The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1427: Tagash's prediction

Heresa returned to his favorite number, and immediately summoned his most powerful subordinates, and then told everyone what he had obtained. After listening, everyone couldn't help talking, each with his own ideas.

"Tell me, tell me what you guys think." Heresa raised his hand to signal the crowd to calm down, and then asked in a deep voice.

"How else can we think about such a big thing?" Sailor Captain Morrison exclaimed with excitement: "Those old guys are all treacherous and cunning. Unless you have full confidence, how could it be so? Let out the news about the gold ship with great fanfare. We can follow behind and find a chance to make a fortune. That's a gold ship!"

If one of Helesa’s men wants to stay on top of himself, then Captain Morrison is well-deserved. Every time Helesa wants to be a pirate, he is extremely active, smuggling something in his eyes. It's too embarrassing, only being a pirate is the most glorious cause.

Everyone at the scene knew what Morrison’s character was, so no one took his words seriously. Hereza also signaled Morrison to calm down, then looked at others, and finally fell on them. The most inconspicuous one-eyed Tagash was on him, and everyone else looked at Tagash, waiting for him to talk about his thoughts first.

Tagash took out a piece of dried leaf from his pocket without hesitation, and took out some weird things from different pockets around his waist. There were some reptiles’ air-dried heads and some hairs from unknown sources. , And some papers with weird patterns, followed him to wrap these in dry leaves, and made a small walnut-sized package.

Then I saw Tagash holding this small package with both hands and placing it under his nose while muttering words in his mouth. Then I saw a plume of smoke overflowing from the palm of his hand, turning into wisps of smoke. It got into his nose like an earthworm.

At this moment, Tagash’s eyes began to become blurred, and his pupils gradually disappeared, leaving only the whites of his eyes. The whole figure seemed to have entered a state of sleepwalking, his body was shaking violently involuntarily, and blue veins appeared around the eye sockets. come out.

The people around them all held their breath at this moment and dared not make any noise. Although this was not the first time they had seen Tagash using this ability, they still felt a sense of inexplicable fear.

"Ah!" Just when everyone thought that Tagash would end his ability as before, and then told everyone the result, Tagash suddenly let out a scream, and then saw his only eyeball burst directly in his eye socket. Opening, the blood mixed with the fragments of the eyeball splashed out from the eye socket.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them. They didn't expect this to happen. At this moment, Heresa woke up in time and hurriedly asked: "One-eyed, what happened just now, how could your eyes..."

"Head, don't be nervous, it's not the first time. Haven't you seen it once? It's just that one eyeball is missing. The nickname has changed from one-eyed to blind, and nothing else has changed." When everyone was nervous and shocked, Tagash seemed very calm, and even made a small joke. It was just that everyone couldn't laugh at all when they saw the blood still flowing out of their eye sockets.

At this moment, Hareza suddenly remembered something because of Tagash's words, his face became extremely pale, and he said in a deep voice, "You see God fighting again?"

As soon as Hereza's voice fell, the room became quiet. Everyone seemed to be awakened from the same memory, and all of them looked at Tagash, even the unhearted sailor Mo Lisen also held his breath, looking nervous.

Although many years have passed, they still remember how Tagash's eye was lost, and that memory is also a memory that they will never forget in their lifetime.

They were still pirates as their main business. During a looting of a merchant ship, they accidentally caused some unnecessary casualties. Among the casualties was a big figure with a very high status in a certain country. As a result, they were killed by that country and its allies. The navy hunted down.

Heresa, who was in desperate situation, was not allowed to venture into the depths of the sea of ​​God's Realm to avoid the pursuers, but as a result, they encountered a huge storm on the second day of entering the sea of ​​God's Realm.

If only a huge storm arrived, it would not make the people on the petting ship desperate, but what really made them feel desperate was that the storm was caused by the battle between two gods, one of whom was Daru, who was well known by sea sailors. , And the other is a terrifying sea monster with the same strength as Daru.

At that time, the people who directly witnessed the real body of the gods mutated without exception, mutated into half-man, half-fish monsters. Only some of the people who wore the Daru holy emblem or other gods emblems on their bodies were still normal, but this does not mean that They are safe. In fact, the love number that is caught in the aftermath of the battle between the two gods is likely to be destroyed at any time.

In order to survive, Tagash, who was still a navigator at the time, had to pray to the mysterious existence he believed in, using special abilities to find a way out between two fiercely fighting gods.

As a result, they found a way out as they wished, and escaped from the sea that was shrouded in the aftermath of the battle of gods. Tagash also lost an eye because of watching the two gods for a long time, and the protection on their bodies was lost. , In order to avoid such things as the curse of the gods.

Now, Tagash lost another eye in front of them, and they immediately thought of the magical battle that was still fresh in their memory.

In the face of everyone’s questioning, Tagash did not answer directly. He just said after a moment of silence: “Those guys will succeed in the end. They will be able to grab the gold ship, but they will also fail and will be buried in the Black Reef. . We must participate because that is our only way to survive. If we do not participate, we will also be buried under the sea."

Hearing these vague responses from Tagash's questions, Hareza couldn't help but frowned, and then asked: "Can you make it clearer, how come these words sound like the false prophecies of the gods who fool the nobles? "

Tagash took out some powdered medicine, and asked his companion to put medicine on his eyes, and said very seriously: "This is a prophecy, and it has been said clearly enough, and if it is understood, then the prophecy will be useless. , Everything will go to the unknown, that is the worst for us."

