looks amazing, Barbarisa only regards this thing as a special artifact, and he has not seen anything more magical than that, so he did not pay too much attention to the universal recorder. The object he focuses on is the brain image projected by the universal recorder.

Barbarisa may not understand medicine such as planing, but he has been able to recognize that this is a human brain after experiencing battlefield battles, but he can’t see any abnormalities in this brain, he can only learn from Lei Ou's words and actions just now speculated that this brain may be his own brain.

Leo did not immediately explain. He continued to use the universal recorder to project another brain projection, except that this brain projection removed the normal brain after the exoplanet-like cells, then pointed to the two brains and said, "This is you. This is a normal brain, you can compare it yourself."

Although Barbarisa didn’t know what method Leo used to control his brain without hurting himself, he didn’t doubt whether the brain projection was true or false, because when he saw the projection, there was a A very strange feeling, this feeling made him sure that the projection was real.

Because of this, he thought that Leo might be able to solve the problems that had troubled him for many years, so when Leo made a request, he also did it very seriously, analyzing the differences between the two brains.

Although the Ability-like cells were perfectly integrated into Barbarisa's brain, they looked like a stain clinging to the wall. It was very obvious, and Barbarisa quickly found it out.

"What is this? Why is there this thing in my brain?" Barbarisa asked, pointing at the Ability-like cell.

"This thing is the source of all kinds of abnormal conditions in your body. The supernormal power you have, your frequent confusion, etc., are all derived from it." Leo explained briefly and said: "In addition, This is not something you were born with, it was implanted."

Although Barbarisa had some guesses after discovering the Ability-like Cells, he was still shocked after he got the definite answer, and he hadn't recovered from sitting on the sofa for a long time.

"Who is it? Who implanted this thing in my husband's brain? A god? Or a demon?" Vera asked in a hurry while calming her husband's emotions.

"Gods and demons don't have so much energy to care about a mortal's situation. Only people care about people." Sylvia looked at Barbarissa, who needed his wife to calm her to stabilize her emotions, and said: "You remember carefully. It’s not difficult to find out who did all of this at a glance. Think about when all of this originated."

"After my serious illness in adulthood." Barbarisa took a few deep breaths and quickly answered.

In fact, when Leo reminded him that his memories of fetuses, babies, toddlers, etc. had problems and were false memories, he had vaguely felt that those false memories were the serious illness that began in adulthood, and now he hopes Elvia's guidance only made him more sure of his guess.

Leo asked, "Do you remember who the person who treated you was?"

There was a look of doubt on Barbarisa’s face. He opened his mouth and said nothing. It was not that he didn’t want to say, but that he didn’t know what to say. UU read because he didn’t remember to treat himself. Who is the sick person, but there is such a person in his memory, and he even feels that he is very familiar with this person, but he just thinks about it, but can't remember anything.

This is obviously very abnormal. Barbarisa knew that just after finishing the New Year's ceremony, he had a serious illness. The serious illness was so serious that almost everyone thought he could not make it through, even his parents. Started preparing for his funeral.

But then, a doctor from abroad appeared. The doctor recommended to his parents a special medicine that had just been produced abroad. This special medicine saved him from the brink of death. Then the doctor He became his personal doctor in charge of treating him, and he did not leave until he was completely cured, which lasted almost half a year.

No matter how unfamiliar foreigners are, they will become mature after half a year in close quarters. Their name and appearance should be remembered clearly. But now Barbarisa has pulled himself back from the edge of death for this, and The person who took care of him personally for half a year has no memory, only a vague impression, remembering such a person.

"Is it him?" Barbarisa's face had become extremely gloomy. After a moment of silence, he asked Leo: "It was he who put this kind of thing into my mind by giving me the opportunity to treat the illness. ?"

Leo did not answer this question that no longer needed to be answered.

As a wife, Vera wanted to determine another thing more than chasing out who caused her husband's physical abnormality, so she asked: "Does this have any bad effect on my husband? "

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