Someone concluded: "That is to say, we must go to the black reef waters, and when the old guys attack the gold ship, we must take the black reef waters route, otherwise we will be in danger of sinking into the sea."

"Yes." Tagash nodded.

Someone wondered: "Why don't we do nothing, just stay here for a while, wait for the gold ship to pass, and then move on, there will be the danger of destruction?"

Tagash emphasized again: "I said that the road is the only way to survive, and the other choices are undoubtedly dead."

"I have to think about this. Everyone will leave first, but no matter how we choose, we must be prepared to deal with the worst." Heresa signaled that everyone could leave, and was concerned about Tagash. Asked: "Old man, you sure don't need to see some doctors, your condition feels terrible."

Tagash shook his head and said, "No, this is just a skin injury. It will be healed in a few days."

"But your eyes..." Heresa worried.

"This is actually a good thing for me. I lost this eye and I got more. In fact, I knew I would get so much. I should dig out the extra eye myself." Tagash said. Then, I saw him pick up a few things on the table next to him, and then threw them into the air like a juggler, catching them one by one.

If the person doing this kind of thing is an ordinary person, but the person in front of him who accurately catches every falling object is a blind man who has lost his eyes, this is what makes people shocked.

"Have you been promoted?" Heresa is very aware of the abilities of his old fellow, and he also knows that he has been looking for a way to break through his abilities, and now it seems that he has succeeded.

Tagash shook his head and said, "How can it be so easy to get promoted. If you can get promoted by digging two eyeballs, I would have dug it a long time ago. Now I just see the road ahead." With that, he stopped. , Did not intend to continue speaking, and then said to Hailesa with a serious look: "Head, you must think clearly this time, your choice is related to whether we can complete this route alive."

"Can't you give a clear answer? Always hiding like this!" Heresa stared at the old friend in front of him extremely dissatisfied.

"I have already given the advice that can be given. As I said, it will be troublesome if you give it again. This ship is yours, and you are the owner of this ship. You have chosen a different destiny for this. Everyone on the ship has chosen a different destiny. It is your responsibility as the captain.” After Tagash said a series of babbling words, he had no intention of continuing to talk to Hareza, and stepped out of the cabin door. Walking along the passage to the outer deck of the ship, no one can guess that he is a blind man from his keen movements to dodge the debris in the passage without looking at his front face.

Tagash, who left the captain’s meeting room, did not go to the infirmary or his own cabin, but went through the deck, climbed the stairs, entered the upper cabin area, and walked straight to the cabin where Leo and Sylvia were located. outside.

At this moment, he raised his hand to knock on the cabin door, but stopped midway, his face was hesitant and worried, as if the decision to knock on the cabin door would cause a big accident.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind. When he knocked on the door, the door opened by himself from the inside. Then Qiao Ann looked at him, or stared at his eyes with missing eyeballs, and said in surprise: "Really He is a blind man. I thought it was just a nickname. Doesn't it hurt for you to be injured like this? You really deserve to be a warrior on the sea. Is every pirate like you?"

Qiao An stood in the door like a very curious child, and asked Tagash about him, not caring what kind of trouble he caused to him.

However, after Tagash never answered, he stopped, shrugged his shoulders with a bored look, and did not say anything, just to get out of his body and let Tagash into the cabin.

After entering the cabin, Tagash seemed to be able to see it, bypassing the tables and chairs in the cabin, and came to Leo’s face, and then saluted Leo very solemnly, saying: "My lord’s messenger, your arrival…"

"You made a mistake!" Leo interrupted the other person before Tagash finished, then looked up and down the blind man who looked very vicissitudes of life in front of him, and said: "I am not the messenger of the eye of truth. , Even I’m still his enemy, his condensed consciousness clone was destroyed in my hands, and I stole his divine power, if he meets me, he will definitely fight against me, don’t kill me. give up."

Hearing Leo’s words, Targash showed a look of horror on his face. He never thought that it would be such a result. This was completely different from what he had foreseen. In his foresight, this had reality before his eyes. The people imprinted by the Eye of God are the messengers of the Eye of Reality, and they are also the key figures who lead them to successfully complete this death route and change their destiny.

But now the other party claims to be the enemy of the True Eye, and even caused serious damage to the True Eye. UU看书www. made him, a believer of True Eyes, unable to generate any other emotions except for fear and panic for a while.

"He is a believer of the True Eye in this world?" Sylvia didn't understand why Leo wanted to see the navigator on the ship at first, but now that she understood the identity of the other party, she immediately felt a little surprised and wondered: " The Eye of Truth is still alive? Hasn't he been cut?"

"I don't know exactly what the real eye is, but he should be alive. Otherwise, the Ability God cells made from his body will definitely decay together and will not function properly." Leo explained, and then looked at Tagash with curiosity, and said: "What really surprised me is that he is still able to preach, and he also has senior clergy who can really use divine power and magic. Maybe he might be out of trouble."

"Get out of trouble? In such a world?" Sylvia said mockingly: "It's just going from one small cage to another."

"I'm very curious about your experience. How did you become a believer of True Eye, and how did you obtain his magical powers. Can you tell me about it?" Leo leaned on the sofa and motioned to Joan. Bring a chair over, let Tagash sit down, and say, "If what you say is valuable to me, I don’t mind hearing why you came to me, and see if I can help you. what do you think?"

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